Latest Updates April 2023
The ADI application has been updated to enhance the functionality of record keeping, with the aim of delivering a more precise record of an aircraft’s Disinsection status, across a stable platform. The user interface of ADI remains largely unchanged.
The key enhancement is found in the “Update an Existing Aircraft” and “Add a New Aircraft” pages.
Under previous settings, it was mandatory for users to enter the date and time of a Pre-Embarkation Disinsection (PED) treatment.
Now, in addition to the date and time of treatment, it will also be mandatory to record the “Port where treatment was applied”. This detail can be selected from a listing of International Airport Codes and their associated City, available in a dropdown box. Users simply select the airport at which the PED treatment was applied. In all cases, this will be the last port of departure, prior to arrival in either Australia or New Zealand.
The result of this will be twofold. Firstly, users will now have a record of the port at which the PED treatment was applied. Secondly, the time at which the PED treatment was recorded will be “anchored” against the local time-zone where the treatment took place. This time and the associated international time-zone will be displayed on the aircraft dashboard – enhancing the clarity of the dashboard record, especially for Biosecurity staff when assessing the expected compliance of aircraft arrivals.
User will note that a Residual Treatment record only requires information about the date of expiry. There is no requirement to capture a time-zone for any of the Residual treatment records.
Note for users: Whilst we have endeavoured to capture all major ports from which aircraft will enter Australia or New Zealand, there may be limited occasions where the port where a treatment was applied is not listed in the dropdown box. In the event of this, please contact the Biosecurity staff (DAFF or NZ MPI) to update your disinsection status and to confirm your arrival and your port of treatment. You will not be able to save an ADI record, but we will seek to continually update the dropdown list of ports to capture future movements.
Other enhancements in the latest release include minor changes to the title of some records to better articulate the information required, especially in the free text fields such as “Name of Treatment Applicator” where we are seeking a record of the name of the company who applied the Disinsection treatment.
Lastly, we have worked to improve the stability of the application, especially on iOS-based devices such as the iPAD, MacBook and iPhone. Whilst we continue to monitor the stability of ADI and improve its performance across all browsers, it is apparent that most users have the best experience when using the application on current versions of Google Chrome and MS Edge. Where possible, we encourage users to access the ADI using one of these popular and readily accessible browsers.
ADI application guidance for pre-embarkation and residual disinsection (PDF 440 KB)
ADI application guidance for pre-embarkation disinsection (PDF 418 KB)
ADI application guidance for residual disinsection (PDF 390 KB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, email for assistance.
Aircraft Disinsection Information (ADI) application and Import Relationship and Access Manager (iRAM)
Access to Aircraft Disinsection Information (ADI) application
Access to Import Relationship and Access Manager (iRAM)
The department has enhanced the Aircraft Disinsection Information (ADI) application by introducing:
- a more stable and reliable platform
- enhanced security measures
- enhanced specified roles
- application to authenticate new and current user access
Import Relationship and Access Manager (iRAM) is the application to authenticate user access to ADI and manage external user accounts.
The following roles within the ADI application for airline and aircraft operators are:
- Airline Administrator – Will have responsibility for endorsing users who apply for access to their associated airline via iRAM and can update new or existing aircraft disinsection treatment information within ADI.
- Airline User – Will have the ability to update new or existing aircraft disinsection treatment information within ADI once approved for access.
The table below outlines the various functions and the allocated roles as an Airline Administrator or Airline User within ADI and iRAM:
Function | ADI Administrator | MPI Administrator | Airline Administrator | Airline User | DAFF User (read only) | MPI User (read only) |
Sign Up Process | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Log Out | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Forget / Reset Password | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
Create Airline | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No |
Search & View Airline | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Download Airline Disinsection Data | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Update Airline | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No |
Delete Airline | Yes | No | No | No | No | No |
Create Aircraft | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Search & View Aircraft | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Update Aircraft | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Delete Aircraft | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No |
View Aircraft Disinsection History | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Manage Settings | Yes | No | No | No | No | No |
Approve & Manage User Access for All Users (iRAM) | Yes | No | No | No | No | No |
Endorse & Manage User Access for Airline User (iRAM) | No | No | Yes | No | No | No |
The key benefits of ADI are:
- A user-friendly format, with self-service function for airline users to reset their user password online.
