Document title | File type | |
Horizontal method for the enumeration of microorganisms – Colony count at 30°C by the pour plate technique – AS 5013.5-2016 | PDF [412 KB] | Word [140 KB] |
Aerobic Plate Counts in Foods (Neogen Petrifilm Methods) – AOAC 990.12 | PDF [433 KB] | Word [106 KB] |
Neogen Petrifilm® Rapid Aerobic Count (RAC) Plate Method - AOAC 2015.13 | PDF [201 KB] | Word [120 KB] |
Automated Enumeration of Total Viable Count in Food (TEMPO TVC Method) – AOAC 2008.10 | PDF [605 KB] | Word [107 KB] |
Compact Dry TC - AOAC010404 | PDF [442 KB] | Word [103 KB] |
MC-Media Pad RAC – AOAC 091702 | PDF [555 KB] | Word [129 KB] |
Document title | File type | |
Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs – Horizontal method for the detection of Escherichia coli O157 – ISO 16654:2001 | PDF [686 KB] | Word [111 KB] |
Detection, Isolation and Identification of Escherichiacoli O157:H7 and from Meat Products - MLG 5 | PDF [761 KB] | Word [110 KB] |
Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli – Enrichment and isolation of E. coli serotype O157:H7 from Foods – FDA BAM Chapter 4A(K) | PDF [743 KB] | Word [111 KB] |
FSIS Procedure for the use of Escherichia coli O157:H7 Screening Test (BAX) - MLG 5A | PDF [723 KB] | Word [107 KB] |
DuPont Qualicon BAX® System PCR Assay for Real-Time E. coli O157:H7 - AOAC 031002 | PDF [710 KB] | Word [112 KB] |
Assurance GDS for Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Selected Foods - AOAC 2005.04 and Assurance GDS E. coli O157:H7 Tq | PDF [692 KB] | Word [114 KB] |
The MicroSEQ® Real-Time PCR System for Detection of E. coli O157:H7 in raw ground beef and beef trim – AOAC 071001 | PDF [726 KB] | Word [108 KB] |
Neogen Molecular Detection Assay (MDA) 2 – E. coli O157 (including H7) Method - AOAC 2017.01 | PDF [248 KB] | Word [124 KB] |
BACGene E. coli O157:H7 Workflow – AOAC 022002 | PDF [662 KB] | Word [125 KB] |
GENE-UP E. coli O157:H7 2 (ECO 2) – AOAC 2019.03 | PDF [656 KB] | Word [125 KB] |
SureTect E. coli O157:H7 PCR Assay – AOAC 021501 | PDF [232 KB] | Word [147 KB] |
The following rapid methods are not to be used for the routine testing of export meat and meat products for E. coli O157. They are approved as backup methods for use when PCR methods are temporarily unavailable. They may be used for the testing of product under commercial arrangements when a methodology is not specified under that arrangement. | ||
BioControl VIP – AOAC 996.09 | PDF [707 KB] | Word [115 KB] |
Reveal (8-hour) – AOAC 2000.13 | PDF [610 KB] | Word [108 KB] |
Reveal (20-hour) – AOAC 2000.14 | PDF [661 KB] | Word [112 KB] |
Rapid P for E. coli O157 Lateral Flow Assay – AOAC 070201 | PDF [103 KB] | Word [53 KB] |
Document title | File type | |
Detection, Isolation and Identification of Top Seven Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli (STEC) from Meat and Meat Products - MLG 5C | PDF [249 KB] | DOCX [127 KB] |
Detection and isolation of non-O157 Shiga-toxin Producing Escherichia coli (STEC) from meat products – MLG 5B | PDF [160 KB] | Word [61 KB] |
Assurance GDS® MPX Top 7 STEC for detection of top 7 pathogenic STEC in beef trim - AOAC 071301 | PDF [147 KB] | Word [25 KB] |
