The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has set conditions for how activities can be performed under an approved arrangement. Some conditions are specific to the class of approved arrangement you are operating, and some apply across multiple arrangement classes.
The class of your approved arrangement is based on the:
- type of activities taking place in the arrangement
- associated biosecurity risks.
Class specific conditions
Approved arrangement sites used for the deconsolidation of sea and air cargo, inspection and treatment of goods, containers and Universal Loading Devices (ULDs).
1.1 - Sea and air freight depot (unrestricted)
Approved arrangement sites approved for initial non-containerised machinery inspections, rural container inspections, external container inspections and the storage, inspection or treatment of incorrectly certified agricultural products from Khapra beetle countries.
Note; to be able to conduct rural container inspection a certified sea container inspection stand must be available on site. The stand must be suitable for the types of containers being inspected and be certified according to the standards in the department’s Standards for Sea Freight Container Inspection Stands available on the department’s website.
Applicants entering into a class 1.1 approved arrangement must provide container stand certification as part of their application. Applications not accompanied by container stand certification will be unable to be approved.
AA for sea and air freight depot (unrestricted) - conditions (PDF 545 KB)
AA for sea and air freight depot (unrestricted) - conditions (DOCX 391 KB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
1.2 - Air cargo terminal
Approved arrangement sites used for the deconsolidation of air cargo, inspection and treatment of goods, containers and ULDs that are subject to biosecurity control.
AA for air cargo terminals - requirements (PDF 924 KB)
AA for air cargo terminals - requirements (DOCX 389 KB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
1.3 - Sea and air freight depot (restricted)
Approved arrangement sites utilised for the deconsolidation of sea and air cargo, including personal and household effects. These sites can be approved for containerised machinery inspections and the fumigation and cleaning of goods subject to biosecurity control.
Note; to be able to conduct external container inspections (including rural tailgate inspections) at a class 1.3 approved arrangement an applicant must hold approval for class 4.3 – cleaning (minimum wash pad size 16 meters x 5 meters), additionally a certified sea container inspection stand must be available on site.
The sea container stand must be suitable for the types of containers being inspected and be certified according to the standards in the department’s Standards for Sea Freight Container Inspection Stands available on the department’s website.
Where applicants applying for a class 1.3 approved arrangement elect to include rural tailgate inspection, the applicant must provide container stand certification as part of their application. Applications that include rural tailgate inspection but which are not accompanied by container stand certification will be unable to be approved.
AA for sea and air freight depot (restricted) - conditions (PDF 659 KB)
AA for sea and air freight depot (restricted) - conditions (DOCX 394 KB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
Biosecurity Risk Material Record
Instructions for completing the Biosecurity risk material (BRM) record
The BRM record must be completed by an Accredited Person when bark, soil or animal/plant/insect contamination is found in imported containers and/or on timber packaging/dunnage. The BRM record must be maintained at the AA site.
The contamination must be dealt with according to the AA class 1.1 and 1.3 requirements.
Example of BRM record
Example 1 (line 1): An FCL consignment of goods was found to contain grain on the container floor and bark was present on the timber packaging. The timber packaging was marked with an ISPM 15 compliant stamp.
Example 2 (lines 2 and 3): A container was opened and a dead animal was found inside the container. The doors were closed immediately and the department was notified. After a departmental officer had removed the dead animal from the container the goods were unpacked. Bark was found on the timber packaging on one of three LCL consignments within the container. The timber packaging was not marked with an ISPM 15 compliant stamp.
Biosecurity risk material record (PDF 257 KB)
Biosecurity risk material record (DOCX 67 KB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
Approved arrangement sites used for the deconsolidation, handling, storage, inspection or examination and treatment of cargo and containers subject to biosecurity control.
2.1 - Non-agricultural products
Approved arrangement sites used for the deconsolidation, handling, storage, inspection and treatment of certain goods and equipment that are subject to biosecurity control.
Documents | File size |
AA for non-agricultural products - conditions Version 5.0 PDF | 491 KB |
AA for non-agricultural products - conditions Version 5.0 DOCX | 432 KB |
2.2 - Agricultural products
Approved arrangement sites used for the deconsolidation, storage and inspection of goods that are subject to biosecurity control, but are processed or packaged in such a way as to preclude the possibility of external contamination.
Documents | File size |
AA for agricultural products - conditions Version 6.0 PDF | 469 KB |
AA for agricultural products - conditions Version 6.0 DOCX | 397 KB |
2.3 - Bulk stockfeed/fertiliser
Approved arrangement sites used for the receival, storage, inspection and treatment of bulk commodities such as fertiliser and stockfeed that are subject to biosecurity control.
Documents | File size |
AA for bulk stockfeed/fertiliser - requirements PDF | 889 KB |
AA for bulk stockfeed/fertiliser - requirements DOCX | 381 KB |
2.4 - Fresh produce, nursery stock and cut flowers
Approved arrangement site utilised for the deconsolidation, handling, storage, inspection and treatment of fresh fruit and vegetables, cut flowers (including foliage which forms part of the consignment) and nursery stock (excluding tissue cultures) that are subject to biosecurity control.
