Australia is free of many exotic (new) pests and diseases. This is thanks to Australia’s biosecurity system. But we are always at risk of them entering the country.
If these pests or diseases make it through the border, they could threaten our agricultural industries, environment and jobs. Our way of life and our indigenous culture and heritage is also at risk.
At risk
Pest and disease pathways
There are many potential pathways for pests and diseases to enter Australia. Items that enter Australia, natural spread and climate patterns can all bring in pests or diseases. These pathways are often managed but we are always at risk of pests and diseases getting into Australia.
Be on the lookout for insects, bees, ants, soil and plant matter entering Australia. They could be unwanted pests or could carry diseases. We need your help to keep them out of the country.
What you can do
We all need to work together to stop exotic pests and diseases from entering and spreading across Australia. Biosecurity is everyone’s responsibility!
The best protection is to be prepared to detect exotic pests and diseases at our borders. We can respond quickly to any that do sneak in.
National priority plant pests
See our list of national priority plant pests.
Identify plant pests and diseases
How to identify, prevent and report our priority plant pests and diseases.
National action plans
How we work with government, industry, researchers and communities to prepare, act and respond to national priority plant pests and diseases.
Travelling or mailing goods
What you must do if you are a traveller or sending goods to Australia.
Report a plant pest or disease
Report sightings of unusual pests or signs of disease.
See our national animal and plant pest and disease outbreak website.
Learn more
For schools and the public
Play this card game to learn about biosecurity pest and disease threats: – animal and plant pest and disease outbreaks under eradication in Australia.
Plant Health Australia – national coordinator of the government–industry partnership for plant biosecurity in Australia.
The National Priority List of Exotic Environmental Pests, Weeds and Diseases (EEPL) – see the pests, weeds and diseases that are the greatest threat to our environment.
Weeds of National Significance – see the weed species you want to manage.
For researchers and to support emergency responses
Australia Plant Pest Database – plant pest and pathogen specimen data from Australian herbaria and insect collections (restricted access site).
Biosecurity Online Training – courses on pest reporting and response obligations of researchers.
National Diagnostic Protocols– for use when there is an incursion.
National Plant Biosecurity Diagnostic Network – helping Australian plant diagnosticians work together.
Outbreak Report – for researchers to report pests and diseases.
Plant Health Australia – Resource centre
Pest and Disease Image Library – high-quality colour diagnostic images and information on pests and diseases.
Plant Surveillance Network– for researchers working in plant pest surveillance to access and share information.
Standards and Guidelines: Generation and analysis of high-throughput sequencing data.
Nationally endorsed guidelines for all Australian plant, animal and environmental biosecurity diagnostic laboratories. Uses any high-throughput sequencing platform:
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