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8 August 2014
To advise Australian exporters that the Russian Federation has imposed a ban on the importation of certain plants and plant products to the Russian Federation.
On 6 August 2014, the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, signed a Presidential Decree on the '…
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15 August 2014
Thank you for responding to our stakeholder engagement survey. We appreciate it. With a total of 192 responses, we are eager to get into the detail of what you said and look at ways in which we can better engage and work with you.
With this aim in mind, here is a quick update on…
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Your feedback on how we communicate and engage with you is important.
A stakeholder engagement survey is now available and gives you the opportunity to evaluate how well the Plant Exports Operations Branch communicates plant export issues and changes, and for you to suggest…
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Import Risk Analysis Appeal Panel - Findings Report
Final Generic Import Risk Analysis Report for Prawns and Prawn Products
The Import Risk Analysis Appeal Panel (IRAAP) was convened in accordance with the Import Risk Analysis Handbook 20031 (the handbook) published by the…
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We have completed our Review of the biosecurity risks of prawns imported from all countries for human consumption. The final report included proposed import conditions. Publication of the final report represented the end of the process.
Comment was sought on the import conditions proposed in the…
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The following list contains documents relating to the scientific review for post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome.
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We completed an import risk assessment (IRA) for pig meat in 2004.
Steps to complete this risk analysis
When we do a risk analysis, we:
start the risk analysis by reviewing the science on pests and diseases of concern
assess and analyse biosecurity risks
develop proposed risk management…
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Comments were received from:
the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service
Department of Health and Ageing
Department of Primary Industries and Water, Tasmania
The Australian…
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Other format
Amendments to requirements for importation of penguins from NZ
PDF [29 KB]
5 November 2010
This Biosecurity Australia Advice (BAA) informs stakeholders that Biosecurity…
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20 May 2008
This Biosecurity Australia Advice (BAA) informs stakeholders that Australia’s Director of Quarantine has determined a policy for the importation of King and Gentoo penguins from New…
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