Documents | File size |
AA for Fresh produce, nursery stock and cut flowers Version 3.0 PDF | 1.1 MB |
AA for Fresh produce, nursery stock and cut flowers Version 3.0 DOCX | 390 KB |
2.41 - Verification of packaging for airfreight perishables
Approved arrangement site utilised for the verification of consignment packaging for airfreight perishables and securing of airfreight perishable consignments for transport from the Cargo Terminal Operators (CTO) premises to the inspection point.
- Packaging verification is an activity that can be conducted by a departmental officer or by a biosecurity industry participant operating under this arrangement.
- Biosecurity directions requiring packaging verification are only issued to a CTO site that holds approval for AA class 1.2 – Air cargo terminals.
- The biosecurity industry participant for the class 1.2 AA site and the class 2.41 arrangement do not need to be the same entity.
- For further information regarding the types of airfreight perishables that require packaging verification, refer to the departments Biosecurity Import Conditions system.
Documents | File size |
AA for verification of packaging for airfreight perishables PDF | 880 KB |
AA for verification of packaging for airfreight perishables DOCX | 384 KB |
2.5 - Temperature controlled storage
Approved arrangement sites used for the receipt, storage, and inspection of commodities that have temperature controlled storage requirements, and for those that require cold temperature treatments.
Documents | File size |
AA for temperature controlled storage - requirements PDF | 515 KB |
AA for temperature controlled storage - requirements DOCX | 380 KB |
2.5.1 - Temperature controlled storage of specified baitfish
Approved arrangement sites used for the receival, storage, inspection and thawing of specified baitfish that are subject to biosecurity control.
2.5.2 - Temperature controlled storage of imported pig meat
Approved arrangement sites used to undertake temperature controlled storage and handling of imported pig meat that is subject to biosecurity control.
2.6 - Empty shipping container parks
Approved arrangement sites used for the handling, storage, internal examination and treatment of empty shipping containers that are subject to biosecurity control.
Documents | File size |
AA for empty shipping container parks - requirements Version 5.0 PDF | 954 KB |
AA for empty shipping container parks - requirements Version 5.0 DOCX | 385 KB |
2.7 – Grain storage
Approved arrangement (AA) sites utilised for the storage and handling of bulk imported grain commodities such as maize, wheat, barley, and sorghum.
Applications for approval for a class 2.7 must be accompanied by endorsement of the proposed site location issued by the department’s Plant Import Operations branch. Applications that do not provide this information will be considered incomplete. Before applying for a class 2. AA, requests for assessment of the proposed site location must be submitted to imports.
Documents including guidelines and templates referenced in the AA conditions and with which biosecurity industry participants must comply, and general information on the department’s regulation of imported grain can be found on the department’s imported whole grain website.
Once you have received the required approvals from Plant Import Operations please contact Approved Arrangement for more information on how to apply.
Documents | File size |
AA for imported grain storage - conditions PDF | 840 KB |
AA for imported grain storage - conditions DOCX | 395 KB |
Applications for approval for a class 2.7 must be accompanied by endorsement of the proposed site location issued by the department’s Plant Import Operations branch. Applications that do not provide this information will be considered incomplete. Requests for assessment of the proposed site location must be submitted to imports.
Documents including guidelines and templates referenced in the AA conditions and with which biosecurity industry participants must comply, and general information on the department’s regulation of imported grain can be found on the department’s imported whole grain website.
2.8 – Temporary storage of containerised refrigerated pig meat
Approved arrangement sites used for the temporary storage of refrigerated containers holding imported pig meat that is subject to biosecurity control, prior to movement to a class 2.5.2 or 3.2 AA site.
Approved arrangement (AA) sites used for general cargo, agricultural products, bulk commodities, and imported grain facilities that are subject to biosecurity control, where treatment and processing is undertaken.
3.0 – Processing
AA sites used for the receipt, storage, inspection and processing of goods subject to biosecurity control. Examples of goods which may be processed at class 3.0 AA site include plant, animal or microbial derived ingredients for use in processing for human consumption, pet food, aquaculture or stock feed, hides for tanning, hunting trophies for taxidermy (tanneries), wool for scouring, bagged nuts, seeds or grain, fresh produce.
Before applying for AA class 3.0, an applicant must obtain:
- endorsement of the proposed site location from the department’s Plant Division and/or Animal Division (see contact details below), and
- a biosecurity risk assessment from the department’s Plant Division and/or Animal Division (see contact details below).
- Where goods are subject to processing to manage plant only risks (e.g. bagged nuts, seeds or grains, fresh produce), contact Plant Division only to obtain site location endorsement and a biosecurity risk assessment by completing the ‘processing questionnaire for imported plant material’.
- Where goods are subject to processing to manage plant and animal risks (e.g. plant, animal or microbial derived ingredients used in pet food, aquaculture or stockfeed), contact both Animal Division and Plant Division to obtain site location endorsement and a biosecurity risk assessment. To determine whether the goods subject to processing contain animal and/or plant risks, refer to BICON.
- An applicant does not need to obtain endorsement of the site location or a biosecurity risk assessment from Animal Division for animal derived material/ingredients, having no other plant risks, imported for processing into products having a human consumption or human therapeutic end-use, or hides for tanning, hunting trophies for taxidermy or wool for scouring.
- Animal Division – In your email to Animal Division, include ‘Attention Animal & Biological Import Branch – Risk assessment for Class 3.0 AA application’ in the subject line
- Plant Division – In your email to Plant Division, include ‘Attention: Plant tier 2’ in the subject line.
Applicants must provide (a) endorsement of the proposed AA site location and (b) the completed biosecurity risk assessment as part of their application, unless specified above as not required. Applications not accompanied by these will be unable to be approved.
Once you have Plant Division and/or Animal Division endorsement of the proposed AA site location and a biosecurity risk assessment, contact Approved Arrangements for more information on how to apply.
Note: In August 2020, the department will contact biosecurity industry participants of existing class 3.0 approved arrangement sites and provide information regarding the changes to AA class 3.0 and process to transition their arrangements to include version 4.0 of the class 3.0 conditions.
All new class 3.0 applications are subject to compliance with version 4.0 of the class 3.0 conditions.
3.1 – Grain processing
Approved arrangement (AA) sites utilised for the processing of bulk imported grain commodities such as maize, wheat, barley, and sorghum.
Applications for approval for a class 3.1 must be accompanied by endorsement of the proposed site location issued by the department’s Plant Import Operations branch. Applications that do not provide this information will be considered incomplete.
Before applying for a class 3.1 AA, requests for assessment of the proposed site location must be submitted to imports.
Documents including guidelines and templates referenced in the AA conditions and with which biosecurity industry participants must comply, and general information on the department’s regulation of imported grain can be found on the department’s imported whole grain website.
Once you have received the required approvals from Plant Import Operations please contact Approved Arrangements for more information on how to apply.
Documents | File size |
AA for imported grain processing - conditions PDF | 970 KB |
AA for imported grain processing - conditions DOCX | 372 KB |
3.2 – Imported pig meat processing
Approved arrangement sites used for the handling, storage, transport and processing of imported uncooked pig meat that is subject to biosecurity control.
3.3 – Imported uncooked prawn product processing
AA sites utilised for the processing of imported uncooked prawn product.
Documents | File size |
AA for imported uncooked prawn processing - requirements PDF | 440 KB |
AA for imported uncooked prawn processing - requirements DOCX | 392 KB |
3.4 – Imported salmon product processing
AA sites utilised for the processing of imported uncooked salmon product.
Documents | File size |
AA for imported salmon processing - conditions PDF | 1.1 MB |
AA for imported salmon processing - conditions DOCX | 676 KB |
Approved arrangement sites used for the treatment and or cleaning of goods, containers and packaging that is subject to biosecurity control.
Note: The use of class 4.7 sites is limited only to the secure unpack of containers subject to treatment to manage seasonal hitchhiker biosecurity pests.
4.1 – Heat treatment site
Approved arrangement sites used where the heat treatment of goods, containers and packaging that are subject to biosecurity control is undertaken
Note: Biosecurity industry participants approved under AA class 4.1 at 6 September 2019 will be subject to a notice of intent to vary arrangement conditions. These BIPs will be provided a period within which compliance with AA Class 4.1 VERSION 3.1 must be achieved.
All new class 4.1 applications will be assessed against version 3.1.
4.2 – Gamma irradiation
Approved arrangement sites used for gamma irradiation treatment of goods and packaging that is subject to biosecurity control.
Documents | File size |
AA for gamma irradiation - requirements PDF | 501 KB |
AA for gamma irradiation - requirements DOCX | 378 KB |
4.3 – Cleaning
Approved arrangement sites used for the cleaning of goods, containers and packaging, e.g. washing of cars that are subject to biosecurity control.
Documents | File size |
AA for cleaning - requirements PDF | 1.1 MB |
AA for cleaning - requirements DOCX | 396 KB |
4.4 – Seed cleaning
Approved arrangement sites used for the performance of cleaning seeds that are subject to biosecurity control.
Documents | File size |
AA for seed cleaning - requirements PDF | 888 KB |
AA for seed cleaning - requirements DOCX | 376 KB |
4.6 – Fumigation
Approved arrangement sites used where the fumigation of goods, containers and packaging that are subject to biosecurity control is undertaken.
Documents | File size |
AA for fumigation - requirements PDF | 848 KB |
AA for fumigation - requirements DOCX | 390 KB |
- Methyl bromide fumigation methodology
- Guide to performing QPS fumigation
- Sulfuryl fluoride fumigation methodology
4.7 – Secure unpack for treatment of seasonal hitchhiker biosecurity pests
Approved arrangement sites used where containers subject to biosecurity seasonal risk measures require unpack within a secure environment for the purpose of rectifying issues preventing treatment at the container level.
- Heat treatment methodology
- Methyl bromide fumigation methodology
- Sulfuryl fluoride fumigation methodology
AA sites used for research, analysis and/or testing of imported biological material including micro-organisms, animal and human products and soil. This type of site includes microbiological facilities, animal facilities and plant laboratories, whether integral or separate to the site. Where applicable, class 5 conditions should be read in conjunction with the appropriate Australian/New Zealand Standard as listed in individual classes.
Biosecurity containment level 1
AA sites used for goods subject to biosecurity control of low hazard where standard safe containment practice is adequate to address biosecurity risk.
The published document has been prepared by the department. Some components of this document do not fully comply with Australian Government accessibility guidelines. If you have any problems using this document please contact the department.
Biosecurity containment level 2
Biosecurity containment level 2 conditions apply to approved arrangement sites housing biosecurity goods that pose a moderate biosecurity risk. A low to moderate economic impact would result to people, the community, or environment should the goods (including live organisms) escape and spread outside the approved arrangement site.
Biosecurity Containment Level 2 (BC2) review
The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has updated conditions for AA classes 5.2, 7.2, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7 and where applicable class 6.1 by incorporating them into the revised AA BC2 class 5, covering microbiological, animal, aquatic, plant and invertebrate sites.
From 18 January 2021, all AAs with classes 5.2, 7.2, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7 and where applicable class 6.1 will be audited, when due, against the new BC2 conditions.
Existing approvals (approved before 17 January 2021)
Class 5.2 (AA for biosecurity containment level 2 – requirements), 7.2, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7 and where applicable class 6.1 sites will continue to operate under the relevant class conditions as listed on the department website, up until the time of the transition audit.
During the transition audits, AA sites will be audited against the revised BC2 conditions. Where non-compliance/s are identified against the revised BC2 conditions, Non-Rated Corrective Action Request/s will be issued, with a negotiated timeframe for rectification.
Where non-compliance is identified for class/es 5.2, 7.2, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7 and where applicable class 6.1, in the period prior to the transition audit, a Corrective Action Request will be issued as per the AA General Policies.
After the transition audit, the BC2 site will operate under the Approved arrangement - Biosecurity containment level 2 (BC2) Conditions and any other arrangement as approved by the department.
Existing AA sites without Third Party Assessment (TPA) certification
For AA sites which do not have a current TPA as required under the new class conditions, the department will contact the biosecurity industry participants from those sites to explain the process to ensure their continued approval.
Existing AA sites with TPA certification
These TPA certificates remain current and valid provided the site has maintained Level 2 containment approval from the time of certificate issue to time of transition audit.
New approvals (approved on or after 18 January 2021)
From 18 January 2021 revised BC2 conditions will be applied for new approvals, and pre-approval audits will take place as per the AA General Policies.
Facilities applying for BC2 approval, that have been or are currently being assessed by a TPA, will have the assessed conditions remain valid throughout the application process, provided no more than 12 months have passed between certification and application.
Transition period
Transition audits will be conducted over the course of 2021. Biosecurity industry participants will be contacted directly by Audit and Assurance Group to schedule these audits.
5.3 – Biosecurity containment level 3
AA sites used for goods subject to biosecurity control which pose significant risks to animals, plants or humans if pest or disease associated with them spread outside the AA site and from which significant economic impact would result in the community or environment.
Documents | File size |
AA for biosecurity containment level 3 - requirements PDF | 1.1 MB |
AA for biosecurity containment level 3 - requirements DOCX | 410 KB |
5.4 – Biosecurity containment level 4
AA sites used for goods subject to biosecurity control which pose serious life-threatening risks to animals, plants or humans if pests or disease associated with them spread outside the AA site and from which substantial economic impact would result to people, the community or environment.
Documents | File size |
AA for biosecurity containment level 4 - requirements PDF | 1.1 MB |
AA for biosecurity containment level 4 - requirements DOCX | 407 KB |
Containment AA sites multiple room approval
This document outlines the requirements for determining when AA sites undertaking biosecurity containment using multiple rooms or laboratories can be approved as a single AA site.
Documents | File size |
Containment facilities multiple room approval PDF | 870 KB |
Containment facilities multiple room approval DOCX | 638 KB |
Transfers between co-located AA sites checklists
These checklist are required whenever transporting goods that are subject to biosecurity control between co-located AA sites.
Documents | File size |
Driver checklist PDF | 369 KB |
Driver checklist DOCX | 58 KB |
Accredited Person checklist PDF | 371 KB |
Accredited Person checklist DOCX | 58 KB |
Approved arrangement sites used for the post entry quarantine (PEQ) of nursery stock such as aquatic plants, bulbs, seed lines, cuttings and other medium risk nursery stock are handled.
6.1 – Medium risk nursery stock
Approved arrangement sites used for nursery stock that is subject to biosecurity control in plant houses, glasshouses, polyhouses, igloos or tunnel houses, etc (excludes screen houses).
Documents | File size |
AA for medium risk nursery stock - requirements PDF | 878 KB |
AA for medium risk nursery stock - requirements DOCX | 380 KB |
6.7 – Plant Process Management System
A class 6.7 approved arrangement is a single class approved arrangement for managing the biosecurity risk associated with the growth of restricted seed and plant material in post-entry quarantine (PEQ). The biosecurity activities under a 6.7 approved arrangement are required to be carried out at one or more approved arrangement sites under other (e.g. existing) arrangements held by the same entity which have classes appropriate for restricted and high risk plant material.
Contact Plant Import Operations at imports for more information on how to apply for a class 6.7 approved arrangement.
6.11 – Bulbs
Approved arrangement sites used for bulbs that are subject to biosecurity control in open areas.
Approved arrangement sites used for holding imported animals. Where applicable, class 7 requirements should be read in conjunction with the appropriate Australian/New Zealand Standard as listed in individual classes.
7.1 – Aquarium fish
Approved arrangement site used for holding live fresh water and marine ornamental fin fish that are subject to biosecurity control.
