28 February 2023
This advice provides an update on the progress of the Import risk review for psittacine birds from all countries. In light of comments provided by stakeholders on the draft report, further consideration of the potential biosecurity risks relating to the environment is required.
The department will engage members of the scientific advisory group (SAG) in early 2023 to evaluate the thoroughness of the review process and the validity of the conclusions drawn regarding the impact of potential biosecurity hazards on the environment. Given the specialised nature of this issue, the SAG members will also have access to several experts in avian health and environmental effects of diseases.
The recommendations from the SAG members will be fully considered when preparing the final report.
Enquiries can be directed to animalbiosecurity@aff.gov.au
Following the release of the Import risk review for psittacine birds from all countries – draft report a formal 60-day stakeholder comment period on technical aspects of the risk assessment and proposed biosecurity measures finished on 19 September 2020.
The department delayed publishing the final review report in order to seek and consider further input about the potential biosecurity risks relating to the environment both directly (including the life and health of wildlife) and indirectly (including biodiversity, endangered species and ecosystems).
To accomplish this, the department will engage the members of the scientific advisory group (SAG) in their capacity to provide external scientific and technical advice on risk analysis and biosecurity matters. The SAG members will report their findings to the Director of Biosecurity. We anticipate this will allow finalisation and publication of the Import risk review for psittacine birds from all countries – final report later in 2023.
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The risk review is conducted under the Biosecurity Act 2015. It considers the biosecurity risks that pests and diseases could be introduced as a result of the importation of psittacine birds. It does not consider the potential for the psittacine birds themselves to become environmental pests. This issue is regulated under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. Before any species of psittacine bird can be imported, it must first be included on the List of specimens taken to be Suitable for Live Import.
Dr Peter Finnin
Assistant Secretary
Animal Biosecurity