The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry develops policies to allow for the safe importation of animals, their genetic material and other animal products.
These policies are based on biosecurity risk analyses completed by the department. These analyses consider the biosecurity risk associated with the importation of animals and animal products taking into account Australia’s international obligations.
More information about the risk analysis process can be found at:
We release Biosecurity Advice notices to inform stakeholders about our biosecurity work including import risk analyses. Biosecurity Advice notices are sent to registered stakeholders and are available on our website. To become a registered stakeholder, complete the information at register as a stakeholder.
Information relating to current and finalised animal risk analyses is available below.
Current animal risk analyses
- Importation of live garden snails (Cornu aspersum) for heliciculture
- Fresh beef and beef products imported into Australia from the United States, sourced from bovines legally imported from Canada or Mexico
- Cooked turkey meat from the United States
- Foetal bovine serum
- Hatching eggs of poultry
- Natural casings
- Review of live marine ornamental finfish import policy
- Review of the biosecurity risks associated with veterinary immunobiologicals
- Psittacine birds (household pet and aviary)
Finalised animal risk analyses
As import policies and conditions may change over time, due to factors such as new scientific information or changes to disease distribution, stakeholders are advised to check current import conditions on the Australian Biosecurity Import Conditions (BICON) website.
- Zoo hippopotamuses and their semen from approved countries
- Bovine in-vitro produced embryos from Canada and the United States
- Captive non-human primates
- Casings
- Chicken Meat
- Cooked duck meat from Thailand
- Dairy products for human consumption
- Dehydrated and pre-sterilised microbiological media
- Dogs and Cats
- Egg powder from approved countries
- Elephant Semen
- Fish and fish products for pet food and stockfeed
- Fresh (chilled or frozen) beef and beef products for human consumption from approved countries
- Gamma irradiation as a treatment to address pathogens of animal biosecurity concern
- Giraffe Semen from New Zealand
- Giraffe Semen from the USA
- Guidelines for assessing genetic recombination and re-assortment of imported veterinary vaccines
- Honey bee semen
- Horses from approved countries
- Import of live sturgeon for aquaculture
- Imported Pig Meat - Post-Weaning Multisystemic Wasting Syndrome
- Inactivated Veterinary Vaccines
- Laboratory Rats and Mice and their Genetic material
- Laboratory mouse embryos from approved countries - policy review of hantavirus
- Live and Novel Veterinary Vaccines
- Live Reptiles
- Marine Finfish
- Ornamental Finfish
- Ovine/Caprine Semen and Embryos from Canada, USA and EU
- Penguins from New Zealand
- Pig Meat
- Queen honey bees
- Rabbits from the European Union
- Review of Leptospirosis and implications for Quarantine Policy
- Review of published tests to detect pathogens in veterinary vaccines intended for importation into Australia
- Review of prawns and prawn products
- Ruminant genetic material from the EU
- Salmon
- Scrapie
- Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) Eggs
- Stockfeed and Stockfeed Ingredients - Risk Management Measures for Spongiform Encephalopathies
- TSEs via veterinary vaccines and other in vivo veterinary products
- Zoo Animal Import Amendments
- Zoo bovids from approved countries
- Zoo Bovids from New Zealand
- Zoo elephants from approved countries
- Zoo Perissodactyls
- Zoo Rodents