1 October 2021
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Biosecurity Advice 2021-P11 - Updated implementation advice for revised import conditions for apiaceous vegetable seeds for sowing PDF ![]() |
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The Final review of import conditions for apiaceous vegetable seeds for sowing was released in March 2021. In the final report the fungal pathogen Cercospora foeniculi was assessed as seedborne in fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) and a quarantine pest for Australia, and pest risk management measures were proposed to reduce its associated biosecurity risk to an acceptable level.
Further taxonomic review has identified that Cercospora foeniculi is a synonym of Fusoidiella anethi (the pathogen’s preferred name), which is itself known by a synonym Mycosphaerella anethi that is present in Australia and not under official control (see Encl. A).
Accordingly, Cercospora foeniculi (as Fusoidiella anethi and its synonyms) is not a quarantine pest for Australia. Pest risk management measures proposed in the final report will not be implemented; fennel seed will not require a fungicidal treatment or a PCR test for this pest.
The department invites stakeholders interested in receiving information and updates on biosecurity risk analyses to subscribe via the department’s online subscription service. By subscribing to Biosecurity Risk Analysis Plant, you will receive Biosecurity Advice notices and other notifications relating to plant biosecurity policy, including the vegetable seed reviews.
Mr Peter Creaser
A/g First Assistant Secretary
Biosecurity Plant Division
Telephone: 1800 900 090 (option 1, option 1)
Email: imports@aff.gov.au
Encl. A
Supporting information that Cercospora foeniculi (as Fusoidiella anethi and its synonyms) is present in Australia, determined as not being under official control, and therefore as not being a quarantine pest for Australia includes:
- Cercospora foeniculi has been identified as a synonym of Passalora punctum and therefore of Mycosphaerella anethi, the teleomorph of Passalora punctum (Crous & Braun 2003).
- Mycosphaerella anethi is present in Australia [New South Wales, Tasmania, Victoria, and Western Australia] (Plant Health Australia 2021) and not under official control.
References and supporting literature
Crous, PW & Braun, U 2003, Mycosphaerella and its anamorphs: 1. Names published in Cercospora and Passalora, Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures.
Farr, DF & Rossman, AY 2021, Fungal Databases, U.S. National Fungal Collections, ARS, USDA, accessed 2021.
Plant Health Australia 2021, ‘Australian Plant Pest Database, online database’, accessed 2021.
Videira, SIR, Groenewald, JZ, Nakashima, C, Braun, U, Barreto, RW, De Wit, PJGM & Crous, PW 2017, ‘Mycosphaerellaceae - chaos or clarity?’, Studies in Mycology, vol. 87, pp. 257-421.