Date: 19 March 2009
Title: Treatments after Permission to Leave for Loading has been issued
Species: Cattle and Buffalo
Country: South East Asia
File No: 2008/01295
Relevant to: AQIS live animal exports officers, livestock exporters, LiveCorp, AQIS accredited veterinarians—livestock
The purpose of this notice is:
- To replace Export Advisory Notice 2006-01 which included:
'To advise of a recent change to the Export Control (Animals) Orders 2004 to address animal welfare concerns arising from unnecessary double handling of livestock exported by sea'.
- To advise of the application of legislation which allows minor treatments to be performed after permission to leave for loading has been granted when livestock are exported by sea.
The Export Control (Animals) Order 2004 allows minor treatments to be performed after permission to leave for loading has been granted when livestock are exported by sea. The EAN 2006-01 referenced livestock exports to Indonesia. This EAN broadens the destination countries which may be applicable for treatments to be applied after permission to leave for loading is granted to those in South East Asia.
The circumstances where treating cattle and buffalo after permission to leave for loading may be requested include:
a) the treatment is minor in nature
b) the treatment can be given after the permission to leave for loading has been granted and before the livestock are loaded on to the truck at the registered premises.
- The exporter must apply and receive written approval to administer treatments after permission to leave for loading for each registered premise, as part of the consignment risk management plan.
- An assessment will be made, in conjunction with AQIS regional staff, on the basis of the registered premises and other factors. AQIS may not approve for various reasons including if the treatments are not minor, evidence that the treatments were not applied appropriately in the past or if facilities at the registered premises are not adequate to manage the process.
- The first two consignments from each registered premises and exporter that have been given permission to administer treatments after permission to leave for loading will be under full AQIS supervision.
- At least 96 hours prior to commencement of the treatments the exporter must notify the AQIS regional officer to allow supervision of the initial two consignments and any consignment when required. The travel and load plan must document the products to be used, treatments and the method of application.
- The AQIS accredited veterinarian (AAV) is required to examine the cattle prior to the exporter applying for permission to leave for loading to remove livestock which are not fit for export. Rejected cattle must be physically separated from the export consignment at the time of the AAV inspection.
Garry Cullen
Manager, Live Animal Exports Programs
Contact officer
Michael Hibbert
Tel: 02 6272 4581
Fax: 02 6272 5423