Strengthening our biosecurity system
Sustainable biosecurity funding supports a stronger biosecurity system with Commonwealth biosecurity policy, operational and technical functions now funded on a sustainable basis, including the Indigenous Biosecurity Ranger Program in Northern Australia. It also supports digital modernisation of biosecurity processing in cargo pathways via implementation of streamlined digital systems through the Simplified Targeting and Enhanced Processing System (STEPS) program for more efficient and effective clearances.
The Australian Government has introduced a broad-based funding model that maximises available funding for biosecurity to protect and grow Australian agriculture, fisheries and forestry industries. This is the first time Australia has had long-term sustainable and predictable funding for the Commonwealth biosecurity system.
The model, as announced in the 2023-24 Budget, includes more than $1 billion over four years, and $267 million per year ongoing from 2027-28. The Budget package also included:
- greater transparency and accountability of Commonwealth biosecurity funding and expenditure
- a new low value import biosecurity clearance charge
- introduction of a proposed Biosecurity Protection Levy
In 2023, we reviewed biosecurity cost recovery arrangements for the first time since 2015 – and subsequently increased fees and charges for importers by 28% on average. Their contribution will be almost $100 million more in 2024- 25 compared to 2021-22. We have also committed to an annual review of regulatory charges and made changes to legislation to include indexation.
Transparency and accountability
Biosecurity funding and expenditure reporting
The Commonwealth’s inaugural biosecurity funding and expenditure report 2023-24 has been published as part of the department’s 2023-24 Annual Report (Appendix G). It is also available for download below.
The report delivers on the Australian Government’s 2023-24 Budget commitment to annual publication of biosecurity funding and expenditure. This new report provides greater transparency and accountability on how the Commonwealth biosecurity system is funded and how that funding is spent in delivering biosecurity priorities.
The report provides biosecurity-specific financial information that demonstrates how the department is achieving biosecurity outcomes through effective and efficient use of funding.
Future reports will further highlight the department’s progress in delivering strategic priorities and activities against the DAFF Biosecurity 2030 Roadmap, and our contributions in implementing the National Biosecurity Strategy.
Sustainable Biosecurity Funding Advisory Panel
On 28 February 2024, the Australian Government announced it would extend its commitment to greater transparency and accountability through a new Sustainable Biosecurity Funding Advisory Panel (Advisory Panel). The work of the Advisory Panel builds closer collaboration between government and key stakeholders, with regular meetings to share insights, discuss biosecurity funding priorities and explain spending decisions. Membership of the Advisory Panel is drawn from major agriculture, fisheries and forestry sectors, importers, and environmental and research organisations.
Further details on Advisory Panel arrangements, including membership and key documents are available on the Sustainable Biosecurity Funding Advisory Panel webpage.
Biosecurity cost recovery arrangements for low value goods
From 1 October 2024, a new cost recovery charge for goods valued up to $1,000 that are imported by air or sea commenced. The charge will cover the cost of biosecurity not currently subject to cost recovery. Prior to this date, taxpayers were covering this cost. Please visit the Self-Assessed Clearance cost recovery page for more details.
Proposed Biosecurity Protection Levy
The proposed Biosecurity Protection Levy and Charge (Biosecurity Protection Levy) was intended to be a new levy and charge payable by primary producers.
The bills to introduce the Biosecurity Protection Levy framework were discharged from the Senate Notice Paper on 12 February 2025. Please visit the Biosecurity Protection Levy page for more details.
Further information
- Proposed Biosecurity Protection Levy
- Biosecurity cost recovery
- Previous proposal: Onshore Biosecurity Levy (2018-19)
- Minister’s media release on new Sustainable Biosecurity Funding Advisory Panel
Biosecurity funding and expenditure report 2023-24
Biosecurity funding and expenditure report 2023-24 (PDF 604 KB)
Biosecurity funding and expenditure report 2023-24 (DOCX 2.2 MB)
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Budget fact sheets
Budget 2023–24 fact sheet on Biosecurity Sustainable Funding (PDF 873 KB)
Budget 2023–24 fact sheet on Biosecurity Sustainable Funding (DOCX 1.6 MB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
Contact us
To find out more about Sustainable Biosecurity Funding, email: