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Thursday 22 June at 10amWe invite you to comment on the draft review by Monday 21 August 2023. The draft report is available for review and comment on our Have Your Say website.In response to Japanese encephalitis virus being detected on the Australian mainland in 2022, the Department of…
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22 May 2024Species: All livestockCountries: AllAttentionAll stakeholdersPurposeTo advise stakeholders that the department has published a new policy for ‘Stock on hand’ in registered establishments for livestock exports.Key pointsThe policy provides direction to exporters sourcing livestock for…
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The program has been extended. More growers will get help to buy and install protective netting. This will help them and their communities as they recover from drought and the pandemic. The expansion of the program aims to:
help growers Australia wide
build growers’ ability to handle climate…
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18 November 2021
This Industry Advice Notice (IAN) is to advise industry of a new certification process, when exporting potatoes from Victoria to Korea. The new requirement is effective immediately.
Summary of changes and key points
The new process applies to potatoes which are…
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27 August 2021
Who does this notice affect?
Stakeholders in the import and shipping industries including importers, customs brokers, freight forwarders, transport companies, shipping lines, stevedores and any other operators in the sea container supply and logistics chain that are responsible for…
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Stakeholder submissions on the Review of the biosecurity risks of prawns imported from all countries for human consumption – draft report, are published below. We received 17 submissions and have been given permission to publish 12. These submissions were made in response to Biosecurity Advice…
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In May we co-hosted the 2024 Quarantine Regulators Meeting (QRM) with Vietnam’s Plant Protection Department (PPD). The meeting took place in Vietnam and was attended by over 40 biosecurity agencies across the world.It coincided with the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Australia and…
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Australian Farm Institute (AFI) has been awarded a $638,000 grant to support international collaboration on sustainable agriculture.The grant will support advocacy towards sustainable agriculture trade standards and guidelines development that recognise Australian conditions and are consistent with…
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To further shape science-based international food standards that help protect consumers and support trade, we are partnering with New Zealand and the United States to deliver a two-day South West Pacific Codex Outreach Workshop in New Zealand, on Tuesday 8 November and Wednesday 9 November 2022.…
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27 October 2022Who does this notice affect?Stakeholders in the import and shipping industries who use DP World Australia's Brisbane terminal—including vessel masters, freight forwarders, Biosecurity Industry Participants, importers, customs brokers, principal shipping agents, and any other…
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