Australia’s freedom from lumpy skin disease (PDF 1.5 MB)
Australia’s freedom from lumpy skin disease (DOC 1.6 MB)
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Australia’s excellent animal health surveillance system and effective emergency animal disease (EAD) response arrangements mean a change in animal health status would be detected, reported and dealt with rapidly.
This report provides detailed information on Australia’s animal health systems and LSD freedom status.
It demonstrates that:
- LSD has never occurred in Australia
- Australia is free from LSD infection in accordance with the provisions of the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) Terrestrial Animal Health Code.
- LSD is nationally notifiable in Australia
- Australia’s animal health surveillance system and underpinning activities support early detection and provide evidence for freedom from LSD infection
- Trading partners can have confidence in Australia’s status as free from LSD infection
- Australia has a demonstrated history of timely disease notification
- Australia’s surveillance system achieves a high surveillance sensitivity
- The absence of reports of LSD strongly supports Australia’s free status, as does data generated from targeted surveillance activities
- Many exclusion tests are undertaken for LSD each year
- Australia has a key focus on preventing entry of LSD into Australia
- Established surveillance, preparedness and response arrangements mean that Australia would promptly detect and respond effectively to an outbreak of LSD if it were to occur
- Australia is committed to meeting all reporting obligations as a member of the WOAH and to immediately notify trading partners of any EAD.