- Land use of Australia 2010-11 to 2020-21
- Catchment scale land use of Australia - Update December 2023
- Catchment scale land use of Australia - Commodities - December 2023
- Catchment scale land use profiles - Interactive dashboards
- Catchment scale land use of Australia – Update December 2020
- Catchment scale land use of Australia – Commodities – December 2020
- Australia's Agricultural Industries map 2020
- Catchment scale land use of Australia - Update December 2018
- Catchment scale land use of Australia - Commodities - December 2018
- Australian Agricultural Industries map 2017
- Catchment scale land use of Australia - Update September 2017
- Catchment scale land use of Australia - Commodities - September 2017
- The Australian Land Use and Management Classification Version 8
- Australian Agricultural Industries map 2016
- Land Use of Australia 2010-11
- Catchment scale land use of Australia - Update May 2016
- Land use Information for Australia - Brochure
- Catchment scale land use of Australia - Update March 2015
- Addendum to the Guidelines for land use mapping in Australia: principles, procedures and definitions, 4 Edition
- A scoping assessment for a national research centre addressing land use and food security issues
- Towards national reporting on land use change in Australia
- Land use and management: the Australian context
- Landscape in transition: tracking land use change (Science and Economic Insights-Issues 2011.2.2)
- Guidelines for land use mapping in Australia: 4th Edition, 2011
- Land Use in Australia at a Glance PDF [836 KB]
- The Australian land use and management (ALUM) classification version 7 summary * PDF [16 KB]
- The Australian land use and management (ALUM) classification version 7 detailed classification * PDF [200 KB]
- 2005-06 Land Use of Australia, Version 4
- Co-ordinated Land Use Mapping for Australia: Information for landscape solutions, Science for Decision Makers Brief, 2006 * PDF [700 KB]
- 1992-93, 1993-94, 1996-97, 1998-99, 2000-01 and 2001-02 Land Use of Australia, Version 3
- National Land Use Maps: 1992/93, 1993/94, 1996/97, 200/01 and 2001.02, Version 3: Technical Report *PDF [1.1 KB]
- GEOGLAM RaPP Map online user guide
- Setting targets for National Landcare Program Monitoring and reporting vegetation cover for Australia PDF [7.7MB]
- Download Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)-derived vegetation fractional cover data and Metrics from the Terrestrial Ecosystems Research Network National Computing Infrastructure (TERN NCI)
- Download monthly composites of the MODIS-derived fractional cover data from TERN AusCover
- Assessing the effects of site heterogeneity and soil properties when unmixing photosynthetic vegetation, non-photosynthetic vegetation and bare soil fractions from Landsat and MODIS data - Remote Sensing of Environment 161 (2015), 12-26
- Land management practice trends in Australia - dataset on the Monitor website
- Land management practices trends in Australia - brochure
- Australian ground cover reference sites database package 2014 on Data.gov.au
- Ground cover monitoring for Australia: Final report July 2012 to June 2013
- Poster describing new ground cover algorithm - Presented at "Frontiers in Earth Observation for Land System Science" Berlin PDF [2.8 MB]
- Poster on ground cover products - Presented at "Land transformations: Between global challenges and local realities" Berlin PDF [2.4 MB]
- Ground cover monitoring for Australia: Progress report July 2011 to June 2012
- Sampling strategy and selection of ground cover control sites
- Poster on ground cover remote sensing methods from the Terrestrial Ecosystems Research Network symposium PDF [3 MB]
- Evaluation of the fractional cover from MODIS PDF [3.3 MB]
- Ground cover monitoring for Australia Progress Report to June 2011 PDF [2.1 MB]
- Progress in national ground cover monitoring for Australian agriculture from the Joint Australian and New Zealand Soil Science Conference Word [192 KB]
- Field measurement of fractional ground cover: A technical handbook supporting ground cover monitoring for Australia (ACLUMP) PDF [81 MB]
- Workshop proceedings from November 2009 Ground cover monitoring for Australia - Establishing a nationally coordinated approach to ground cover mapping
