DAFF Biosecurity 2030 is our strategic roadmap for protecting Australia’s environment, economy and way of life
Commonwealth Biosecurity 2030, first published in 2021, has been refreshed to better align with the current strategic and operating environment for the department. Now titled DAFF Biosecurity 2030 Roadmap (the Roadmap), it acknowledges the pivotal role the department plays in ensuring our strategic goals and priorities remain contemporary to the changing needs and priorities of the national biosecurity system.
Our land, seas and waterways shape our prosperity and way of life. While globalisation has opened doors to growth and opportunity for Australia, it has also brought more exotic pests and diseases to our doorstep.
Australia’s biosecurity system is our defence against these threats.
Delivering the Roadmap will help protect us from current and future biosecurity threats.
Our goal
A biosecurity system that provides an appropriate level of protection for Australia’s people, lifestyle, environment and trade-focussed economy, supports a sustainable and prosperous Australia. Our leadership of national biosecurity focuses on preserving animal, plant and human health through a connected, resilient and shared risk-based approach that is underpinned by science and knowledge.
DAFF Biosecurity 2030 Roadmap
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To achieve this goal, the Australian government will focus on 5 enablers:
Governance: A strong, ongoing commitment by governments, industry and the community to carry out their evolving roles and responsibilities as part of the biosecurity system.
People: A workforce that has the capacity, skills and flexibility to prepare for and respond to emerging biosecurity risks, challenges and opportunities.
Technology: An integrated, secure, data-driven and technology-enabled biosecurity system pre-border, at the border and post-border.
Regulation: A regulatory environment that supports us to respond to current and future biosecurity challenges and opportunities.
Funding: A funding and investment model that is sustainable for the long-term.
What we are doing
Our goal for the biosecurity system will be realised by implementing 9 strategic actions:
- Accelerate our efforts with key partners to create a strong, future oriented and efficient national biosecurity system and to better promote our leadership role
- Expand offshore assurance arrangements and overseas supply chain integration
- Increase partnership activities with Australia’s near neighbours
- Invest in a skilled and responsive workforce supported by improved regulatory tools and information
- Adopt advancements and innovations in detection technologies, risk assessment and business practices
- Generate a stronger shared responsibility and commitment to biosecurity by enhancing awareness and understanding
- Increase use of offshore intelligence, research and data to support risk-based interventions, preparedness and response
- Lift our national preparedness, resilience and response to exotic pest and disease incursions and strengthen our national leadership role
- Align our funding and investment model to emerging system needs
Former Commonwealth Biosecurity 2030 and associated action plans
Commonwealth Biosecurity 2030 (PDF 5.7MB)
Commonwealth Biosecurity 2030 (DOCX 1.7MB)
Commonwealth Biosecurity 2030 Action Plan 2023 (PDF 7.8 MB)
Commonwealth Biosecurity 2030 Action Plan 2023 (DOCX 2 MB)
Commonwealth Biosecurity 2030 Action Plan 2022 (PDF 7.3 MB)
Commonwealth Biosecurity 2030 Action Plan 2022 DOCX (116 KB)
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If you would like to comment on DAFF Biosecurity 2030 or the annual action plans, please contact SecretariatBSF@aff.gov.au.