If your livestock are showing signs of lumpy skin disease, immediately call the Emergency Animal Disease Hotline on 1800 675 888 (free call within Australia)
Australia is free from lumpy skin disease (LSD) and has never had an incursion of the disease, according to World Organisation for Animal Health standards.
Further information can be found at Australia’s freedom from lumpy skin disease.
LSD is a serious viral disease that primarily affects cattle and buffalo. The disease can result in animal welfare issues and significant production losses. LSD is a disease of animals, not humans, it is not transmitted to humans by eating affected meat.
LSD is carried by live animals and reproductive material. It can also be spread by contaminated equipment and biting insects or parasites, such as flies, mosquitos and ticks.
Latest on LSD
LSD was reported in Indonesia on 2 March 2022. LSD has since been detected in a number of Indonesia’s provinces.
The emergence and continued spread of LSD in Indonesia changed the risk profile for Australia. As a result, we have been working with government and industry groups to strengthen our disease preparedness activities. Australia has nationally agreed response and cost-sharing arrangements in place to respond to exotic disease incursions, including for LSD.
On 30 July 2023, Australia’s then Chief Veterinary Officer, Dr Mark Schipp, confirmed that the Indonesian Agriculture and Quarantine Agency advised the department that a small number of Australian cattle exported to Indonesia returned positive results for LSD.
On 9 September 2023, the department announced an agreement with the Indonesian Agriculture and Quarantine Agency to lift the suspensions and restriction on live cattle and buffalo exports from across northern Australia. No cases of LSD were detected in Australia as a result of the extensive testing associated with that incident.
The department will continue to engage with stakeholders and provide trading partners with assurances of our animal health status.
Australia's freedom from lumpy skin disease
Read more about Australia’s animal health systems and information to support Australia’s freedom from infection.

Livestock producers
Find out what signs to look for in cattle, how to report a suspect case, and what you can do to protect your animals.

National Lumpy Skin Disease Action Plan
Find out more about the agreed priorities for actions to strengthen Australia’s preparedness for a potential LSD incursion.
In this video Australia’s recently retired Chief Veterinary Officer, Dr Mark Schipp, provides information about Lumpy skin disease, including its potential impacts and the need for disease vigilance.
Video transcript - lumpy skin disease information
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