This step-by-step guide will help you prepare your cat for import into Australia from a Group 3 classified country.
You can print this guide and use it as a checklist.
Need to know
This is a complex process. Before you start the import process, we recommend you read this guide in full.
- Allow at least 6 months to complete health checks, tests and paperwork.
- All procedures must be completed by a government approved veterinarian in an approved country.
- Fees apply for our services, such as permit assessment and quarantine in Australia.
- There are certain breeds of cats that are prohibited from import into Australia.
- Overseas travel can cause stress to animals. If your cat is sick or elderly, consider if this is the right decision for them.
We encourage you to use an experienced pet transport agent or shipper.
Importing a cat or dog to Australia is a complex process. It will take at least 6 months to complete. You will need to make sure your cat meets a range of import conditions. This includes multiple veterinary visits, checks and treatments.
Seek help from a pet transport agent with experience in importing cats to Australia. They will help guide you through the import process.
To find a pet transport agent or shipper you can:
- search online (use terms like ‘pet transport agent Australia’)
- check the International Pet and Animal Transportation Association (IPATA).
We cannot recommend one agent over another. We have no influence over any fees or charges an agent may require for their services.
This is an optional step, but we recommend you use an agent.
You must meet all import conditions before you can bring your cat to Australia.
Check if this is the right guide for you
This step-by-step guide is for cats exported from Group 3 countries. These are a group of approved countries of origin for cat imports into Australia. Group 3 countries have rabies present, but it is well controlled.
Check the list of Group 3 countries to make sure this is the right guide for you.
Antigua & Barbuda
Brunei Darussalam
Cayman Islands
Croatia (Republic of)
Cyprus (Republic of)
Czechia (Czech Republic)
Denmark (including Greenland)
Hong Kong
Ireland (Republic of)
Isle of Man
Northern Mariana Islands
Puerto Rico
Saint Kitts & Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent & the Grenadines
South Africa (Republic of)
South Korea (Republic of)
Spain (including Canary and Balearic Islands)
Trinidad & Tobago
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
United States of America (excluding Guam and Hawaii)
Virgin Islands (British)
Virgin Islands (United States of America)
Your country of export is not on the Group 3 list.
Find the right step-by-step guide for your animal and country of export.
If your cat is coming from a Group 3 country, continue through this guide.
Confirm your cat is eligible for import to Australia
You must import your cat to Australia from an approved country (includes Group 3 countries).
To be eligible, cats residing in a Group 3 country must:
- have lived in an approved country for at least 180 days before export (from the date the RNATT sample arrives at laboratory)
- meet specific conditions related to rabies vaccination and testing.
The 180 days in an approved country is NOT a quarantine period.
Your cat may be living with you or someone else in an approved country while being prepared for export. They must complete a period of quarantine after arriving in Australia.
When you plan to export your cat, it must NOT be:
- under quarantine restrictions
- more than 30 days pregnant
- nursing kittens.
Non-domestic cat hybrids are not allowed into Australia.
This ban relates to environmental protection laws, not biosecurity laws. You will need to talk to the relevant government agency for details.
Hybrid cats NOT allowed into Australia include:
- Savannah cats: domestic cat (Felis catus) crossed with serval cat (Felis serval)
- Safari cats: domestic cat crossed with Geoffrey cat (Oncifelis geoffroyi)
- Chausie cats: domestic cat crossed with Jungle cat (Felis chaus)
- Bengal cats: domestic cat crossed with Asian leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis)
Contact the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water at They can provide more advice on hybrid animals.
Bengal cat policy change
From 1 March 2025, The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water are no longer providing Bengal cat exemptions. If you applied for an exemption by 28 February 2025, and were granted one, your Bengal must be imported to Australia by 5pm 28 February 2026. From 1 March 2026, Bengal cats will no longer be permitted to enter Australia.
For further information on this policy change, please refer to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water’s webpage.
If your cat is sick or old
Consider your cat’s age and general health.
Sick and elderly animals do not cope with long distance travel and climatic stress.
We do not recommend importing sick or very old animals. International travel can cause them to de-stabilise and rapidly deteriorate. Even cats with well-managed chronic diseases can arrive in distress and poor health.
Animals may be unable to get medication during transport. As a pet owner, you must consider if it’s in your pet’s best interests to travel the long distance and stay in quarantine.
Seek advice from the competent authority in your export country
How to find the competent authority in your country.
A competent authority is the government agency responsible for animal health. This may be a government veterinary service or similar. In Australia, it is us (Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry).
The competent authority must provide official documents for your cat before it leaves for Australia. We check these documents when your cat arrives Australia to ensure your cat has undergone the required pre-export veterinary procedures.
When you contact them, confirm they are recognised by us to oversee all veterinary checks and issue a health certificate.
All pre-export veterinary procedures must be completed:
- by a government approved veterinarian
- in an approved country
- before departing for Australia.
This process ensures your cat doesn’t bring diseases to Australia.
When you talk to the competent authority in your country, they will let you know:
- any local procedures or requirements you must meet before you export your cat
- how to find approved veterinarians to prepare your cat for export to Australia.
We rely on the competent authority to identify which vets can prepare cats for export in their jurisdiction. In many countries, this may simply be a registered veterinarian. In some countries, it may be specific vets. Contact the competent authority to check local requirements.
Don’t risk arriving in Australia with the wrong checks, treatments or certificates.
Talk to the competent authority. Only use a government approved veterinarian to prepare your cat for export.
Export conditions can vary between countries. The competent authority and approved vet can advise you on extra steps you need to take that aren’t in this guide or detailed on your import permit.
Read through this guide
We recommend you read this whole guide before you start the import process.
This guide details important actions you must take. This includes applying for and being issued with an import permit. Your import permit outlines the exact preparations required for your cat. You must meet all these conditions before you bring your cat to Australia.
Share this guide and your import permit with your approved veterinarian and pet transport company. They will help you meet all conditions.
The import process takes time.
Make sure you’re aware of how far ahead of export date you need to start each step. This will be covered in more detail in your import permit.
Do this before you start the import process and at least 180 days before export.
Check your cat has a microchip or implant a new one
Microchips are the only approved identification method. The competent authority in the export country will use the microchip to verify your cat’s identity.
A government approved veterinarian must scan the microchip:
- at each vet visit
- before any pre-export blood sampling.
They will check that the microchip number is accurately recorded on all documentation.
Your cat must be implanted with a microchip that is ISO compliant. Generally, microchips with 10 or 15 digits are ISO compliant.
Microchip numbers starting with 999 are not accepted because they are not unique.
It is essential your cat has a working microchip before you start the import process.
The government approved veterinarian must scan your cat’s microchip at each veterinary visit and accurately record it on all documents including test samples. This is how we match your cat to its preparations and documents.
We do not accept changes to laboratory reports or other documents to include or amend the microchip.
If a microchip cannot be read or is incorrect in your documents, your cat cannot be imported to Australia.
If your cat has 2 compliant microchips
Both compliant microchip numbers must be included on:
- the import permit application
- all laboratory reports
- the veterinary health certificate
- the RNATT declaration
- the identity check (if performed).
Both microchips must be scanned and recorded at each veterinary visit. They must match all import documents.
If your cat has a compliant microchip and a non-compliant microchip, we will only use the compliant microchip.
If your cat’s microchip stops working
The veterinarian should try multiple microchip scanners to read the microchip. An X-ray can be used to locate the microchip if it has moved from the implant site.
Your cat must arrive in Australia with a compliant microchip that can be scanned and linked to the import permit, health certificate and laboratory reports.
Confirm your cat’s identity
This is an optional step that will reduce the time your cat will need to stay in quarantine in Australia from a minimum of 30 days to a minimum of 10 days.
Your cat’s identity can only be verified by the competent authority in an approved country. Ask them to verify your cat’s identity for export to Australia. Most countries have a specific template.
Do this before having blood taken for the Rabies Neutralising Antibody Titre test (RNATT). An identity check cannot be done at the same vet visit as the RNATT. The identity check document is completed by an official veterinarian only and provided directly to us.
A pet passport, vaccination card or microchip certificate are not accepted as equivalent.
Identity declarations are valid for as long as your cat:
- can be identified by the verified microchip on the declaration, and
- resides in an approved country.
Do this at least 180 days before export AND before having blood taken for the RNATT.
For cats less than 6 months old, get their identity verified before you start the import process.
Your cat must be rabies free and vaccinated against rabies to be exported to Australia.
You must complete all rabies requirements before you apply for an import permit.
Find a government approved vet
All veterinary preparations must be done by a government approved veterinarian.
To find an approved veterinarian or laboratory, contact the competent authority in the export country. This is the government veterinary service or equivalent.
Any testing must also be done by a laboratory approved by the competent authority in the country of export. Your vet can help you with this.
Vaccinate your cat against rabies
Your cat’s rabies vaccination status must be valid from the date of the RNATT to the date of export.
If your cat’s vaccination status lapses, it is ineligible for export. Your cat will need to be vaccinated again. A new RNATT sample must then be collected. The 180-day waiting period would then be restarted.
The government-approved veterinarian must use an approved rabies vaccine. This vaccine must be:
- given in an approved country when the cat was at least 84 days old
- valid continuously from the RNATT (Step 4.3) up until and including the date of export
- approved for use in cats by the competent authority in the country of export.
Rabies vaccines that are valid for 3 years are acceptable if given according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
See more on rabies vaccination.
Wait 3-4 weeks between rabies vaccination and the date a blood sample is taken for the RNATT.
If your cat has regular rabies vaccinations, you may be able to collect the blood sample sooner. Check with your veterinarian.
Arrange a rabies neutralising antibody titre test (RNATT)
Your cat cannot be exported to Australia for at least 180 days after the RNATT sample arrives at the laboratory.
There are no exceptions to this mandatory 180 day waiting period. This is a residency period. It is not a quarantine period.
The RNATT is a blood test that checks if your cat has developed protection against rabies from the vaccinations it was given. This means it must be completed after rabies vaccination.
A government-approved veterinarian must:
- scan the cat’s microchip
- collect the blood sample for the RNATT.
This must be done in an approved country.
Your cat’s microchip number must be written accurately on the blood tube and the laboratory submission form.
Plan the timing of the RNATT sample.
The RNATT sample must be taken between 12 months and 180 days before the date of export.
Your cat must already be vaccinated against rabies. The RNATT is performed at least 3-4 weeks after the primary course of rabies vaccination. Cats that are regularly vaccinated may not need to wait 3-4 weeks. Check with your vet.
If your cat receives a rabies vaccine valid for 3 years, the RNATT can be performed any time in that 3-year period. If it’s the first time they are vaccinated, you will also need to wait 3-4 weeks before getting the RNATT.
The RNATT blood sample can be sent to a laboratory in another approved country.
The laboratory used must be recognised by the government of the country of export.
About the test
The RNATT blood sample can be taken in an approved country and tested at a recognised laboratory in another approved country.
The testing laboratory must use either:
- a fluorescent antibody virus neutralisation (FAVN) test, or
- a rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test (RFFIT).
A result of 0.5 IU/ml or more is acceptable.
A result of less than 0.5 IU/ml is not acceptable. You must re-vaccinate and repeat the RNATT. Your vet will help you understand these results.
Make sure your cat’s RNATT remains valid up until the date of export
An RNATT is valid for 12 months or 365 days from the date of blood sampling.
If it is close to expiring, you must have your cat retested. The blood sample must arrive at the laboratory within 12 months of the original sample. If you do this, you will avoid restarting the 180-day waiting period before export.
If the RNATT is more than 12 months old at the time of export, it’s not valid and you cannot export the cat to Australia. You must have your cat retested. You will also have to wait at least 180 days after this second test sample arrives at the laboratory.
Laboratory report
You must have a laboratory report showing the results of the RNATT.
The report must be in English and completed on the testing laboratory’s letterhead. It must include:
- your cat’s microchip number
- blood sampling date and location
- signature of the person issuing the laboratory report
- test type
- test result.
RNATT laboratory reports with an e-signature and QR code are acceptable.
We will not accept laboratory reports where the microchip number, collection date or result has been corrected.
Get the RNATT declaration
Request an RNATT declaration from the competent authority in your country of export.
Most countries have a specific template that the official government veterinarian will be able to provide you. The department will only accept the country-specific RNATT declaration negotiated with approved trading partners.
