Stakeholder meetings
Mr Borthwick conducted face-to-face discussions with key government, industry, environment, scientific and other stakeholders throughout the course of the review, including the following:
- Austral Fisheries
- Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences
- Australian Fisheries Management Authority
- Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
- Australian Government Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities
- Australian Institute of Marine Science
- Australian Longline Pty Ltd
- Australian Marine Conservation Society
- Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security
- Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation
- Australian Southern Bluefin Tuna Industry Association (formerly the Tuna Boat Owners Association)
- Commonwealth Fisheries Association / National Seafood Industry Alliance
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Conservation Council SA
- Conservation Council WA
- Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (Qld)
- Department of Fisheries (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries (New South Wales)
- Department of Primary Industries (Victoria)
- Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries (NT)
- Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and the Environment (Tasmania)
- Department of Primary Industries and Resources, South Australia
- Environment Tasmania
- Fisheries Research & Development Corporation
- Greenpeace
- Humane Society International
- Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (University of Tasmania)
- OnlyOnePlanet
- PEW Charitable Trusts
- Recreational Fishing Roundtable
- Richey Fishing Co
- Seafish Tasmania
- Seafood Access Forum
- South Australian Research and Development Institute
- South East Trawl Fishing Association
- Southern Shark Industry Alliance
- Sydney Fish Markets
- Tasmanian Association for Recreational Fishing (TARfish)
- Tasmanian Game Fishing Association
- Tasmanian Seafood Industry Council
- Tuna Club of Tasmania
- Western Australian Fishing Industry Council
- Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission
- WWF-Australia.
Submission received
Public submissions were sought from interested parties between Friday 28 September and Friday 26 October 2012. Submissions to the review have been made available here as far as possible.
In addition to the submissions made by the entities listed below, the review received a large volume of short emails from individuals containing the same or substantially similar content as was contained on a private webpage the review understood was established to facilitate contributions. This correspondence is not included in the list of submissions below but was logged as part of the review process.
Submissions are grouped below alphabetically by entity name or surname in the case of an individual.
[expand all]
- Anonymous PDF
[9 KB]
- Antonysen, Keith PDF
[595 KB]
- Australian Fisheries Management Authority PDF (AFMA)
[393 KB]
- AFMA response to Nevill submission PDF
[2.8 MB]
- Austral Fisheries and WWF — Australia PDF
[182 KB]
- Australian Fishing Trade Association PDF
[70 KB]
- Australian Government Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Populations and Communities PDF
PDF [278 KB]
- Australian Longline and Petuna Sealord Deepwater Fishing PDF
[328 KB]
- Australian National Sportfish Association PDF
[110 KB]
- Australian Network of Environmental Defender's Offices PDF
[162 KB]
- Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation PDF
[137 KB]
- Australian Southern Bluefun Tuna Association PDF
[111 KB]
- Campbell, Vaughan PDF
[8 KB]
- Clark, Melissa PDF
[9 KB]
- Coles Supermarkets Australia PDF
[4579 KB]
- Commonwealth Fisheries Association PDF
[430 KB]
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation PDF (CSIRO)
[241 KB]
- Conservation Council of South Australia PDF
[320 KB]
- Cross, Sherrie PDF
[11 KB]
- Evans, John PDF
[7 KB]
- Fishermen Direct PDF
[9 KB]
- Fremantle Tuna PDF
[39 KB]
- Game Fishing Association of Australia PDF
[39 KB]
- Gerrity, Robyn PDF
[15 KB]
- Gullett, Warrick PDF
[136 KB]
- Government of Norfolk Island PDF
[666 KB]
- Haward, Marcus PDF
[133 KB]
- Hill, John PDF
[18 KB]
- Inga and James PDF
[69 KB]
- Jones, Alice PDF
[39 KB]
- Meegan-Turner, Anne-Marie PDF
[38 KB]
- Meeuwig, Jessica PDF
[38 KB]
- Merriman, Jeanne PDF
[38 KB]
- Miller, Haydn PDF
[622 KB]
- Moodie, Susan PDF
[12 KB]
- National Prawn Farmers' Association PDF
[2.7 MB]
- Nevill, Jonathan PDF
[96 KB]
- Nevill, Jonathan (supplementary) PDF
[67 KB]
[7 MB]
- Olsen, Karin PDF
[8 KB]
- Pike, Graham PDF
[253 KB]
- Recreational Fishing Alliance NSW PDF
[706 KB]
- Ross, Estelle PDF
[76 KB]
- SeafoodServices Australia PDF
[204 KB]
- Schnierer, Stephan PDF
[2 MB]
- Schnierer, Stephan and Lui, Stan on behalf of Indigenous attendees at Cairns Indigenous fisheries research priorities workshop PDF
[41 KB]
- Southern Shark Industry Alliance PDF
[494 KB]
- Stanfield, John PDF
[64 KB]
- Stop the Trawler Alliance PDF
[121 KB]
- Sustainable Shark Fishing Incorporated PDF
[196 KB]
- Young, Margaret PDF
[380 KB]
These submissions were not prepared by the department and may not meet Australian Government accessibility guidelines. If you require an accessible version of a document, please email Fisheries.