The department will continue its collaboration with the Centre of Excellence for Biosecurity Risk Analysis (CEBRA), with the Australian Government providing a $6.4 million grant to the University of Melbourne to continue biosecurity research crucial to protecting the nation’s agricultural, fisheries and forestry industries.
The University of Melbourne will host the CEBRA program over the next three years, with potential to extend for a fourth year, as it helps bolster the country’s defences from increasing biosecurity threats.
What is CEBRA?
CEBRA is a long-standing biosecurity research initiative of the Australian Government and is integral to the department’s response to managing biosecurity risks facing Australia.
This important research initiative commenced in March 2006 operating as the Australian Centre of Excellence for Risk Analysis (ACERA) until June 2013 and as the CEBRA from 1 July 2013, with the New Zealand Government becoming a member of the partnership at this time.
CEBRA plays an important role in providing the Australian and New Zealand governments with expert biosecurity risk analysis and advice to ensure biosecurity regulatory standards, procedures and tools are underpinned by world-class research. Its research activities help ensure that both governments are leaders in biosecurity risk management by undertaking collaborative research that informs a range of regulatory activities – such as risk analysis (the assessment, management, and communication of biosecurity risk), the setting of regulatory interventions, inspection activities and surveillance.
Further information on the CEBRA can be found in the program’s Grant Opportunity Guidelines 2025-29.
Grant Opportunity Guidelines 2025–29 (PDF 420 KB)
Grant Opportunity Guidelines 2025–29 (DOCX 238 KB)
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