Imports of plants and their products from outside Australia can risk introducing weeds, pests and diseases. These can threaten Australia’s natural environment, our food security and economy.
We set import conditions to reduce these risks. Learn more about how we manage plant biosecurity risks.
Plant and plant products include any goods that contain ingredients or components of plant origin. This includes wooden or bamboo articles, cut flowers and foliage, horticultural produce, seeds and plants for planting and other plant-derived food, pet food and stockfeed.
News and alerts
We’ve strengthened import requirements for plants for planting (nursery stock) to protect against the bacterial plant pathogen Xylella. Find out how Xylella measures will affect you.
Khapra beetle
We’re strengthening import requirements to address the risk of Khapra beetle (Trogoderma granarium) from entering Australia. Find out how Khapra beetle measures will affect you.
Types of plant imports
Animal feed

How to import plant-based animal feed including stockfeed, aquaculture feed and pet food.
Cut flowers and foliage

How to import fresh and dried cut flowers and foliage for commercial or personal use.
Food, drink and supplements

How to import plant-based products for human consumption. This includes food, drink, medicine, and therapeutics. For commercial or personal use.
Fresh produce

How to import unprocessed or partially processed fresh fruit and vegetables for commercial or personal use.
Plant products applied to soils and plants

How to import plant-based fertilisers, growing media, soil conditioners, bioremediation agents and geotextiles.
Plant products for cultural and seasonal events

How to import goods into Australia for cultural or seasonal events or as souvenirs.
Timber, bamboo and wood products

How to import timber, wooden articles, bamboo and related products.
Importing into external territories

We have set special import conditions designed to protect the unique environment of these islands.
In Australia
Do your goods need a permit?
Some goods can only be imported into Australia under an import permit we have granted. If you need an import permit, ensure you apply well ahead of the goods arrival in Australia.
Check if you need an import permit.
Onshore processing at an approved arrangement class 3.0
Some plant products can be processed in Australia. This can only take place at a facility that operates under an approved arrangement with us.
Compliance-based intervention scheme
The Compliance Based Intervention Scheme rewards importers of selected plant products who show consistent compliance with Australia’s biosecurity requirements with risk-based inspection rates.
Check if your goods are eligible.
Advice for consumers
Sending or ordering plants from outside Australia
Be aware of our strict import conditions before you send or order plant material from outside Australia.
See our advice on ordering online or sending goods to Australia.
Travellers bringing plants and plant products
If you’re travelling to Australia, you must meet our strict conditions for any plant material you bring.
See our advice for travelling to Australia.
Plate it. Don’t plant it.
Avoid introducing exotic pests and diseases into our environment through food meant for cooking or eating by following these simple rules.