Documents | File size |
AA for aquarium fish - conditions Version 6.0 PDF | 1.1 MB |
AA for aquarium fish - conditions Version 6.0 DOCX | 397 KB |
7.2 – Biosecurity insectary containment level 2
AA sites used for goods subject to biosecurity control which present a moderate hazard to facility personnel or to the environment.
Biosecurity containment level 2 conditions now apply for approved arrangement sites housing biosecurity goods that pose a moderate biosecurity risk.
Applications for this class are no longer being accepted, please refer to class specific conditions for class 5, Biosecurity containment level 2.
Documents | File size |
AA for biosecurity insectary containment level 2 - requirements PDF | 943 KB |
AA for biosecurity insectary containment level 2 - requirements DOCX | 383 KB |
7.3 – Biosecurity insectary containment level 3
Approved arrangement sites used for goods subject to biosecurity control which pose significant risks to animals, plants or humans if pest or disease associated with them spread outside the site and from which significant economic impact would result in the community or environment.
Documents | File size |
AA for biosecurity insectary containment level 3 - requirements PDF | 981 KB |
AA for biosecurity insectary containment level 3 - requirements DOCX | 387 KB |
7.4 – Biosecurity insectary containment level 4
Approved arrangement sites used for goods subject to biosecurity control which pose significant risks to animals, plants or humans if the insect, pest or disease associated with them spread outside the site and from which significant economic impact would result in the community or environment.
Documents | File size |
AA for biosecurity insectary containment level 4 - requirements PDF | 975 KB |
AA for biosecurity insectary containment level 4 - requirements DOCX | 387 KB |
7.5 – Laboratory rodents
Approved arrangement sites used for the purpose of holding live laboratory rodents that are subject to biosecurity control.
Biosecurity containment level 2 conditions now apply for approved arrangement sites housing biosecurity goods that pose a moderate biosecurity risk.
Applications for this class are no longer being accepted, please refer to class specific conditions for class 5, Biosecurity containment level 2.
Documents | File size |
AA for laboratory rodents - requirements PDF | 886 KB |
AA for laboratory rodents - requirements DOCX | 376 KB |
7.6 – Laboratory xenopus
Approved arrangement sites used for the purpose of holding live laboratory xenopus that are subject to biosecurity control.
Biosecurity containment level 2 conditions now apply for approved arrangement sites housing biosecurity goods that pose a moderate biosecurity risk.
Applications for this class are no longer being accepted, please refer to class specific conditions for class 5, Biosecurity containment level 2.
Documents | File size |
AA for laboratory xenopus - requirements PDF | 888 KB |
AA for laboratory xenopus - requirements DOCX | 376 KB |
7.7 – Laboratory fish
Approved arrangement sites used for the purpose of holding live laboratory fish that are subject to biosecurity control.
Biosecurity containment level 2 conditions now apply for approved arrangement sites housing biosecurity goods that pose a moderate biosecurity risk.
Applications for this class are no longer being accepted, please refer to class specific conditions for class 5, Biosecurity containment level 2.
Documents | File size |
AA for laboratory fish - requirements PDF | 931 KB |
AA for laboratory fish - requirements DOCX | 382 KB |
7.8 – Defence and Police dogs
Approved arrangement sites used for the purpose of holding Defence and Police dogs that are subject to biosecurity control.
Nominated veterinary hospital reference
This reference details the requirements for nominated veterinary hospitals when providing veterinary care for Defence and Police dogs subject to biosecurity control.
Documents | File size |
Nominated veterinary hospitals - assessment guide PDF | 712 KB |
Nominated veterinary hospitals - assessment guide DOCX | 663 KB |
7.9 – Zoo animals
Approved arrangement sites used for the isolation, examination and testing of live imported zoo animals as required by import permit conditions.
Initial approval
The initial approval process described below applies when a zoo importer doesn’t have an approved:
- facility/enclosure onsite that’s previously been approved for the import of animals
- arrangement reference number issued by the department.
Due to the generic nature of the class 7.9 requirements, applicants seeking approval under this class will need to:
- identify the species for which an import permit will be sought
- have an area to be used for the post-arrival quarantine of the imported animals identified
- submit a post-arrival quarantine procedures manual for the proposed species for assessment
- be ready for an onsite audit.
It is not uncommon for zoos to operate a single multi-use/species enclosure. Applicants should advise at the time of applying that the enclosure is to be used for subsequent imports of different species. By providing this information upfront, the importer may decrease the level of audit required through subsequent site assessments for different species. This will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
New applications and subsequent import requests for approval for a class 7.9 must be accompanied by a post-arrival quarantine procedures manual for the proposed species that is approved by regional Veterinary Exports and Meat Group (VEMG). Applications that do not provide this information will be considered incomplete.
Please contact your regional VEMG team at:
- QLD Agriculture - Live Animal Imports - Sydney/NSW/ACT: - Melbourne/VIC - Perth/WA - Adelaide/SA
Once you have received the required approvals from Live Animal Imports Program you may contact Approved Arrangements for more information on how to apply.
Once the approved arrangement is approved, the import permit may be issued and the proposed import can then occur.
Post approval
The post-approval process described below applies after an imported animal has completed its post-arrival quarantine period.
Once the imported species has completed the required post-arrival quarantine period, the approved arrangement approval can be suspended to indicate that the site is no longer required for biosecurity control. By doing this, the site won’t be subject to additional, ongoing audits.