An official government veterinarian must complete, sign, and stamp the declaration.
You will need to submit to them:
- rabies vaccination certificate
- RNATT laboratory report.
The microchip number, test result and blood sampling date must be the same on the RNATT laboratory report and RNATT declaration. Even a one number difference could cause delays in the import process.
Make sure that the RNATT laboratory report and RNATT declaration state the name of the testing laboratory, not the submitting laboratory. Ask your vet if you are unsure.
See more on rabies vaccine and testing requirements.
The official government veterinarian is not the veterinarian that prepared your cat for export. See our Glossary of terms for an explanation of the types of veterinarians.
Check with the competent authority in your country of export. They can tell you who can complete the RNATT declaration.
You must provide a copy of the RNATT laboratory report and declaration when you apply for an import permit.
You may also need to provide previous RNATT laboratory reports and corresponding RNATT declarations. This is needed if your pet has more than one RNATT.
Allow plenty of time to get your permit before your proposed export date.
Your cat must have a valid import permit and meet all permit conditions before export.
Apply for a permit as soon as you can after the RNATT declaration.
Permits can take time to be issued. Most permits are issued in 20-40 business days. It can take up to 123 business days in some cases.
Apply for an import permit
When you apply for an import permit, you must provide:
- a copy of the RNATT report issued by the testing laboratory
- the corresponding RNATT declaration, endorsed by the official government veterinarian employed by the competent authority.
This applies to all cat and dog imports from Group 3 countries.
If you did not include the required rabies documents when you applied for an import permit, provide them to us now.
If you have not applied for an import permit, make sure you include them.
How to apply
Apply for your import permit through our Biosecurity Import Conditions System (BICON).
Be aware that applying for an import permit does not guarantee you will be issued with one.
Import permits are valid until the Rabies Neutralising Antibody Titre test (RNATT) expires. This is 12 months from when the blood sample was collected.
Pay in full when you submit your application in BICON.
Extra charges may apply if information is missing, incorrect, or if an application is put on hold.
Your import permit is NOT issued.
We may require more details from you before we can issue a permit. We’ll advise you of further action you can take to meet import conditions. In rare cases, we may refuse to issue an import permit.
Your import permit is issued.
Continue through the steps in this guide.
Meet all import permit conditions
Read your import permit carefully. It includes important conditions you must meet such as required post-entry quarantine period.
If your permit is issued, you must make sure you meet all your import permit conditions.
The conditions will be specified on the permit. This includes specific pre-export veterinary procedures required for your cat. These conditions are mandatory.
Make sure you read all import permit conditions and understand what you need to do.
If you fail to comply with your permit conditions, your cat may be:
- held longer in post entry quarantine
- subject to additional testing
- exported
- euthanised.
You will be liable for any costs involved.
The import permit must be valid on the date your cat arrives in Australia.
The import permit will be valid until the Rabies Neutralising Antibody Titre test (RNATT) expires (12 months from the date the blood sample was taken).
To extend the validity of your import permit, you will need to repeat the RNATT process.
Do this after you receive your import permit.
Book your cat’s post-entry quarantine stay
Your cat will stay at least 10 days in quarantine in Australia.
Cats must spend 30 days at the Mickleham post entry quarantine facility. Our quarantine facility is designed to comfortably accommodate cats and meet their needs.
This period of quarantine can be reduced to at least 10 days if:
- an official government veterinarian verified your cat’s identity before taking blood for the RNATT (see Step 3.2), or
- your cat originated in Australia and has evidence of their identity on their Australian-issued export certification.
See more about our quarantine facility and how to book.
You must pay for all quarantine costs
You must pay your account in full before your animal is released from quarantine. See our list of post-entry quarantine fees and charges.
Check rules for stops on the way to Australia
We have specific rules for travel that includes stops in other countries.
This varies depending on whether the cat will:
- remain on the plane (transiting)
- be unloaded from the plane and moved to another plane (transhipping).
Make sure you understand these rules when choosing flights.
During transport to Australia cats may transit in all countries. This means the plane can touch down in a country, but your cat must stay on the plane on the international side of the airport.
Your cat may tranship (change aircraft) in any approved country on their way to Australia.
