Important: The current Methyl bromide fumigation methodology (version 2.0) is in force until 30 April 2025. It is available on the ‘methodologies and documents for biosecurity treatments’ page.
Familiarise yourself with the updated methodology (version 3.0). It will replace the current documents and come into force from 1 May 2025.
We have completed a review of the Methyl bromide fumigation methodology (version 2.0) to improve the way the methodology communicates our requirements. Your feedback helped us remove unclear language, simplify wording, and clarify the requirements. This helps treatment providers meet regulations and gives us assurance that fumigators are conducting treatments effectively.
There are minor changes made to treatment requirements and processes, but the way fumigators perform successful methyl bromide fumigations has not changed.
The current Methyl bromide fumigation methodology (version 2.0) and supporting guides are available on the methodologies and documents for biosecurity treatments page. They will remain in force until 30 April 2025. We will update the page with the new documentation on 1 May 2025.
Please note: fumigation requirements may be different for grain and plant products for export. Fumigation requirements for exports are in the relevant instructional material in the Plant Export Operations Manual.
The Methyl bromide fumigation methodology sets out the minimum requirements for treatment providers performing methyl bromide fumigations on commodities and/or associated packaging for quarantine and pre-shipment (QPS) purposes.
Methyl bromide fumigation methodology v3.0 (PDF 1.7 MB)
Methyl bromide fumigation methodology v3.0 (DOCX 3.7 MB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
Guides for QPS treatments
We have expanded and improved the supporting guides for methyl bromide fumigations.
These guides are drafts and are open for feedback.
Please send any feedback to the Offshore Treatments team via email.
The Guide to performing QPS fumigation with methyl bromide provides information on the methods and techniques that fumigators can use to ensure they are performing fumigations that meet the requirements of the methodology. Please read this document in conjunction with the Methyl bromide fumigation methodology.
The Guide to packaging suitability for performing QPS treatments provides information to assist the application of, and compliance with, the consignment suitability requirements of the relevant treatment methodology. This document applies to the suitability of consignments for fumigation and controlled atmosphere treatments.
Guide to performing QPS fumigations with methyl bromide v2.0 (PDF 3.4 MB)
Guide to performing QPS fumigations with methyl bromide v2.0 (DOC 5.8 MB)
Guide to packaging suitability for performing QPS treatments v2.0 (PDF 1.6 MB)
An accessible version of this document is pending, in the interim please email for assistance.
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
New treatment certificate and record of fumigation templates
The new requirements in the methodology are reflected in a new record of fumigation (ROF) and treatment certificate.
Record of fumigation (non-perishables) v3.0 (DOCX 64 KB)
Record of fumigation (perishables) v3.0 (DOCX 45 KB)
Treatment Certificate v3.0 (DOCX 63 KB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
Summary of changes
Summary of Key Changes for Methyl bromide fumigation methodology v3.0 (PDF 587 KB)
Summary of Key Changes for Methyl bromide fumigation methodology v3.0 (DOCX 235 KB)
Detailed Comparison Document (PDF 632 KB)
Detailed Comparison Document (DOC 161 KB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
Contact Us
For more information on the Methyl bromide fumigation methodology, please contact us at Offshore Treatments.