We have completed the final report on the import risk review for dairy products for human consumption.

Steps to complete this risk analysis
When we do a risk analysis, we:
- review the science on pests and diseases of concern
- assess and analyse biosecurity risks
- develop proposed risk management measures
- consult the public on the draft report and then review comments
- publish a final report
- develop import conditions
- publish import conditions in our Biosecurity Import Conditions System (BICON).
About the final report
This review aims to modernise Australia’s dairy import conditions to reflect the current and future trading environment. It considers the biosecurity risks associated with importing dairy products from any country manufactured from milk from domestic cattle, buffalo, sheep and goats for human consumption. The review considers new and relevant peer-reviewed scientific information, advice from international scientific experts, and relevant current industry practices and operational practicalities.
The final report details:
- disease agents of biosecurity concern for this commodity
- risk assessments for the identified disease agents of biosecurity concern.
The disease agents that need specific risk management measures are:
- foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) virus
- peste des petits ruminants virus
- sheep pox virus and goat pox virus
- scrapie protease-resistant prion protein.
The key changes to risk management for imported dairy products are:
- expanded risk management options for countries not recognised by the department as free from FMD and/or sheep pox and goat pox
- removal of specific risk management for lumpy skin disease virus following new available research
- addition of risk management measures for peste des petits ruminants virus in imported dairy products (except for cheese) of ovine and/or caprine origin
Imported dairy products for human consumption will also need to meet the requirements of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. This is mandated for all imported foods intended for sale in Australia. The requirements of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code primarily address food safety concerns, but also provide significant value in managing the biosecurity risk of animal diseases.
Download the final report
Import risk review for dairy products for human consumption - Final report (PDF 1.90 MB)
Import risk review for dairy products for human consumption - Final report (DOCX 1.66 MB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
Stakeholder consultation
We released the second draft report on 18 April 2024 and invited stakeholder feedback by 17 June 2024. Over 40 people, organisations and industry groups participated in the review consultation process and eight responded to the second draft report. All submissions were carefully considered when preparing the final report, and a response to these submissions has been developed.
Response to second draft report submissions (PDF 223 KB)
Response to second draft report submissions (DOCX 230 KB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
Fact sheet about the assessment process for dairy products from countries not on the FMD-free country list
One of the key proposed changes is expanded risk management options for dairy products manufactured in, and/or exported from, countries not recognised as free from FMD, also known as the FMD-free country list. Since the release of the second draft report, we have received enquiries about the assessment process for dairy products from countries not on the FMD-free country list. We have prepared a fact sheet outlining the process and major components of the risk assessment.
Fact sheet about the assessment process for dairy products from countries not on the FMD-free country list (PDF 227 KB)
Fact sheet about the assessment process for dairy products from countries not on the FMD-free country list (DOCX 287 KB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
Next steps
Now the review has been finalised, there will be a transition period for the implementation of the new biosecurity measures. The transition period has not been confirmed but is expected to be a minimum of 12 months. Trade in dairy products will continue under current arrangements while new health certificates are negotiated.
We will publish any new import conditions on BICON. Register in BICON to receive an alert when we publish the import conditions.
Document Library
Second draft report
The second draft report was released on 18 April 2024 for a 60-day consultation period. This report considered feedback from submissions received for the first draft report, as well as new, available research.
Import risk review for dairy products for human consumption - second draft report (PDF 1.69 MB)
Import risk review for dairy products for human consumption - second draft report (Word 1.64 MB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
Second draft report fact sheet
This fact sheet was published with the second draft report and outlines changes that were made after the first draft report was released.
Fact sheet – what differs from the first draft report (PDF 226 KB)
Fact sheet – what differs from the first draft report (DOCX 210 KB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
First draft report
The first draft report was released on 31 January 2023, for stakeholder feedback.
Import risk review for dairy products for human consumption - first draft report (PDF 1.82 MB)
Import risk review for dairy products for human consumption - first draft report (DOCX 1.63 MB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
Submissions on the first draft report
The 73-day consultation period closed on 14 April 2023. A range of submissions were received and these were considered when preparing the second draft report.
Response to first draft report submissions (PDF 225 KB)
Response to first draft report submissions (DOCX 211 KB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
Consultation webinar
On 1 March 2023, the department held a webinar to discuss the first draft report and answer questions. During this webinar, a large number of questions were received, and some could not be answered at the time. A frequently asked questions document was subsequently prepared to address all questions submitted during the webinar.
Transcript of presentation and question and answer session (PDF 234 KB)
Transcript of presentation and question and answer session (DOCX 247 KB)
Import risk review for dairy products for human consumption draft report - webinar questions and answers (PDF 303 KB)
Import risk review for dairy products for human consumption draft report - webinar questions and answers (Word 226 KB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions (PDF 239 KB)
Frequently asked questions (DOCX 214 KB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
Commencement of review
On 13 January 2021 the department announced the commencement of a review of the biosecurity risks associated with importing dairy products for human consumption into Australia in Animal Biosecurity Advice 2021-A01. Stakeholders were invited to provide submissions on specific issues with Australia’s current import conditions. Submissions closed on 12 March 2021 and 17 submissions were received on a variety of topics that were considered in preparation of the first draft report.
1999 Risk Analysis
This risk analysis was released in November 1999 and evaluated potential disease risks and risk management strategies appropriate for sourcing dairy products from any country.
1999 IRA: Importation of dairy products for human consumption - decision on revised conditions
1999 Import Risk Analysis: Importation of dairy products into Australia for human consumption – Final report (PDF 484 KB)
1999 Import Risk Analysis: Importation of dairy products into Australia for human consumption – Final report (DOC 555 KB)
1999 IRA: Importation of dairy products for human consumption - adoption of revised conditions (PDF 14 KB )
1999 IRA: Importation of dairy products for human consumption - adoption of revised conditions (DOC 38 KB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
Register as a stakeholder
Register as a stakeholder to receive notices about animal biosecurity policy.
Contact us
For more information about this review email Animal Biosecurity.
Learn more about why we carry out risk analyses and our international obligations.