Export advisory notices
We use export advisory notices (EANs) as a notification tool for live animal and animal reproductive material exports.
EANs provide information on:
- upcoming changes that may impact live export process or standards
- recently implemented regulatory changes
- items open for consultation
- other information or notifications.
We publish any ongoing requirements on relevant web pages.
Latest notices
To access EANs issued prior to 2023 see the National Library of Australia’s TROVE archive.
If you have difficulty accessing these files, please visit web accessibility for assistance.
Previously we used EANs to inform stakeholders of regulatory requirements. We are continuing to move information from EANs that are still current onto our website. As we move this information to the relevant location, we will update this list.
If you have difficulty accessing these files, please visit web accessibility for assistance.
Market access notices
We use market access notices (MANs) to inform stakeholders of market access information related to live animal and animal reproductive exports.
MANs may contain information:
- relevant to specific export markets
- on market sensitivities
- on changes to requirements.
MANs contain on-going information and we will update previous notices as required. A current list is maintained on the Manual of Importing Country Requirements (Micor).
We use the same system and distribution list for EANs and MANs.
To receive EANs and MANs please subscribe. You can update your contact details as needed.