28 August 2023
Model health certificate for prawns and prawn meat for human consumption (PDF 219 KB)
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This Biosecurity Advice notifies stakeholders of the finalisation of the import conditions for prawns and prawn products imported into Australia for human consumption.
The new prawn import conditions were outlined in Animal Biosecurity Advice (ABA) 2023-A06 Final import conditions for prawns and prawn products. All stakeholder comments received in response to ABA 2023-A06 were considered. Australia’s model health certificate for prawns and prawn meat for human consumption has now been finalised.
Australia’s trading partners and importers will be contacted by the department regarding implementation of the new conditions.
On 5 June 2023 the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry released the final report for the Review of the biosecurity risks of prawns imported from all countries for human consumption (the prawn review) and ABA 2023-A06. Comment was sought on the import conditions proposed in the final report. The department received comments from three stakeholders. These comments were considered when finalising the import conditions.
The department has determined that in order to ensure biosecurity risks of imported prawns are managed to a level that achieves Australia’s appropriate level of protection, import conditions consistent with those recommended in the final report and ABA 2023-A06 are required.
From 30 October 2023, the department will begin implementing changes to the import conditions for prawns and prawn products for human consumption.
Australia’s trading partners will need to provide a revised health certificate to the department for approval. Trading partners are encouraged to implement required certification changes in a timely manner to prevent disruptions to trade.
Australia has issued a Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Notification to the World Trade Organization (WTO) SPS Committee to inform its trading partners of the implementation of the new import conditions for prawns and prawn products, including a link to Australia’s model health certificate.
BICON notices will be released ahead of implementation advising importers of the changes to import condition.
Further information on importing prawns for human consumption is available on the department’s website: agriculture.gov.au/import/goods/.
Email aquaticAB@aff.gov.au for more information.
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Dr Jill Millan
a/g Assistant Secretary
Animal Biosecurity
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry