Exporters must notify us when the voyage mortality rate reaches the notifiable mortality level. This is required under the Australian Standards for the Export of Livestock (ASEL).
Notifiable mortality level for livestock transported by sea
Species | Mortality rate per voyage |
Buffalo | 0.5% or 3 animals, whichever is greater |
Cattle | 0.5% or 3 animals, whichever is greater |
Goats | 1% or 3 animals, whichever is greater |
Sheep | 1% or 3 animals, whichever is greater |
Notifiable mortality level for livestock transported by air
Species | Mortality rate per flight |
Buffalo | 0.5% or 3 animals, whichever is greater |
Camelids | 1% or 3 animals, whichever is greater |
Cattle | 0.5% or 3 animals, whichever is greater |
Deer | 1% or 3 animals, whichever is greater |
Goats | 1% or 3 animals, whichever is greater |
Sheep | 1% or 3 animals, whichever is greater |
If a consignment’s mortality rate is equal to or greater than these levels, we must be notified by the exporter as soon as possible and within 12 hours.
We investigate these incidents to determine the cause. We may also require future corrective actions.
Notifiable mortality level investigation reports
We publish our investigation reports where the mortality rate is equal to or greater than the notifiable mortality level. The mortality rate is calculated for each consignment, and a voyage may include multiple consignments.
You can access reports from 2019 onwards here. To access reports completed before 2019 see the National Library of Australia’s Trove archive.
The information we publish may include the name of the holder of an export licence, occupier of a registered establishment or export business. This encourages compliance with our regulatory framework and provides assurance to Australia's trading partners regarding how we regulate livestock exports.
We also provide a 6-monthly report to Parliament which includes:
- information on the number of mortalities of livestock on sea voyages
- actions we take for voyages above the notifiable mortality level.
Since the introduction of ASEL 3.0 on 1 November 2020, the column headings for each report (starting at Mortality Report #85) have been changed to align with new terminology.
Consignment 87. Cattle exported by sea to Indonesia, July 2023
Licence Number | Export Date | Species | Consignment mortalities | Notifiable mortality level | Voyage mortality rate |
L717 | July 2023 | Cattle | 3 | 0.5% | 0.55% |
View the consignment 87 report in detail – Cattle exported by sea to Indonesia July 2023
Investigation Conclusions
A voyage mortality rate of 0.55 per cent was recorded for this consignment of cattle exported to Indonesia. The department’s review indicates the cattle were prepared and managed in accordance with ASEL. Of the 3 mortalities, 2 were attributed to respiratory disease and 1 was euthanised during discharge.
In response to this event, the department required additional reporting and AAV oversight for the exporter’s (Frontier International Northern) next consignment.
Consignment 86. Cattle exported by sea to Vietnam, July 2021
Licence Number | Export Date | Species | Consignment mortalities | Notifiable mortality level | Voyage mortality rate |
L129 | July 2021 | Cattle | 21 | 0.5% | 0.72% |
View the consignment 86 report in detail – Cattle exported by sea to Vietnam July 2021.
Investigation Conclusions
A voyage mortality rate of 0.72 per cent was recorded for this consignment of cattle exported to Vietnam. The department’s review indicates the cattle were prepared and managed in accordance with ASEL. Of the 21 mortalities, 20 were attributed to bovine respiratory disease.
In response to this event, the department required the exporter (Halleen Australasian Livestock Traders Pty. Ltd.) to develop and implement a bovine respiratory disease management plan and engage an Australian Government Accredited Veterinarian for future consignments.
Consignment 85. Cattle exported by sea to the Philippines November 2020
Licence Number | Export Date | Species | Consignment mortalities | Notifiable mortality level | Voyage mortality rate |
L333 | November 2020 | Cattle | 9 | 0.5% | 0.56% |
View the consignment 85 report in detail – Cattle exported by sea to the Philippines November 2020.
Investigation Conclusions
A shipboard mortality rate of 0.56 per cent was recorded for this consignment of cattle exported to the Philippines. The department’s review indicates the cattle were prepared and managed in accordance with ASEL. Of the 9 mortalities, 3 were found dead in their pens and 6 were euthanased. The 6 euthanased cattle were recumbent and unable to stand, and euthanased on welfare grounds.
In response to this event and previous notifiable incidents, the department required an Australian Government Accredited Veterinarian for the exporter’s (South East Asian Livestock Services Pty Ltd) future voyages and required additional monitoring and reporting for subsequent voyages.
Consignment 84. Cattle exported by sea to Vietnam August 2020
Licence Number | Export Date | Species | Consignment mortality level | Reportable mortality level | Total voyage mortality level |
L763 | August 2020 | Cattle | 8 | 0.5% | 0.57% |
View the consignment 84 report in detail – Cattle exported by sea to Vietnam August 2020.
Investigation Conclusions
A shipboard mortality rate of 0.57 per cent was recorded for this consignment of cattle exported to Vietnam. The department’s review indicates the cattle were prepared and managed in accordance with ASEL. All cattle mortalities during the voyage were reported as being a result of bovine respiratory disease (BRD).
As a result of this incident, the department required the exporter (Australian Cattle Enterprises Pty Ltd) to develop and implement an approved BRD management plan and an Australian Government Accredited Veterinarian accompany its next consignment.
Consignment 83. Cattle exported by sea to Brunei March 2020
Licence Number | Export Date | Species | Consignment mortality level | Reportable mortality level | Total voyage mortality level |
L333 | March 2020 | Cattle | 5 | 0.5% | 0.63% |
View the consignment 83 report in detail – Cattle exported by sea to Brunei March 2020.
Investigation Conclusions
A shipboard mortality rate of 0.63 per cent was recorded for this consignment of cattle exported to Brunei. The department’s review indicates the cattle were prepared and managed in accordance with ASEL. All five of the mortalities were reported as being euthanasia of downer cattle (recumbent and unable to rise). Two of the mortalities occurred during the voyage itself; the remaining three mortalities occurred in port during discharge.
The department required an Australian Government Accredited Veterinarian to accompany the exporter’s (South East Asian Livestock Services Pty Ltd) future voyages.
Consignment 82. Buffalo exported by sea to Vietnam November 2019
Licence Number | Export Date | Species | Consignment mortality level | Reportable mortality level | Total voyage mortality level |
L333 | November 2019 | Buffalo | 23 | 0.5% | 2.27% |
View the consignment 82 report in detail – Buffalo exported by sea to Vietnam November 2019.
Investigation Conclusions
A shipboard mortality rate of 2.27% per cent was recorded for this consignment of buffalo exported to Vietnam. The cause attributed to the majority of these mortalities was starvation and ketosis.
Following this incident, the department required the exporter (South East Asian Livestock Services Pty Ltd) to develop a detailed management plan on the preparation of buffalo for any future consignments and, through a condition on their approved arrangement, required additional onboard personnel (Australian Government Accredited Veterinarian) for future voyages.
Consignment 81. Buffalo exported by sea to Vietnam August 2019
Licence Number | Export Date | Species | Consignment mortality level | Reportable mortality level | Total voyage mortality level |
L333 | August 2019 | Buffalo | 6 | 0.5% | 0.74% |
View the consignment 81 report in detail – Buffalo exported by sea to Vietnam August 2019.
Investigation Conclusions
A shipboard mortality rate of 0.74 per cent was recorded for this consignment of buffalo exported to Vietnam. The department’s review indicates the cattle were prepared and managed in accordance with ASEL. The cause of the mortalities was determined to be multifactorial.
The exporter (South East Asian Livestock Services Pty Ltd) undertook a review of their pre-export and voyage management arrangements for buffalo. SEALS concluded that ASEL requirements were more than sufficient to ensure appropriate pre-export and voyage management of buffalo. SEALS advised they will continue to exceed time in the Registered Premises as much as possible to quieten the livestock.
The department required an AAV to accompany SEALS’s next consignment with buffalo to Vietnam.
Consignment 80. Cattle exported by sea to Vietnam July 2019
Licence Number | Export Date | Species | Consignment mortality level | Reportable mortality level | Total voyage mortality level |
L717 | July 2019 | Cattle | 22 | 0.5% | 1.19% |
View the consignment 80 report in detail – Cattle exported by sea to Vietnam July 2019.
