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22 November 2024Who does this notice affect?All international airline operators, ground handlers, airport operators and international airline representatives.What has changed?The department has revised the current aircraft ‘Arrivals’ contact email address. The new email is Conveyance.Aircraft@aff.…
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Land use and management data and maps by themeThis page provides links to Australian Collaborative Land Use and Management Program (ACLUMP) data by theme. For more information click each link to be directed to the page.Land use and land use changeLand tenure and land tenure changeLand management…
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A workshop in Fiji this month will seek to strengthen biosecurity in the Pacific by developing a new strategy to manage risks associated with sea container movements.The strategy aims to reduce the global spread of hitchhiker pests across the Pacific region via the sea container pathway. These…
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Land use mapping in Australia is conducted broadly at two scales: national scale and catchment scale (see figures below). Both land use mapping methods use the Australian Land Use and Management (ALUM) Classification system.National scale (1:2,500,000) uses a modelling approach to integrate…
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