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A Biosecurity Advice notice is a notice that informs stakeholders about the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources - Biosecurity's work. Biosecurity …
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18 October 2019This Biosecurity Advice notifies stakeholders of the release of the Draft report for the review of biosecurity import requirements for fresh pomegranate whole fruit and processed ‘ready-to-…
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13 September 2019
This Biosecurity Advice notifies stakeholders of the release of the Final review of import conditions for brassicaceous vegetable seeds for sowing.
The final report recommends phytosanitary measures to manage the biosecurity risks posed by seed-borne pathogens, to achieve the…
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12 September 2019
This Biosecurity Advice notifies stakeholders of the release of the Final report for the review of biosecurity import requirements for fresh breadfruit from Fiji, Samoa and Tonga.
The final report recommends that the importation of fresh breadfruit to Australia from all…
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14 August 2019
This Biosecurity Advice notifies stakeholders of the release of the Final report for the review of biosecurity import requirements for fresh decrowned pineapples from Taiwan.
The final report recommends that the importation of fresh decrowned pineapples to Australia from all…
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21 June 2019
This Biosecurity Advice notifies stakeholders of the release of the Final pest risk analysis for cut flower and foliage imports – Part 1.
The final report recommends phytosanitary measures to manage the biosecurity risks posed by thrips, mites and aphids associated with cut flower…
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6 June 2019
This Biosecurity Advice notifies stakeholders of the release of the draft report for the review of biosecurity import requirements for fresh strawberry fruit from Japan.
This draft report proposes that the importation of fresh strawberry fruit to Australia from all commercial…
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29 May 2019
This Biosecurity Advice announces the formal commencement of a review of biosecurity import requirements for greenhouse-grown fresh oriental melon and rockmelon fruit from the Republic of Korea (Korea).
The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (the department) expects to…
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28 May 2019
This Biosecurity Advice notifies stakeholders of the release of the Final report for the review of biosecurity import requirements for fresh longan fruit from Vietnam.
The final report recommends that the importation of fresh longan fruit to Australia from all commercial production…
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18 April 2019This Biosecurity Advice announces the formal commencement of the
Pest Risk Analysis for Fresh Cut Flowers and Foliage Imports – Part 2. The Department of Agriculture and Water…
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