In 2007, the Australian Government promised $20 million to the forest industry to help them prepare for the future. A key element of the commitment was to better understand the implications of climate change for the forest industries, build industry capacity to adapt to these changes and capitalise on emerging mitigation opportunities.
The government funded 24 climate change projects under the initiative, to the value of $6.5 million. Of this, $4.7 million was provided under the Forest Industries Climate Change Research Fund to 20 projects on a competitive grants basis. A further $1.6 million was provided for projects undertaken by the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences.
The projects were grouped into 3 key areas of research namely:
For further information on the individual climate change research projects including final reports, journal articles and other key outputs please contact the project grantee’s organisation directly.
The fund guidelines PDF [210 KB, 9 pages] provide further information on the purpose of the program, eligibility and additional information about the program. Expressions of the interest for the program closed on 20 August 2009.