DuPont Qualicon BAX® System Real-Time PCR Assays for detection of selected STEC in beef trim - AOAC 091301 | PDF [206 KB] | Word [143 KB] |
IEH E. coli Test System for detection of non-O157 Shiga-toxin producing E. coli and E. coli O157 in raw ground beef – AOAC 0100701 | PDF [137 KB] | Word [58 KB] |
RapidFinderTM STEC Detection Workflow for detection of top 7 STEC serogroups in beef product – AOAC 061602 | PDF [176 KB] | Word [51 KB] |
Pall GeneDisc® Plate STEC and STEC Top 6 methods for detection of O157 and top 6 non-O157 Shiga-toxin producing E. coli in raw ground beef and beef trim – AOAC 031401 | PDF [133 KB] | Word [52 KB] |
Assurance GDS MPX ID for Top 6 STEC – AOAC 101502 | PDF [492 KB] | Word [144 KB] |
BACGene STEC Top 7 Workflow – AOAC 022003 | PDF [755 KB] | Word [126 KB] |
GENE-UP EHEC Detection Method – AOAC 2020.06 | PDF [684 KB] | Word [126 KB] |
Neogen Molecular Detection Assay (MDA) 2 – STEC Gene Screen (stx and eae) - AOAC 071902 | PDF [216 KB] | Word [146 KB] |
NeoSeekTM STEC – AOAC 081901 | PDF [220 KB] | Word [155 KB] |
SureTectTM E. coli O157:H7 and STEC Screening PCR Assay - AOAC 012102 | PDF [233 KB] | Word [150 KB] |
Detection, Isolation and Identification of top seven STEC from Meat & Meat Products - MLG 5C Appendix 3, 4 and 5 (screening only) | PDF [265 KB] | Word [118 KB] |
Document title | File type | |
General guidance for enumeration of presumptive Escherichia coli: Most probable number technique - AS 5013.15-2006 | PDF [113 KB] | Word [56 KB] |
E. coli Neogen Petriflim - AOAC 991.14 and AOAC 998.08 | PDF [117 KB] | Word [61 KB] |
SimPlate Colour Indicator: Detection and Quantitation of Coliforms and E. coli in Foods- AOAC 2005.03 | PDF [115 KB] | Word [63 KB] |
TEMPO EC Method for automated enumeration of Escherichia coli — AOAC 2009.02 | PDF [138 KB] | Word [52 KB] |
Compact Dry EC - AOAC 110402 | PDF [138 KB] | Word [52 KB] |
MC-Media Pad E. coli/coliform – AOAC 070901 | PDF [509 KB] | Word [128 KB] |
Neogen Petrifilm Rapid E. coli/Coliform Count Plate - AOAC 2018.13 | PDF [258 KB] | Word [145 KB] |
Document title | File type | |
Microbiology of the food chain - Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes – Detection method AS 5013.24.1 - 2020 | PDF [293 KB] | Word [149 KB] |
Isolation and identification of Listeria monocytogenes from red meat, poultry, egg and environmental samples - MLG 8 | PDF [120 KB] | Word [61 KB] |
Detection and Enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes in Foods – FDA BAM Chapter 10 | PDF [118 KB] | Word [60 KB] |
Listeria monocytogenes BAX Screening Test - MLG 8A | PDF [139 KB] | Word [63 KB] |
Listeria monocytogenes in Foods – AOAC 2003.12 | PDF [130 KB] | Word [59 KB] |
VIDAS LIS Assay for Listeria in Foods - AOAC 999.06/2004.06 | PDF [ 250KB] | Word [142 KB] |
BioControl Listeria Visual Immunoprecipitate (VIP) Assay - AOAC 997.03 | PDF [600 KB] | Word [128 KB] |
Listeria Immunoassay - AOAC 996.14 | PDF [596 KB] | Word [134 KB] |
foodproof Listeria monocytogenes Detection Kit, 5’Nuclease and Hybridization Probes– AOAC 070401 | PDF [624 KB] | Word [124 KB] |
Pall GeneDisc® method for the detection of Listeria monocytogenes in food and environmental samples – AOAC 031204 | PDF [588 KB] | Word [124 KB] |
The MicroSEQ(R) Real-Time PCR System for Detection of Listeria monocytogenes in food – AOAC 011002 | PDF [572 KB] | Word [124 KB] |
VIDAS UP Listeriamethod (VIDAS LPT) – NF BIO 12/33 – 05/12 | PDF [712 KB] | Word [140 KB] |
Solus Listeria ELISA – NF SOL 37/02 – 06/13 | PDF [572 KB] | Word [127 KB] |
Thermo Scientific SureTect Listeria species PCR Assay – AOAC 071304 | PDF [236 KB] | Word [145 KB] |
DuPont BAX System Real-Time PCR for L. monocytogenes – AOAC 121402 | PDF [572 KB] | Word [127 KB] |
Neogen Molecular Detection Assay (MDA) 2 – Listeria monocytogenes Method - AOAC 2016.08 | PDF [800 KB] | Word [137 KB] |
BACGene Listeria monocytogenes – AOAC 061703 | PDF [662 KB] | Word [122 KB] |
Document title | File type | |
Microbiology of the food chain: Horizontal method for the detection of Salmonella spp. - AS 5013.10-2022 | PDF [278KB] | Word [149 KB] |
Isolation and identification of Salmonella from meat, poultry and egg products - MLG4 | PDF [684 KB] | Word[128 KB] |
FSIS Procedure for the use of the BAX System PCR Assay for Screening Salmonella in foods - MLG 4C | PDF [676 KB] | Word [124 KB] |
Salmonella in foods - AOAC 2003.09 | PDF [776 KB] | Word [124KB] |
Salmonella BioControl Assurance EIA - AOAC 992.11 | PDF [512 KB] | Word [132 KB] |
BioControl Assurance Gold - AOAC 999.08 | PDF [496 KB] | Word [132 KB] |
BioControl VIP - AOAC 999.09 | PDF [568 KB] | Word [136 KB] |
Salmonella (SLM) Assay - AOAC 996.08 | PDF [252 KB] | Word [147 KB] |
VIDAS EASY Salmonella method – AFNOR BIO 12/16 – 09/05 | PDF [648 KB] | Word [128 KB] |
VIDAS UP Salmonella (SPT) – AOAC 2013.01 (or AOAC 071101) | PDF [644 KB] | Word [124 KB] |
VIDAS Immuno Concentration Salmonella (ICS) - AOAC 2001.09 | PDF [572 KB] | Word [128 KB] |
Assurance GDSTM Salmonella method for foods - AOAC 2009.03 and Assurance GDSTDSalmonella Tq method | PDF [157 KB] | Word [62 KB] |
IEH PCR assay for detection of Salmonella in carcass and environmental sponges or swabs (AOAC 100701) | PDF [85 KB] | Word [54 KB] |
foodproof Salmonella Detection Kit, 5’Nuclease and Hybridization Probes – AOAC 120301 | PDF [778 KB] | Word [134 KB] |
DuPont Qualicon BAX(R) System Salmonella 2 PCR Assay – AOAC 100201 | PDF [165 KB] | Word [54 KB] |
DuPont Qualicon BAX(R) System Real-Time PCR Assay for Salmonella - AOAC 2013.02 | PDF [680 KB] | Word [136 KB] |
The MicroSEQ® Real-Time PCR System for Detection of Salmonella in food – AOAC 031001 | PDF [158 KB] | Word [23 KB] |
Assurance GDSTD for Salmonella – AOAC 050602 | PDF [158 KB] | Word [23 KB] |
Neogen Petrifilm Salmonella Express System – AOAC 2014.01 | PDF [660 KB] | Word [116 KB] |
Veriflow™ Salmonella species (SS) – AOAC 011404 | PDF [783 KB] | Word [128 KB] |
Solus Salmonella ELISA – NF SOL 37/01 – 06/13 | PDF [648 KB] | Word [128 KB] |
Thermo Scientific SureTect Salmonella spp PCR Assay – AOAC 2021.02 | PDF [230 KB] | Word [149 KB] |
Neogen Molecular Detection Assay (MDA) 2 – Salmonella Method – AOAC 2016.01 | PDF [771 KB] | Word [138 KB] |
BACGene Salmonella spp. – AOAC 121501 | PDF [655 KB] | Word [122 KB] |