To suspend the approval, the biosecurity industry participant is required to notify Approved Arrangements that the post-arrival quarantine period has ended, provide a copy of the release record and request a voluntary suspension. Following notification, the approved arrangement will be suspended until the biosecurity industry participant requests for the suspension to be lifted.
The request to lift the suspension can be made any time prior to the next import, however a minimum of 15 working days’ notice is required.
Failure to request a voluntary suspension at the end of post-arrival quarantine period will result in the department scheduling audits to ensure compliance with approved arrangement requirements.
Additional requirements for subsequent imports
The requirements for subsequent imports described below applies when a zoo importer:
- has previously imported animals into an approved arrangement site and has decided to import again
- does have an approved arrangement reference number issued by the department.
Due to the broad scope of species eligible for importation and the associated variation in structures required to ensure containment of each species, for the importation of each subsequent species, applicants will need to:
- apply for a specific import permit
- provide their approved arrangement reference number
- provide regional VEMG an amended procedures manual detailing the specific post-arrival quarantine procedures for that species
- provide to regional VEMG details of the area to be used for the post-arrival quarantine of the animals
- be ready for an onsite audit.
Once the amended procedures manual is endorsed by the regional VEMG team contact Approved Arrangements for more information on how to apply. Applications that do not provide this information will be considered incomplete.
Documents | File size |
AA for zoo animals - requirements PDF | 942 KB |
AA for zoo animals - requirements DOCX | 382 KB |
7.10 – Fertile poultry hatching eggs
Approved arrangement sites used for the holding of fertile poultry hatching eggs and the resultant stock that are subject to biosecurity control.
Applications for approval for a class 7.10 must be accompanied by a site operations manual/standard operating procedure that is approved by the Horse, Livestock and Bird Imports Program and meets current import permit and biosecurity risk management requirements. Applications that do not provide this information will be considered incomplete.
Before applying for a class 7.10 approved arrangement, requests for assessment of the site operations manual/standard operating procedure must be submitted to imports.
Once you have received the required approvals from Horse, Livestock and Bird Imports Program please contact Approved Arrangements for more information on how to apply.
Documents | File size |
AA for fertile poultry hatching eggs - requirements PDF | 908 KB |
AA for fertile poultry hatching eggs - requirements DOCX | 380 KB |
The published document has been prepared by the department. Some components of this document do not fully comply with Australian Government accessibility guidelines. If you have any problems using this document, please contact Approved Arrangements.
7.11 – Commercial rabbits
Approved arrangement sites used to undertake the isolation, examination, treatment and testing of imported live commercial rabbits as required by Import Permit conditions.
Applications for approval for a class 7.11 must be accompanied by a site operations manual/standard operating procedure that is approved by the department's Live Animal Imports Program in Canberra. Applications that do not provide this information will be considered incomplete.
Before applying for a class 7.11 approved arrangement, requests for assessment of the site operations manual/standard operating procedure must be submitted to imports.
Once you have received the required approvals from Live Animal Imports Program please contact Approved Arrangements for more information on how to apply.
Documents | File size |
AA for commercial rabbits - requirements PDF | 990 KB |
AA for commercial rabbits - requirements DOCX | 388 KB |
7.12 – Live horses
Approved arrangement sites used to undertake the isolation, examination and treatment of live imported horses as required by Import Permit conditions.
Applications for approval for a class 7.12 must be accompanied by a site operations manual/standard operating procedure that is approved by the department's Live Animal Imports Program in Canberra. Applications that do not provide this information will be considered incomplete.
Before applying for a class 7.12 approved arrangement, requests for assessment of the site operations manual/standard operating procedure must be submitted to imports.
Once you have received the required approvals from Live Animal Imports Program please contact Approved Arrangements for more information on how to apply.
Documents | File size |
AA for live horse - conditions PDF | 1.12 MB |
AA for live horse - conditions DOCX | 412 KB |
Approved arrangement sites used for the disposal of biosecurity waste.
8.1 – Incineration
Approved arrangement sites used for the incineration of biosecurity waste to irreducible ash.
Documents | File size |
AA for incineration - requirements PDF | 1.1 MB |
AA for incineration - requirements DOCX | 396 KB |
8.2 – Deep burial
Approved arrangement sites used for the deep burial of biosecurity waste.
Documents | File size |
AA for deep burial - requirements PDF | 1.0 MB |
AA for deep burial - requirements DOCX | 388 KB |
8.3 – Autoclave
Approved arrangement sites used for the autoclave treatment of biosecurity waste.
Documents | File size |
AA for autoclave - requirements PDF | 1.1 MB |
AA for autoclave - requirements DOCX | 404 KB |
8.4 – Other treatments for biosecurity waste
Contact Approved Arrangements for more information on how to apply for a class 8.4 approved arrangement.
Approved arrangement sites used for the management of biosecurity waste. Previously compliance agreements.
10.2 – Biosecurity waste collection
Approved arrangement sites used for the collection of biosecurity waste.
Documents | File size |
AA for biosecurity waste collection - requirements PDF | 872 KB |
AA for biosecurity waste collection - requirements DOCX | 373 KB |
10.5 – Biosecurity waste storage
Approved arrangement sites used for the storage of biosecurity waste.
