7 May 2014
Relevant to
- Livestock exporters
- LiveCorp and ALEC
- Department of Agriculture Live Animal Exports Officers
To advise licensed livestock exporters of changes to the process of departmental oversighting of quotas for multiple use import permits for some markets. The responsibility for managing the number of livestock exported under multiple use import permits not exceeding the quota available on the permit will rest with the exporter.
For certain markets, the importing country competent authority may issue import permits that are able to be used on multiple occasions for a fixed number (or quota) of livestock to be imported over a given time period.
Current markets where this occurs includes but may not be limited to Indonesia, Vietnam and Malaysia.
These import permits may be used by multiple exporters which may cause uncertainty about the quota available if consignments are exported in close proximity.
Previously the Department of Agriculture has monitored the quota usage for consignments to address this risk. This has, at times, led to delays in the approval of NOI/CRMP/ESCAS.
The department has reviewed the current process and streamlined it to reduce the risk of delays caused by departmental oversighting of quotas. The responsibility for complying with import permit quota will now rest with the exporter.
- Exporters are responsible for managing the quota available on multiple use import permits.
- Exporters are required to perform their own due diligence to ensure that the quota on import permits is not exceeded.
Exporters must obtain written confirmation (a quota letter) from the importer that there is sufficient quota available on the import permit(s) to allow the specified number of livestock proposed for export to be loaded onto the vessel/aircraft. - Records must be kept and provided on request to the Department of Agriculture at any time during the export process or at the time of export licence audits.
- The department may review this approach at any stage in the export process to ensure that the importing country requirements are being met.
- Exporters are not required to present quota letters or other forms of documentary evidence at the time of presenting their NOI/CRMP/ESCAS application to the Department of Agriculture, unless requested.
Jenny Cupit
Assistant Secretary
Animal Export Operations Branch
Contact officer: Tim Naylor
Ph: (02) 6272 4581
Email: Cost Recovery