13 February 2025
This Biosecurity Advice lets stakeholders know about the release of the final report for the import risk review for Fresh (chilled or frozen) beef and beef products for human consumption from Canada. All comments on the draft report for this risk review have been considered in the finalisation process. This review was undertaken as an addendum to the 2017 review: Fresh (chilled or frozen) beef and beef products from Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, The United States and Vanuatu’ (beef review). The final report has now been published.
The review finds that the biosecurity risks associated with importing fresh beef and beef products from Canada to Australia can be effectively managed to meet Australia’s Appropriate Level of Protection (ALOP) and recommends adding Canada to the approved applicant country list.
The review found Canada needed to achieve a Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) risk assessment certification of category 1 or 2 from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) to be considered as an applicant country. Canada achieved a BSE Category 1 status in August 2024.
Following release of the final report, Canada’s competent authority assessment will be completed to further evaluate its official animal health status, export controls, and supervision systems, to ensure Australia’s biosecurity and food safety requirements are met.
Register in BICON to receive an alert when import conditions are published.
The final report, and more information about this risk analysis, is available on our website.
For information and updates on biosecurity risk analyses, subscribe to Biosecurity Risk Analysis Animal at subscribe.agriculture.gov.au/subscribe. Subscribers will receive biosecurity advice notices and other notifications about animal biosecurity policy.
Dr Rochelle Prattley
Acting Assistant Secretary
Animal Biosecurity
Email: animalbiosecurity@aff.gov.au