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22 November 2023
Who does this notice affect?
All clients lodging Self Assessed Clearances.
The Import Management System (IMS) system is currently experiencing an unplanned service disruption.
Departmental officers are unable to access IMS.
There will be delays between…
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October 2023
The Sheep and Goat Traceability Task Force (the taskforce) continues to meet regularly to consider matters related to the national implementation of individual electronic identification (eID) for sheep and goats.
Stakeholder consultation and engagement
The taskforce hosted a virtual…
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22 November 2023
This Industry Advice Notice (IAN) is to advise industry that a new export listing is now available for ‘intermediate facilities’ intending to export raw meat (excluding kangaroo, pork, poultry and wild boar) for the manufacture of pet food to Canada. Canada defines an ‘…
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The Australian Government’s $3.5 million farm forestry, private native forestry and Indigenous forestry projects were developed in partnership with state and territory governments during 2020 21 and 2021 22. The aim of the projects was to support the states to offer advice on the establishment of…
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Identify and develop the soil workforce and capabilities needed to meet current and future challenges for Australia and the region.Priority 4 links to goals 1 (Prioritise soil health), 2 (Empower soil innovation and stewards) and 3 (Strengthen soil knowledge and capability) of the National Soil…
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Accelerate the adoption of land use and management practices that protect soil and improve soil state and trends.Priority 3 links to goals 2 (Empower soil innovation and stewards) and 3 (Strengthen soil knowledge and capability) of the National Soil Strategy.Focus of activitiesPriority 3 activities…
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Partners to develop a holistic policy and strategy approach where soil function is recognised, valued and protected for the environment, economy, food, infrastructure, health, biodiversity and communitiesPriority 2 links to goals 1 (Prioritise soil health) and 2 (Empower soil innovation and…
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20 November 2023
Species: All
Country(s): All
All livestock export stakeholders
To inform stakeholders that the department has commenced consultation for stage 2 of the Exporter Supply Chain Assurance System (ESCAS) review.
Key points
Consultation for stage…
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Develop an agreed national framework to support measurement, monitoring, mapping, reporting and sharing of soil state and trend information to inform best practice management, decision-making and future investment.Priority 1 links to goals 1 (Prioritise soil health) and 3 (Strengthen soil knowledge…
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245-2023: Management of cabotage vessels intending on loading in-ships-hold agricultural commodities
20 November 2023
Who does this notice affect?
Biosecurity industry participants, such as vessel owners, operators, shipping agents and consignees involved in the management of domestic in-ships-hold agricultural commodities (e.g., fertiliser, grain, stockfeed) on board international vessels.…
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