17 July 2019
We invite you to comment on the draft review by 15 September 2019.
The Importation of cooked duck meat from Thailand draft review is available on our website. You can submit comments to the Have Your Say page.We initiated this review in response to requests for market access for cooked duck meat for human consumption from Thailand into Australia. The review takes into account current scientific information, international standards developed by the World Organisation for Animal Health, and relevant importation policies adopted by other countries.
This draft review has identified diseases of biosecurity concern for this commodity and we have undertaken risk assessments of these diseases.
The draft review proposes the following measures will apply to cooked duck meat imports from Thailand:
- The duck meat must have been sourced from domestic ducks (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus and Cairina moschata) that were hatched, raised and slaughtered in Thailand.
- The meat must be limited to muscle meat and overlying skin and fat.
- The ducks from which the meat was derived must have passed ante- and post-mortem veterinary inspection under official veterinary supervision.
- The ducks must have been slaughtered in an abattoir that meets standards at least equivalent to those contained in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code – Standard 4.2.2 – Primary Production and Processing Standard for Poultry Meat (Australia Only) (FSANZ 2010).
- The ducks must have been slaughtered and processed in an abattoir and processing facility approved by the Veterinary Authority of Thailand.
- The duck meat must have been cooked in a commercial process using moist heat to a minimum core temperature of at least 70 °C for a minimum of 8.2 minutes (or time/temperature equivalent approved by the department).
We invite comments on technical aspects of the proposed measures. We are particularly interested in your comments about the appropriateness of these measures and any other measures that would provide equivalent risk management outcomes.
We will carefully consider all submissions before finalising this review.
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Dr Jill Millan
A/g Assistant Secretary
Animal Biosecurity
Email Animal