Your cat must not leave the international side of the airport. It must stay under the supervision of the competent authority in the country of transhipment. It must be in a place that restricts contact with other animals.
It is your responsibility as the importer to contact the competent authority in the country of transhipment. You need to find out:
- whether they allow animals to tranship
- whether they have a facility to accommodate animals during transhipment
- how long the animals can be held
- if additional conditions apply.
Your cat may not be eligible for import if these conditions are not met.
Consider your cat’s travel arrangements
We cannot control how long your cat will be held at these destinations. If your cat is sick or elderly, consider if this is the right decision for them.
Book travel for your cat
You can make the travel arrangements yourself or use an animal transport company.
You can use any airline to transport your cat to Australia, at the airline operator’s discretion. Find a list of animal transport companies on the International Pet and Animal Transportation Association (IPATA) website.
Your cat must arrive directly to Melbourne International airport. We do not permit domestic transfers.
Your cat must travel:
- as manifested cargo (not in the cabin)
- in an International Air Transport Association (IATA) approved crate.
We are not responsible for your cat while they are under the care of the aircraft operator.
You must pay for all transport costs for your cat.
See the full IATA guidelines at Traveller’s Pet Corner.
Chartered or private aircraft
If your cat will arrive in Australia by chartered or private aircraft, please download and read our advice.
Cats and dogs arriving by chartered or private aircraft (PDF 159 KB)
Cats and dogs arriving by chartered or private aircraft (DOCX 230 KB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
These must be completed by a government approved veterinarian in an approved country.
Check all timings of tests and treatments as soon as possible.
Plan early. You need to make sure you complete all treatments and tests in the correct timeframes before export. All preparations are calculated from the date of export, local time in the country of export. For calculating timeframes, the date of the treatment or preparation counts as ‘day 0’.
These checks, treatments and vaccinations do not include rabies testing and vaccination.
See Step 4 for advice on how to meet rabies import conditions.
Complete all remaining veterinary preparations
All veterinary preparations must be done by a government approved veterinarian.
Any testing must also be done by a laboratory approved by the competent authority in the country of export.
You can use the same government-approved vet that completed your cat’s rabies testing and vaccinations.
We recommend you share this step-by-step guide and your import permit with your approved vet.
Your vet will help you make sure you meet all import conditions. This information is also useful to share with pet transport companies.
Guidance for vets
You can also download and share our guidance for vets.
Check vaccinations
This is an optional step.
We recommend that your cat is vaccinated against:
- feline enteritis (also known as feline panleukopenia or feline distemper)
- rhinotracheitis
- calicivirus.
These diseases exist in Australia. Vaccination is not mandatory.
Check when your cat was last vaccinated.
Vaccinations should be valid for the entire post-entry quarantine period.
Treat for external parasites
A government approved veterinarian must treat your cat with an acceptable product that kills ticks and fleas on contact. The chosen product must remain effective against new flea and tick infestations until the date of export to Australia.
The veterinarian may need to repeat to maintain protection until export. They must follow the manufacturer’s directions.
At each visit after the treatment has started, the veterinarian must examine the cat for external parasites. If fleas or ticks are found they must be removed, and the treatment restarted.
See acceptable external parasite treatments.
Start at least 21 days before export and repeat according to manufacturer directions
To calculate 21 days before the date of export, count the first day the treatment as day 0. For example, if treatment is given 1 January, then the earliest date of export is 22 January.
If the product manufacturer’s directions specify a 28-day re-treatment interval, the cat must either be re-treated by the vet on 29 January or be exported to Australia before 29 January.
Treat for internal parasites
A government approved veterinarian must treat your cat for nematodes and cestodes (internal parasites).
See acceptable internal parasite treatments.
Plan enough time to complete these before you export.
Your cat must be treated twice within 45 days before export. The two treatments must be spaced at least 14 days apart. The second treatment must be given within 5 days before the export date.
For example, if the date of export is 30 January:
- The earliest date the first treatment can be given is 16 December.
- The earliest date the second treatment can be given is 25 January.
- There are more than 14 days between 16 December and 25 January – this meets the 14-day spacing requirement.
Ask your vet about products that cover both nematodes and cestodes
Combined products that cover both nematodes and cestodes are available in many countries.
