This series of visualisations is based on the most recent agricultural census data collected by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) for 2015-16.
The visualisations are designed to showcase the Agricultural Census data in a simple and intuitive way – as maps and charts with a focus on national, state and regional summaries for:
- Production including the area planted or harvested, production and number of livestock or trees
- Number of businesses
- Gross value of production
- Water use
- Land management practices
Using the visualisations
1. Select a dataset:
- Production, area, number and yield
- Number of businesses
- Gross value of production
- Water use
- Land management practices
2. Filter by
- Broad agricultural industry – crops, horticulture or livestock
- Category or commodity description
3. Explore the maps, charts and tables for more information
- Hover over the state bar chart to see the Share of Australia
- Hover over a region in the Regions map to see the region name, and share of Australia
- Hover over a bar in the top regions to see the rank in Australia, relative standard error of the estimate and additional notes
- Click on the Top regions bar to see the location in the Regions map