- Cropping calendars for broadacre crops and improved pastures for natural resource management regions with user guide and metadata
- Status of Land Management Practices: Activities of the Australian Collaborative Land Use and Management Program (2010) * PDF [1.5 MB]
- A national approach to map management practices that improve soil condition (2010) Conference paper PDF [1.3 MB] Conference poster (low resolution) * PDF [1.6 MB]
- Ground cover management practices in cropping and improved pasture grazing systems: ground cover monitoring using remote sensing * PDF [3.3 MB]
- Developing national protocols to map ground cover management practices in cropping and grazing systems, Report on an Australian Collaborative Land Use and Management Program workshop, 12-13 May 2009, Brisbane (2010) * PDF [5.5 MB]
- Ground cover monitoring for Australia factsheet
- Review of land/ground cover monitoring in Victoria (2010) *# PDF 2.3 MB]
- Review of land/ground cover monitoring in New South Wales (2010) *# PDF [784 KB]
Review of land/ground cover monitoring in New South Wales (2010) *# Word [1.7 KB]
Drivers for land management practices information: State driver reports
- South Australian State and Regional Requirements for Land Management Practices Information (2009) * PDF [800 KB]
Ground cover monitoring: State reports
- Review of land cover monitoring in the Northern Territory (2009) *# PDF [1.8 MB]
- Privately funded contributions to NRM activities in the Goulburn Broken Catchment: testing the "x2 Assumption" (2009) - Victoria *# PDF [2.1 MB]
- Assessment of ground cover monitoring sites in South Australia (2009) *# PDF [2.7 MB]
Collating land management practices information: State pilot reports
- Spatial Recording of Land Management Practice Information (LMPI): Documentation of the development and testing of methodologies used to collect LMPI in NSW (2008) *# PDF [550 KB]
- Developing a Land Use and Management Information System (LUMIS) for the Northern Territory: Report on the Northern Territory Pilot Project *# PDF [5.5 KB]
- Development and application of remote sensing techniques for detecting and mapping a land management practice: contour banks (2008) - Queensland *# PDF [3.7 MB]
- Land management monitoring in the agricultural areas of South Australia: Report No 1 (2008) *#
- Land management monitoring in the agricultural areas of South Australia: Report No 2 (2008) *#
- Land Management Practices Mapping - A Tasmanian Pilot Study to Develop the Methodology and Test the Feasibility of Statewide Land Management Practice Mapping (2008) *# PDF [549 KB]
Collating land management practices information: State pilot reports
Collating land management practices information: State pilot reports
Drivers for land management practices information: State driver reports
- Requirements for land management practices information in Queensland (2005/06) *# PDF [170 KB]
- Tasmanian requirements for land management practices information (2005/06) *# PDF [458 KB]
- Signposts for Australian Agriculture Stage 2a: Refinement of the preliminary framework and industry profiles to include pathways to ESD (2005) *# PDF [642 KB]
Drivers for land management practices information: State driver reports
- Towards LUMIS - an agreed national Land Use Management Information System * PDF [97 KB]
- Land management practices data collections (2004) * PDF [126 KB]
- Land management practices - why they are important and how we know this (2004) * PDF [356 KB]
- Land use and land management practices: Concepts, terms and classification principles * PDF [430 KB]
- Understanding behaviour: Social and economic influences on land practice change (2004) * PDF [170 KB]
- National Dynamic Land Cover Dataset - Technical Report * PDF [36.2 KB]
- Classifying Australian land cover (2006) * PDF [964 KB]
- Monitoring Land Cover Change: Specifications for the remote sensing of agricultural land cover change project 1990-1995 (1998) * PDF [924 KB]
The Queensland Land Use Mapping Program (QLUMP) regularly produce land use change maps and reports as part of their land use summary reports.
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