- Single user log on for airlines, aircraft operators and third-party treatment providers (replacing the former multiuser log on).
- Enhanced security measures including a 3-step security process to gain approval and access to ADI.
- ADI application main page provides up to date information on any upcoming changes to aircraft disinsection requirements or any planned outages.
- An improved search function filters by characters entered and identifies airline and aircraft registration associated to airlines.
- Pre-selected drop-down boxes replace free text fields.
- Alignment with the disinsection certificate information on the Schedule of aircraft disinsection procedures for flights into Australia and New Zealand.
Sign Up Process
Action Required
The ADI application has been active since 28 June 2022. Eligible airlines and aircraft operators are encouraged to create an account in ADI, including identifying an Airline Administrator who will be responsible for endorsing other airline employees or contractors that need access to the ADI application as part of operations.
The steps are as follows:
- Identify an individual within the airline or aircraft operator to become the first Airline Administrator.
- Complete the ADI application sign up process.
- Email to advise who will undertake the role of the Airline Administrator, including their email address.
- The DAFF ADI Administrator will locate the profile within iRAM to approve access.
- Once approved the Airline Administrator can commence endorsing "airline users" roles that require access to their airlines ADI profile. Refer to ADI & iRAM Support page for more information.
Airline User role
All airline ADI application users will sign up in an airline user role and complete a 3-step security process:
- Add personal business domain email address, select send code. A verification code is sent via email. Add the verification code, complete required fields and select ‘create’.
Note: Generic or group email addresses and non-business domain email addresses such as Gmail/Yahoo/Outlook domain addresses do not meet security requirements. - An existing Airline Administrator is required to endorse the user within iRAM.
- DAFF ADI Administrator locates the profile within iRAM and approves access.
A Flowchart demonstrating the complete sign-up process for the “airline user” can be found in the ADI & iRAM Support page
Airline Administrator role
Airline and aircraft operators must have at least one airline administrator role to add airline users to their ADI information portal. Without an airline administrator, no airline user role can be endorsed or approved within the new ADI application.
It is critical that at least an Airline Administrator is active prior to your airline or aircraft operator’s first flight arriving into Australia or New Zealand post 28 June 2022.
All Airline Administrators must initially sign up as an Airline User role and complete the 3-step security process.
View the Flowchart demonstrating the complete sign-up process for the airline administrator role on the ADI & iRAM Support page.
Airline and aircraft operators must contact to initiate an airline or aircraft operator’s first airline administrator role within iRAM.
ADI and iRAM minimum system requirements
The current version of Chrome is the preferred browser to access all ADI and iRAM functions. If required, you can use one of the following browsers as an alternative, however, it may impact accessibility:
- Edge
- Safari
- iOS
- Android
For mobile phone and tablet users it is recommended that the screen is used in landscape mode to utilise the full functions available within ADI application and iRAM.
If you experience any issues with your internet browser, please contact your IT service provider for assistance.
Approved Arrangements
Section 405 of the Biosecurity Act 2015 provides for the adoption of arrangements relevant to certain biosecurity activities. These arrangements are legally binding between the department and an industry party (the airline) and require the airline to perform specific disinsection related tasks in an agreed manner.
The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (the department) and New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) work in partnership and regulate each other’s arrangements and any other undertakings as required.
Airlines must hold an Approved Arrangement (AA) with the department or a Compliance Agreement (CA) with MPI to utilise the residual or pre-embarkation disinsection treatment methods for flights into Australia or New Zealand to access the ADI.
Further information to enter into an AA for aircraft disinsection treatment is available on the Disinsection Approved Arrangement (AA) section on the Aircraft disinsection webpage.