December Australian Crop Report: crop prospects over spring have been mixed, with improvements in southern cropping regions expected to more than offset downgrades in northern cropping regions.
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5 Dec 2023
5 Dec 2023
December Agriculture Commodities report shows the value of Australian agricultural production is forecast to fall as increasing global supply and drier conditions impact farmers.
22 Nov 2023
This issue includes new 2022–23 data for key indicators of forestry sector activity such as the trade of wood products and new housing commencements. The overview also presents detailed 2021–22 data on the value and volume of logs harvested, Australia’s commercial plantation estate, forest sector employment and the performance of the wood product manufacturing sector.
20 Nov 2023
This technical report examines how changing regulations on the use of antimicrobial veterinary medicinal products and medicated feed could affect Australia’s food animal producers
15 Nov 2023
The dashboard provides monthly information on the protection of agricultural land from soil erosion. Twenty-two years of data are presented for Australia and Australia’s Natural Resource Management regions. This visualisation has been prepared for the Future Drought Fund to provide environmental indicators of drought resilience to encourage more primary producers to improve long term productivity and landscape health.
8 Nov 2023
In an average year established vertebrate pest animals and weeds are estimated to cost Australian agricultural producers at least 5.3 billion, with weeds contributing 82% of the total.
26 Oct 2023
The provision of these estimates provides users with a more accurate comparison of global emissions intensities by utilising national greenhouse inventory submissions to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
23 Oct 2023
ABARES has today published the 28th edition of the Fishery status reports - an independent evaluation of the biological and economic status of fish stocks managed solely or jointly by the Australian Government. Of the 102 stocks assessed in 2022, there were 12 stock status changes.
19 Oct 2023
This ABARES Insights paper describes Australia’s agricultural workforce, providing key information and statistics in one place, using data from the 2021 Australian Bureau of Statistics’ Census of Population and Housing.
5 Oct 2023
ABARES predicts average farm incomes will fall by 41% to $197,000 in 2023-24, but remain above levels observed in recent drought years. This new forecast product provides a detailed understanding of predicted financial outcomes for the farming sector at local, state and national levels.