Documents | File size |
AA for biosecurity waste storage - requirements PDF | 866 KB |
AA for biosecurity waste storage - requirements DOCX | 372 KB |
10.6 – Biosecurity waste transport
Approved arrangement sites used for the transportation of biosecurity waste.
Documents | File size |
AA for biosecurity waste transport - requirements PDF | 879 KB |
AA for biosecurity waste transport - requirements DOCX | 374 KB |
AA sites used for the management of containers. Previously compliance agreements.
11.2 – External container treatment
AA utilised for the removal of external contamination from imported shipping containers leaving the port, including the domestic conveyance used to move the container.
AA for external container treatments - requirements (PDF 823 KB)
AA for external container treatments - requirements (DOCX 371 KB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
Class 12 treatment arrangements authorise the treatment of goods subject to biosecurity control at an approved arrangement site, under a biosecurity direction from the department. Biosecurity directions for fumigation or heat treatment are only issued for approved arrangement sites that hold a specific class of arrangement.
Directions for:
- methyl bromide fumigation (class 12.1) or sulfuryl fluoride fumigation (class 12.2) are issued primarily for performance at an approved arrangement site holding approval for class 4.6 – fumigation
- heat treatment (class 12.3) are issued for performance at an approved arrangement site holding approval for class 4.1 – heat treatment site.
- The biosecurity industry participant for the class 4.6 or 4.1 approved arrangement site and the class 12 arrangement do not need to be the same entity.
- Some consignments will need action performed to make them suitable for treatment. This action could involve re-arranging cartons/packages in the container to create air space or the slashing or removal of plastic wrapping.
- For brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) treatment, holding a class 12 arrangement alone does not allow a department approved treatment provider to conduct in-container action to make the consignment suitable for treatment, as referenced in the following Industry Advice Notices (IAN):
- for fumigation, refer to IAN 147-2020 - Streamlined brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) fumigation arrangements available
- for heat treatment, refer to IAN 146-2020 - Enhanced brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) heat treatment arrangements
- To undertake in-container remedial actions to make consignments suitable for BMSB treatment, additional specific conditions need to be added to a treatment provider’s class 12 approved arrangement. These conditions are included in the above IANs.
- Treatment providers applying for a class 12 approved arrangement and who want the ability to undertake in-container action for BMSB treatment must indicate this in their application for an approved arrangement. Applicants should state ‘BMSB in-container remedial action’ in their application. Biosecurity industry participants with existing class 12 arrangements may also apply to vary their approved arrangement to add this activity.
12.1 – methyl bromide fumigation
Approved arrangement that authorises accredited fumigators to perform onshore methyl bromide fumigation treatment on goods subject to biosecurity control, under the direction of the department.
Documents | File size |
AA for methyl bromide fumigation - conditions Version 3.0 PDF | 922KB |
AA for methyl bromide fumigation - conditions Version 3.0 DOCX | 1,227 KB |
- Methyl bromide fumigation methodology
- Guide to performing QPS fumigation with methyl bromide
- Methyl bromide fumigation certificate template
- Record of methyl bromide fumigation template
- Record of methyl bromide fumigation for perishables template
Note: scroll past the BMSB documents to access the templates for non-BMSB fumigations.
12.2 – sulfuryl fluoride fumigation
Approved arrangement that authorises accredited fumigators to perform onshore sulfuryl fluoride fumigation treatment on goods subject to biosecurity control, under the direction of the department.
Documents | File size |
AA for sulfuryl fluoride fumigation - conditions Version 2.0 PDF | 905 KB |
AA for sulfuryl fluoride fumigation - conditions Version 2.0 DOCX | 1,223 KB |
- Sulfuryl fluoride fumigation methodology
- BMSB sulfuryl fluoride fumigation certificate – third party approved program – template
- BMSB sulfuryl fluoride fumigation certificate – template
- How to complete a BMSB sulfuryl fluoride fumigation certificate
- BMSB record of sulfuryl fluoride fumigation – imperial – template
- BMSB record of sulfuryl fluoride fumigation – metric – template
12.3 – heat treatment
Approved arrangement that authorises the performance of heat treatment on goods subject to biosecurity control, under the direction of the department.
Documents | File size |
AA for heat treatment - requirements PDF | 526 KB |
AA for heat treatment - requirements DOCX | 377 KB |
- Heat treatment methodology
- BMSB Record of heat treatment – template
13.1 – Second conveyances
AA for the management of the receipt of goods and persons onto second conveyances (installations and petroleum industry vessels).
AA for second conveyances (PDF 907 KB)
AA for second conveyances (DOCX 385 KB)
Request to arrive and/or unload goods form (PDF 204 KB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
Approved arrangements that authorise a biosecurity industry participant to carry out specified biosecurity activities on goods subject to biosecurity control.
14.4 – rural tailgate inspection
Biosecurity industry participants that hold class 14.4 as part of their approved arrangement can perform rural tailgate inspections on certain imported containers that are destined for unpack in a rural area.
- Rural tailgate inspections performed under class 14.4 are restricted to certain container types. Please refer to the ‘scope’ section of the class 14.4 conditions document.
- There are biosecurity directions specific to rural tailgate inspections performed under class 14.4. The location at which the rural tailgate inspection is directed to occur must be an approved arrangement site that holds class 14.4.
