As part of our work under the Northern Australia Biosecurity Strategy (NABS), we have developed an animation to increase awareness and encourage early detection and reporting of lumpy skin disease.
Keep a TopWatch!
Sick and Dead Animals
Northern Australia Quarantine Strategy (NAQS)
What a place we call home!
From our beautiful landscapes to the rich diversity of living creatures, whether native species, introduced livestock or our furry friends. There are so many reasons to keep a TopWatch!
But northern Australia faces unique biosecurity challenges because we’re situated close to countries which may have pests and diseases that Australia doesn’t have and there is a risk they could arrive here someday.
These exotic pests and diseases are a threat to all our animals, and sometimes we can also get sick. But they cause more than just sickness and death. They endanger entire communities, industries, trade, and our environment.
That’s why it is important to watch out for any signs of exotic pests and diseases in animals. Sick animals can show a wide range of signs depending on the diseases they are infected with. Sometimes though, animals can die suddenly without showing any obvious signs of illness.
An example of one disease we don’t have in Australia is lumpy skin disease. It’s currently spreading through cattle and buffalo in Asia, and if it were to spread to Australia, it could seriously harm these animals, impacting our animal trade, industry, and communities.
Signs of lumpy skin disease include sick cattle with lumps and bumps on their skin and a loss of appetite.
If you see unusual, increased, or unexplained sicknesses or deaths in a group of animals, keep your distance and safely take photos and videos. Record the date, time and location, and call the EAD hotline on 1800 675 888.
You can also call a ranger, a biosecurity officer, a government vet or a trusted adult.
This is a risk we will always face, so let’s be vigilant and respond quickly when we see sick or dead animals.
This animation was made possible by the Northern Australia Biosecurity Strategy.
Biosecurity is everyone’s business.
What you can do
- Keep a TopWatch! for sick or dead animals.
- Look for signs of lumpy skin disease. Sick cattle and buffalo can have lumps and bumps on their skin and loss of appetite.
- Report if you see unusual, increased or unexplained sicknesses or deaths in a group of animals.
- Keep your distance and safely take photos and videos. Record the date, time and location.
- Call the Emergency Animal Disease Hotline 1800 675 888.
Stay vigilant and respond quickly when you see sick or dead animals.