17 March 2023
Species: Sheep and goats
Countries: Malaysia
- Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council (ALEC)
- Departmental officers
- LiveCorp
- Livestock exporters
- Meat & Livestock Australia
To advise exporters of the requirements for the export of sheep and goats to Malaysia in the lead up to Korban 2023.
Key points
- There is an increased demand for livestock during the Korban festival (predicted to commence on 29 June 2023) and this may lead to an increased risk of non-compliance with ESCAS requirements.
- ALEC has advised the department that its members have agreed not to export sheep or goats to Malaysia in the six weeks prior to Korban 2023.
- The department will require any exporters planning to export feeder/slaughter sheep or goats to Malaysia between 18 May and 30 June 2023 to submit a Korban management plan.
- Consignments of breeder sheep and goats planned for export to Malaysia between 18 May and 30 June 2023 will also be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- Exporters are responsible for ensuring compliance with all ESCAS control, traceability and animal welfare requirements.
- Where necessary, exporters may put in place additional risk management measures to ensure relevant regulatory requirements continue to be met during periods of high demand, such as Korban.
- If an exporter intends to export sheep and goats to Malaysia between 18 May and 30 June 2023, it will be required to submit a Korban management plan that includes:
- An outline of the management of the supply chain, including a list of positions and corresponding roles and responsibilities. This is to include any additional or temporary positions for in-market staff.
- Identification of possible locations of loss of control and traceability of sheep and goats in the supply chain and management strategies to mitigate these risks.
- Additional actions to be implemented during Korban to ensure compliance with ESCAS standards, and contingency arrangements in the event that non-compliance becomes apparent in the lead up to or during Korban:
- specific arrangements for any facilities added to the supply chain since Korban 2022.
- specific consideration of measures in place during the period of peak demand during Korban, particularly as it relates to slaughter procedures, staff fatigue and crowd control.
- The process used by the exporter to verify compliance with the plan, for example the type of reports and documentation received, their content and how they are verified for accuracy; and the on-site verification activities to assess the accuracy of the reports and documentation.
- Specific information or situations that would initiate further action and/or investigation by the exporter. This may include third-party or industry reports of non-compliance with ESCAS standards, such as Australian animals for sale in markets outside of approved supply chains, or other significant incidents, for example high feedlot mortality rates.
- Supplementary technology or systems that could be utilised by the exporter to improve control and traceability (e.g., targeted use of individual NLIS tags for sheep supplied to trader pens, CCTV cameras).
- Market engagement and training activities delivered by technical experts (employed or contracted by the exporter) to support ongoing ESCAS compliance. This should include details of activities planned and a register of associated dates, locations and outcomes.
- It is a condition of ESCAS approvals that an exporter must notify the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in writing as soon as possible and not more than five working days after becoming aware of, or receiving information that suggests, non-compliance in their supply chain.
In accordance with subsections 6-40 and 6-42 of the Export Control (Animals) Rules 2021, the department may vary or revoke approval of an ESCAS if the department is not satisfied that the livestock will be dealt with in accordance with the approved ESCAS.
The department will consider each notice of intention to export feeder and/or slaughter sheep and goats on a case-by-case basis.
Consignments of breeder livestock will also be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Exporters should be mindful that their Malaysian supply chain partners must conform to Malaysia’s regulations and requirements. In particular, Malaysian abattoirs must be licensed under Malaysian legislation.
Following Korban in 2016 and 2017, reports were received by the department demonstrating poor animal welfare outcomes and/or loss of control and traceability of Australian sheep exported to Malaysia. In response, ALEC has consistently advised the department that its members had agreed not to export sheep or goats to Malaysia in the six weeks prior to Korban annually since 2018 due to concerns around compliance with ESCAS requirements.
ALEC (and its members) has reaffirmed its agreed position of suspending supply of sheep and goats to Malaysia in the 6 weeks prior to the 2023 Korban festival.
Patrick Cass
Live Animal Export Branch
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Justine Jorgensen
Contact Officer
Phone: 02 6272 2491
Email: livestockexp@aff.gov.au