Class 1. Conservation and Natural Environments
1.1.0 Nature conservation
1.1.1 Strict nature reserve
1.1.2 Wilderness area
1.1.3 Nature Park
1.1.4 Natural feature protection
1.1.5 Habitat/species management area
1.1.6 Protected landscape
1.1.7 Other conserved area
1.2.0 Managed resource protection
1.2.1 Biodiversity
1.2.2 Surface water supply
1.2.3 Groundwater
1.2.4 Landscape
1.2.5 Traditional Indigenous uses
1.3.0 Other minimal use
1.3.1 Defence land - natural areas
1.3.2 Stock route
1.3.3 Residual native cover
1.3.4 Rehabilitation
Class 2. Production from Relatively Natural Environments
2.1.0 Grazing native vegetation
2.2.0 Production native forests
2.2.1 Wood production forestry
2.2.2 Other forest production
Class 3. Production from Dryland Agriculture and Plantations
3.1.0 Plantation forests
3.1.1 Hardwood plantation forestry
3.1.2 Softwood plantation forestry
3.1.3 Other forest plantation
3.1.4 Environmental forest plantation
3.2.0 Grazing modified pastures
3.2.1 Native/exotic pasture mosaic
3.2.2 Woody fodder plants
3.2.3 Pasture legumes
3.2.4 Pasture legume/grass mixtures
3.2.5 Sown grasses
3.3.0 Cropping
3.3.1 Cereals
3.3.2 Beverage and spice crops
3.3.3 Hay and silage
3.3.4 Oilseeds
3.3.5 Sugar
3.3.6 Cotton
3.3.7 Alkaloid poppies
3.3.8 Pulses
3.4.0 Perennial horticulture
3.4.1 Tree fruits
3.4.2 Olives
3.4.3 Tree nuts
3.4.4 Vine fruits
3.4.5 Shrub berries and fruits
3.4.6 Perennial flowers and bulbs
3.4.7 Perennial vegetables and herbs
3.4.8 Citrus
3.4.9 Grapes
3.5.0 Seasonal horticulture
3.5.1 Seasonal fruits
3.5.2 Seasonal flowers and bulbs
3.5.3 Seasonal vegetables and herbs
3.6.0 Land in transition
3.6.1 Degraded land
3.6.2 Abandoned land
3.6.3 Land under rehabilitation
3.6.4 No defined use
3.6.5 Abandoned perennial horticulture
Class 4. Production from Irrigated Agriculture and Plantations
4.1.0 Irrigated plantation forests
4.1.1 Irrigated hardwood plantation forestry
4.1.2 Irrigated softwood plantation forestry
4.1.3 Irrigated other forest plantation
4.1.4 Irrigated environmental forest plantation
4.2.0 Grazing irrigated modified pastures
4.2.1 Irrigated woody fodder plants
4.2.2 Irrigated pasture legumes
4.2.3 Irrigated legume/grass mixtures
4.2.4 Irrigated sown grasses
4.3.0 Irrigated cropping
4.3.1 Irrigated cereals
4.3.2 Irrigated beverage and spice crops
4.3.3 Irrigated hay and silage
4.3.4 Irrigated oilseeds
4.3.5 Irrigated sugar
4.3.6 Irrigated cotton
4.3.7 Irrigated alkaloid poppies
4.3.8 Irrigated pulses
4.3.9 Irrigated rice
4.4.0 Irrigated perennial horticulture
4.4.1 Irrigated tree fruits
4.4.2 Irrigated olives
4.4.3 Irrigated tree nuts
4.4.4 Irrigated vine fruits
4.4.5 Irrigated shrub berries and fruits
4.4.6 Irrigated perennial flowers and bulbs
4.4.7 Irrigated perennial vegetables and herbs
4.4.8 Irrigated citrus
4.4.9 Irrigated grapes
4.5.0 Irrigated seasonal horticulture
4.5.1 Irrigated seasonal fruits
4.5.2 Irrigated seasonal flowers and bulbs
4.5.3 Irrigated seasonal vegetables and herbs
4.5.4 Irrigated turf farming
4.6.0 Irrigated land in transition
4.6.1 Degraded irrigated land
4.6.2 Abandoned irrigated land
4.6.3 Irrigated land under rehabilitation
4.6.4 No defined use - irrigation
4.6.5 Abandoned irrigated perennial horticulture
Class 5. Intensive Uses
5.1.0 Intensive horticulture
5.1.1 Production nurseries
5.1.2 Shadehouses
5.1.3 Glasshouses
5.1.4 Glasshouses - hydroponic
5.1.5 Abandoned intensive horticulture
5.2.0 Intensive animal production
5.2.1 Dairy sheds and yards
5.2.2 Feedlots
5.2.3 Poultry farms
5.2.4 Piggeries
5.2.5 Aquaculture
5.2.6 Horse studs
5.2.7 Saleyards/stockyards
5.2.8 Abandoned intensive animal production
5.3.0 Manufacturing and industrial
5.3.1 General purpose factory
5.3.2 Food processing factory
5.3.3 Major industrial complex
5.3.4 Bulk grain storage
5.3.5 Abattoirs
5.3.6 Oil refinery
5.3.7 Sawmill
5.3.8 Abandoned manufacturing and industrial
5.4.0 Residential and farm infrastructure
5.4.1 Urban residential
5.4.2 Rural residential with agriculture
5.4.3 Rural residential without agriculture
5.4.4 Remote communities
5.4.5 Farm buildings/infrastructure
5.5.0 Services
5.5.1 Commercial services
5.5.2 Public services
5.5.3 Recreation and culture
5.5.4 Defence facilities - urban
5.5.5 Research facilities
5.6.0 Utilities
5.6.1 Fuel powered electricity generation
5.6.2 Hydro electricity generation
5.6.3 Wind farm electricity generation
5.6.4 Solar electricity generation
5.6.5 Electricity substations and transmission
5.6.6 Gas treatment, storage and transmission
5.6.7 Water extraction and transmission
5.7.0 Transport and communication
5.7.1 Airports/aerodromes
5.7.2 Roads
5.7.3 Railways
5.7.4 Ports and water transport
5.7.5 Navigation and communication
5.8.0 Mining
5.8.1 Mines
5.8.2 Quarries
5.8.3 Tailings
5.8.4 Extractive industry not in use
5.9.0 Waste treatment and disposal
5.9.1 Effluent pond
5.9.2 Landfill
5.9.3 Solid garbage
5.9.4 Incinerators
5.9.5 Sewage/sewerage
Class 6 - Water
6.1.0 Lake
6.1.1 Lake - conservation
6.1.2 Lake - production
6.1.3 Lake - intensive use
6.1.4 Lake - saline
6.2.0 Reservoir or dam
6.2.1 Water storage - intensive use/farm dams
6.2.2 Reservoir - intensive use
6.2.3 Evaporation basin
6.3.0 River
6.3.1 River - conservation
6.3.2 River - production
6.3.3 River - intensive use
6.4.0 Channel/aqueduct
6.4.1 Supply channel/aqueduct
6.4.2 Drainage channel/aqueduct
6.4.3 Stormwater
6.5.0 Marsh/wetland
6.5.1 Marsh/wetland - conservation
6.5.2 Marsh/wetland - production
6.5.3 Marsh/wetland - intensive use
6.5.4 Marsh/wetland - saline
6.6.0 Estuary/coastal waters
6.6.1 Estuary/coastal waters - conservation
6.6.2 Estuary/coastal waters - production
6.6.3 Estuary/coastal waters - intensive use