Latest releases
Australian wood volumes analysis
The wood volumes analysis was announced as a 2022 election commitment during a period of uncertainty in the forest and wood products sector. Its purpose is to give confidence that Australians have sufficient access to forest and wood products for the construction sector, from a range of sources.
Published: March 2025
September and December quarter statistics released for Australian forest and wood products
This issue includes 2021–22 data for key domestic indicators of forestry sector activity such as the value and volume of logs harvested and changes in Australia’s commercial plantation estate.
This report also presents 2021–22 data (first published in November 2022) on forest sector employment, data on new housing commencements and the trade of wood products.
Published: June 2023
The Forest Resource Use Model (FoRUM): A spatial-temporal model of Australia’s forest industry
This report outlines the creation, structure and utilisation of the Forest Resource Use Model.
Published: 6 October 2022
Australian plantation statistics 2022 update released
This report presents data collected from surveys of public and private plantation growers and managers on the size and changes to the commercial plantation estate.
Published 10 August 2022
Australian forest and wood products statistics September and December quarters 2021 released
This biannual report presents 2020-21 data for key domestic indicators of forestry sector activity such as new housing commencements and the trade of wood products.
Published: 28 June 2022
Global Outlook for Wood Markets to 2030
This report presents an outlook on the availability of and demand for raw wood fibres by geographic region and country. The analysis looks into potential changes in global trade flows, and regional and country level trade balances that could affect Australia’s forestry sector.
Published: 23 November 2021
Australian plantation statistics and log availability report 2021
In this report, plantation areas and forecast log availability are presented nationally and by National Plantation Inventory (NPI) regions for softwood and hardwood plantation types. This is based on data collected from private growers and grower representatives and public state and territory agencies. This data is published every 5 years and supports strategic forest industry planning and decision–making.
Published: 25 October 2021
Statistical report series
- The Australian forest and wood products statistics report series presents detailed analysis of the economic performance of key indicators of domestic forestry sector activity, including sales and service income and industry value added. This series also presents socio-economic indicators and trends.
- The Australian plantation statistics report series supports strategic forest industry planning and decision-making by presenting information on total plantation area, new planting and ownership. It is prepared under the auspices of the National Plantation Inventory.
- The Australia's plantation log supply report series presents forecasts of sawlog and pulplog volumes available from softwood and hardwood plantations. Comprehensive plantation log availability forecast reports are published every five years and Australia's plantation log supply 2015-2059 is the fifth log supply report.
In addition to regular publications, ABARES Forest Economics section publishes economic research on specific issues within the Australian forest industry sector.