National publications
Recent reports and papers
- Australia's State of the Forests Report - latest indicator updates
- Forest inventory for private native forestry, farm forestry and Indigenous forestry: Farm forestry sector report
- The Forest Resource Use Model (FoRUM): A spatial-temporal model of Australia’s forest industry
- Australian plantation statistics 2023 update – annual tabular update
- Status of Australia’s Forest Genetic Resources 2021
- Proposed approach for Australia’s State of the Forests Report – 2023 and beyond
- Australia's forests and forestry glossary
- Regional forest agreements: compilation of reservation and resource availability outcomes
- Australia's Indigenous land and forest estate: separate reporting of Indigenous ownership, management and other special rights
- A framework for developing medium term projections of traded wood products
- Productivity and efficiency of the Australian sawmilling industry
- Effects of bushfires and COVID-19 on the forestry and wood processing sectors
- Fire in Australia's forests, 2011 to 2016
- Australia's State of the Forests Report 2018
- Australia's forests at a glance 2019
- Australian forest profiles 2019
- Development of a national tenure dataset for reporting the tenure of Australia's forests
- National 'state of the forests' reporting in Australia – editorial, Australian Forestry, 82:2
- Australian Forest and Wood Products Statistics
- ABARES national wood processing survey: 2016-17
- Australian plantation statistics 2016 – five-yearly comprehensive spatial report
- Australia's plantation log supply 2015-2059
- Economic potential for new plantation establishment in Australia
- Upscaling the Australian softwood sawmill industry
- Compendium of five ABARES briefing notes relevant to Leadbeater’s possum[2.1MB]
- Reporting Australia’s forest biodiversity I: forest-dwelling and forest-dependent native species – Australian Forestry, 81:3
- Reporting Australia’s forest biodiversity II: threatened forest-dwelling and forest-dependent species – Australian Forestry, 81:4
- Regional forest agreements: origins, development and contributions – Australian Forestry, 81:2
Current datasets
- Forests of Australia (2023)
- Tenure of Australia's forests (2023)
- Australia's Indigenous forest estate (2024)
- Fires in Australia's forests 2016-21 (2024)
- Regional Forestry Hubs (2022)
- Regional Forest Agreements and Comprehensive Regional Assessments boundaries
- Australia's plantations
- Forest species and ecological communities (2024)
Older reports and publications
- Australia's State of the Forests Report 2013
- Australia's State of the Forests Reports – for older reports (1998, 2003, 2008)
- Australia's forests at a glance 2017[1.9 MB]
- Australia's forestry industry 2017 map
- Climatic suitability of Australia's production forests for myrtle rust[5.0 MB]
- Improving Australia's forest area estimate using a Multiple Lines of Evidence approach[2.9 MB]
- Development of the Australia's Indigenous forest estate (2013) dataset[2.3 MB]
- Future opportunities for using forest and sawmill residues in Australia
- Responsiveness of demand for structural pine to changes in timber and steel prices
- Short-term forecasts of selected wood product sales volume: Method and assumptions
- Outlook scenarios for Australia's forestry sector: key drivers and opportunities[5.4 MB]
- Social indicators for Australia's forest and wood products industries: Discussion paper [2.7 MB]
- Diversity in Australia's forestry industry workforce[0.7 MB]
- Sustainable forest management: the Australian context[1.5 MB]
- Australian native forest commerciality[3.4 MB]
- ABARES National Wood Processing Survey: 2012-13[56 MB]
- Preliminary long-term forecasts of wood product demand in Australia[2.2 MB]
- Status of Australia's Forest Genetic Resources[5.2 MB]
- Regional socio-economic profiling of the forestry industry: Recommendations report[1.4 MB]
- Illegal logging regulation: analysis of regulated importers by business size[2.2 MB]
- Illegal logging regulation: the affected community[7.8 MB]
- Illegal logging regulations: Analysis of Australia's timber imports in 2007 and 2010[2.2 MB]
- Potential effects of climate change on forests and forestry in Australia[5.7 MB]
- The Changing Face of Australia's Forests[1.5 MB]
- Opportunities for commercial environmental forestry in Australia [1.8 MB]
- Tree measurement manual for farm foresters
State and territory publications
[expand all]
Australian Capital Territory
New South Wales
Northern Territory
South Australia
Western Australia
International publications
- Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) - Key findings of FRA 2020, and past assessments by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, including Australia's Country Report 2020