Time saver
It’s acceptable to do the final vet check and second internal parasite treatment at the same vet visit.
These are the final preparation activities before you export your cat.
Book a pre-export clinical examination
Your cat must be examined for external parasites and clinical signs of infectious or contagious disease. A government approved veterinarian or official government veterinarian must do this.
You must bring these documents to the examination:
- a valid import permit
- RNATT laboratory report
- a copy of the veterinary health certificate for the government approved vet to complete at this visit. You’ll need to get a blank copy from the competent authority in the country of export.
Within 5 days before your cat’s export date.
It’s acceptable to do the second internal parasite treatment at the same vet visit as the final vet check.
Get your approved vet to complete your veterinary health certificate
The veterinary health certificate is an agreed document between the department and your competent authority.
You will need to get a blank copy from your competent authority. The approved vet completing your cat’s preparations will then complete the certificate.
Get your veterinary health certificate endorsed by an official veterinarian
Take the completed health certificate to the competent authority for endorsement by an official veterinarian in the country of export.
An official government veterinarian must:
- complete, sign and stamp all pages of the veterinary health certificate (endorsement)
- sign and stamp every document travelling with your pet (e.g. RNATT laboratory report).
Any corrections to the veterinary health certificate must be struck through. Corrections must be legible and signed and stamped by the official government veterinarian. Do not use correction fluid.
Within 5 days before your cat’s date of export.
For example, if the date of export is 30 January, the earliest date the health certificate can be endorsed is 25 January. The certificate must be endorsed after the final veterinary health check and second internal parasite treatment has been completed. These can both be completed on the same day.
Check competent authority office hours and timeframes.
Government offices may be closed over local public holidays and weekends. You will need to make sure that you have enough time to get the veterinary health certificate endorsed before export.
Gather your import documents
Send all import documents with your cat.
A valid import permit, health certificate and relevant documents must travel to Australia with your cat. Keep a copy of each document for your records.
Your cat must arrive in Australia with these documents:
- a valid import permit
- a veterinary health certificate
- laboratory test reports and vaccination certificates relevant to each import requirement
- RNATT declaration.
The health certificate must be an original document. Copies will not be accepted.
Each page of the veterinary health certificate and laboratory reports must bear the original (‘wet ink’) stamp of the competent authority. It must also be signed and dated by the endorsing official government veterinarian of the competent authority.
Only the first page of the import permit needs to be endorsed.
What to do when you’re ready to send your cat, and what will happen when they arrive.
Prepare your cat for travel
Your cat must arrive in Australia before your import permit expires (when your RNATT expires).
On the day of travel:
- Place your cat in an International Air Transport Association (IATA) approved crate for cats.
- Do not place any items, including toys, medication or items of value, in the crate (these will be destroyed as biosecurity waste upon arrival).
- Pet transport agents can help you to prepare the crate, such as how to attach water containers.
In most cases, you will check your cat in at the freight terminal, not the passenger terminal.
Check with your airline to find out which terminal you need to use.
When your cat arrives in Australia
One of our biosecurity officers will collect your cat on arrival. They will transport your cat directly to the Mickleham post entry quarantine facility.
You will be notified via email that your animal has arrived safely, within 24 hours of arrival. We will contact you immediately if there is an issue with your animal on arrival.
We’ll help your cat settle in and get comfortable after its flight. We will check your cat to make sure they’re healthy and free from diseases or pests of biosecurity concern. We’ll assess your cat’s import documents to check your cat complies with our import conditions.
Your cat will be housed in a large, individual, climate-controlled enclosure. They’ll be fed quality food and provided with enrichment. We will give you updates on your cat’s health and wellbeing via email.
Read more about our state-of-the-art quarantine facility.
If your cat does not comply with the permit conditions, further tests, treatments or quarantine may apply.
The date your cat will be released from quarantine is on your import permit.
Cats must stay at Mickleham for a minimum of 30 days, unless your cat is eligible for the minimum 10 day stay.
Any issues that increase biosecurity risk may result in a longer stay.
Register your cat in Australia
You are responsible for meeting local requirements for cats in Australia.
Contact your local Australian council or government. They can tell you what you must do. This might include registering your cat and their microchip and paying yearly fees.
We are not involved in local council and national microchip registration databases.