The Australian Collaborative Land Use and Management Program (ACLUMP) promotes the development of nationally consistent land use and land management practices information for Australia.
ACLUMP is overseen by the National Committee for Land Use and Management Information (NCLUMI), a consortium of Australian and state government partners (see Terms of Reference for more details). More information on NCLUMI's objectives are available in the Strategic Plan 2024-2029.
The main activities of ACLUMP are:
- Communication and coordination — to promote and disseminate land geospatial information utilising modern engagement tools.
- Data — using imagery and field validation, land use, land cover and land management practices geospatial data products are produced for national and regional assessments. Data products are nationally consistent and apply technical standards endorsed by NCLUMI.
- Impact — through engagement with users, data development is targeted to meet current and future needs. Change reporting is identified as a common need of land geospatial data for many applications. A core component is the involvement of ACLUMP in the development and/or deployment of tools that utilise its land data products to assist decision-making. Monitoring and evaluation is undertaken to assess data usage and application and to evaluate data fitness-for-use, reliability and data gaps.
Contact us
ACLUMP coordination / Land Use and Management Contact
Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences
Email ABARES Land Management
Phone: +61 2 6272 3933