Investigation Conclusions
A mortality rate of 1.19 per cent was recorded for this consignment of cattle exported to Vietnam. The department’s review indicates the cattle were prepared and managed in accordance with ASEL. The main cause of the mortalities was determined to be Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD).
The department required the exporter (Frontier International Northern Pty Ltd) to provide details of how they will mitigate the risk of another BRD event on their next voyage of cattle to Vietnam, including details of vaccinations, additional monitoring in the registered premises and additional veterinary supplies to be loaded onto the vessel. The department also required an AAV in addition to an accredited stockperson to accompany their next voyage.
The exporter vaccinated all cattle against BRD, included oxytetracyline in the on-board veterinary kit for the treatment of the clinical signs of BRD, and are trialling the use of a magnesium-based product mixed in with feed/water to calm the cattle and reduce stress during preparation and loading.
Consignment 79. Cattle exported by sea to China May 2019
Licence Number | Export Date | Species | Consignment mortality level | Reportable mortality level | Total voyage mortality level |
L760 | May 2019 | Cattle | 25 | 1.00% | 1.36% |
View the consignment 79 report in detail – Cattle exported by sea to China May 2019.
Investigation Conclusions
A mortality rate of 1.36 per cent was recorded for this consignment of cattle exported to China. The department’s review indicates the cattle were prepared and managed in accordance with ASEL. The main cause of the mortalities was determined to be gastroenteritis.
The department accepted the actions implemented by the exporter and did not take any regulatory action against the exporter.
An Independent Observer (IO) accompanied this consignment. The IO’s observations were consistent with the Australian Government Accredited Veterinarian (AAV) report.
In response to this mortality event the exporter (Southern Australian Cattle Company Pty Ltd) loaded additional veterinary medicines for their next consignment to China, to reduce the risk of future cattle mortalities.
The department required the exporter to develop a management plan for their next consignment of slaughter cattle to China which included details around fodder, bedding, veterinary medicines and sourcing of the cattle.
Consignment 78. Cattle exported by sea to Vietnam March 2019
Licence Number | Export Date | Species | Consignment mortality level | Reportable mortality level | Total voyage mortality level |
L247 | March 2019 | Cattle | 53 | 1.00% | 2.87% |
View the consignment 78 report in detail – Cattle exported by sea to Vietnam March 2019.
Investigation Conclusions
A mortality rate of 2.87 per cent (53 head) was reported. The department determined that the likely causes of mortalities were heat stress/pneumonia and leg injuries sustained during loading resulting in secondary issues and euthanasia.
The department required the exporter to provide details of how they will mitigate the risk of future mortality incidents on their next four voyages of cattle from Townsville to Vietnam. This required consideration of:
- sourcing of animals
- their type (e.g. Bos indicus) and weight ranges
- whether the exporter was implementing any management plans
- whether the fodder was being sourced from the same supplier as this consignment
- any other preventative measures the exporter would implement to prevent a similar adverse animal welfare outcome.
The exporter advised the department that they will implement the following actions for future cattle consignments to Vietnam to mitigate the risk of another reportable mortality incident:
- Bos taurus cattle will be individually assessed and monitored on entry and during their stay in pre-export quarantine to identify any signs of heat stress. Any clinical signs of heat stress or pneumonia prior to loading will result in the animals being rejected for loading. Bos taurus cattle will be loaded at the bow of the vessel, furthest away from the engine room.
- As the Bison Express is an older design vessel, the exporter will no longer load heavier cattle through the top door on this vessel, using only the side entrance (direct access).
- The exporter will load extra saw dust (above ASEL standards) on all long-haul voyages for extra bedding and to be spread at pressure points in raceways for loading and discharge.
- The exporter will conduct assessments of all stockpersons’ capability and competency to perform required tasks prior to engagement on voyages.
The department required an Independent Observer to accompany the next voyage however a statutory declaration was provided by the exporter stating an observer could not be accommodated on that vessel. As such, additional monitoring activities were required of the stockperson.