The research into alternatives to the use of clearfelling in old growth forest program underpins the Australian and Tasmanian Governments’ commitment to facilitate a significant reduction in the use of clearfell harvesting in old growth forests from more than 50 per cent in 2004/05 to less than 20 per cent by 2010.
The Australian Governments contribution of $2 million supplements the $11.1 million being invested by Tasmania in further research and implementation, including training and support for harvesting contractors. The joint investment has facilitated the acceleration of the research programs based at Warra in Southern Tasmania, and enabled its expansion into other forest types in other parts of the State. Old Forests New Management, an international conference was held in February 2008 to review the science of old growth management in temperate and boreal forests around the world. A science-based review of the reduced clearfelling program will be published in mid–late 2009.
The operating plan for the program set out arrangements for the implementation of the Australian Government’s commitment to invest $2 million to research alternatives to clearfelling old growth forests in Tasmania.
A Final Report for the program was completed in October 2010, and summarises the implementation and outcomes of the program. The program has now been finalised.