We have started a review of the biosecurity risks associated with importing veterinary immunobiologicals into Australia.

Steps to complete this review
When we do this review, we:
- seek preliminary submissions from interested stakeholders
- review the science on pests and diseases of concern
- assess and analyse biosecurity risks
- develop proposed risk management measures
- consult the public on the draft report and then review comments
- publish a final report
- develop import conditions
- publish import conditions in our Biosecurity Import Conditions System (BICON)
About this review
This review will consider the biosecurity risks associated with importing veterinary immunobiologicals, including vaccines, into Australia. The proposal is for the review to modernise Australia’s biosecurity policies for these goods and to ensure risk control settings are appropriate in the context of modern manufacturing systems in the biotechnology sector. It will take into account new and relevant peer-reviewed scientific information, international standards, industry practices and operational practicalities.
Next steps
The department is preparing the draft risk analysis report. This report will:
- identify potential biosecurity risks
- propose appropriate risk management measures.
We will seek feedback on the draft report when it is released.
Learn more about why we carry out risk analyses and our international obligations.
Contact us
For more information about this review email Animal Biosecurity.
Register as a stakeholder
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