- The approved arrangement site where a rural tailgate inspection is performed under class 14.4 must:
- be operated by the biosecurity industry participant performing the rural tailgate inspection activity - performing rural tailgate inspections at other sites is not permitted.
- hold approval for either class 1.1 - Sea and air freight depot (unrestricted) or 1.3 - Sea and air freight depot (restricted)
- hold approval for class 4.3 – cleaning, with a wash bay size of at least 16 metres by 5 metres
- hold approval to facilitate rural tailgate inspection performed by the department, which involves maintaining a certified sea container inspection stand. This is to facilitate departmental inspection activities, if needed.
- The biosecurity industry participant approved to carry out class 14.4 rural tailgate inspection activities may only conduct the activity at the site covered by their own approved arrangement. They are not permitted to carry out the activity at other sites.
- Biosecurity industry participants performing rural tailgate inspections under class 14.4 are not required to have additional container inspection facilities to those provided at the site for rural tailgate inspections performed by a biosecurity officer. Please refer to the ‘Site requirements’ section of the class 14.4 conditions document. The Class 14.4 conditions document is provided in the below table.
- The department’s rural tailgate container inspection record that is referenced in the class 14.4 conditions document is provided below.
AA for rural tailgate inspection – conditions (PDF 724 KB)
AA for rural tailgate inspection – conditions (DOCX 1.51 MB)
AA for rural tailgate inspection – information text (PDF 724 KB)
AA for rural tailgate inspection – informative text (DOCX 1.51 MB)
Rural tailgate container inspection record (PDF 2.6 MB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
Further information
How to apply for class 14.4 approval
If you are… | and if your site | then |
a biosecurity industry participant that already holds approval for class 1.1 or 1.3 | is approved to facilitate rural tailgate inspections performed by a biosecurity officer (your site already meets the necessary site requirements) |
is not approved to facilitate rural tailgate inspections performed by a biosecurity officer (and the site does not hold class 4.3 approved wash bay and a certified sea container inspection stand) |
| |
a biosecurity industry participant who does not hold approval for class 1.1 or 1.3 | can satisfy the below requirements:
seeking to apply for a new approved arrangement | can satisfy the below requirements:
Note: Completed applications to vary an approved arrangement must be emailed to
Arrangements that enable accredited persons to assess documents for clearance of non-commodity concerns for containerised sea freight and specified commodity groups.
A compliance guide is available to provide accredited persons and biosecurity industry participants with details of how to remain compliant with broker approved arrangements conditions.
19.1 – Non-commodity for containerised cargo clearance
Arrangement for performing and reporting on non-commodity statements and documentary assessments for FCL, FCX and LCL sea-freight consignments, unpack location postcode assessment of FCL and FCX sea-freight consignments and the direction of these consignments to sites operating under an approved arrangement.
Requirements and conditions for approved arrangement class 19.1: non-commodity for containerised cargo clearance (PDF 1.34 MB)
Requirements and conditions for approved arrangement class 19.1: non-commodity for containerised cargo clearance (DOCX 643 KB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
19.2 – Automatic entry processing for commodities
The arrangement enables accredited persons to assess documentation for commodities in-scope of the arrangement.
Requirements and conditions for approved arrangement class 19.2: automatic entry processing for commodities (PDF 1.11 MB)
Requirements and conditions for approved arrangement class 19.2: automatic entry processing for commodities (DOCX 781 KB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
43.1 – Disinsection treatments
Class 43.1 approved arrangements (AA) apply to the treatment of international aircraft by disinsection to prevent the introduction of potential disease and harmful pests. These arrangements apply to aircraft flying into Australia and New Zealand.
Effective 2 August 2021, the WHO aircraft disinsection method and procedures were incorporated into the Schedule of aircraft disinsection procedures for flights into Australia and New Zealand and WHO aircraft disinsection methods and procedures, 2nd ed.
Before applying for a class 43.1 approved arrangement, email the Aircraft Arrivals Program at to obtain department endorsement of:
- your internal disinsection procedures
- contracts of service if you are using a third party to perform disinsection treatments.
How to apply
Once you receive Aircraft Arrivals Program endorsement of your airline’s disinsection procedures and relevant contracts of service, email Approved Arrangements at for an application form.
Email the endorsed disinsection procedures and contracts of service (if applicable) with your completed form to Approved Arrangements. Applications not accompanied by these documents will not be accepted.
Application requirements
Your procedures must be written in English.
You must provide a separate contract of service for each third-party treatment provider you intend on using to perform disinsection treatments.
After approval
As the biosecurity industry participant responsible for the AA, you must ensure any third parties that you contract comply with the AA conditions and endorsed procedures.
All treatment providers (including the third party’s employees, contractors, or personnel) must perform the disinsection treatment as detailed in the endorsed internal disinsection procedures.
You must email Aircraft Arrivals Program at of any changes to third-party treatment providers.
The AA declarant, manager or contact must advise the email Approved Arrangements at least 15 business days prior to the proposed date of any changes to your AA.
AA for disinsection treatments (PDF 551 KB)
AA for disinsection treatments (DOCX 380 KB)
Contract of services (PDF 151 KB)
Contract of services (DOCX 33 KB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
Further information
Please contact us for more information on these classes and requirements.
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.