13 January 2021
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Animal Biosecurity Advice 2021-A01 – Commencement of a review of biosecurity risks associated with importing dairy products for human consumption PDF ![]() |
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The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment has commenced a review of the biosecurity risks associated with importing dairy products for human consumption into Australia.
We invite you to provide submissions on specific issues with Australia’s current import conditions by 12 March 2021 to the Have Your Say page.In 1999, the department completed an import risk analysis on dairy products for human consumption from all countries. This led to the development of import conditions for dairy products, which have been updated over time as particular aspects were revised.
This review aims to modernise Australia’s dairy import conditions to reflect the current and future trading environment.
This review will consider the biosecurity risks associated with importing (from any country) dairy products for human consumption manufactured from milk obtained from cattle, buffalo, sheep and goats. It will take into account new and relevant peer-reviewed scientific information, international standards, relevant changes in industry practices and operational practicalities.
As part of this review we invite submissions on specific issues with Australia's current import conditions for dairy products for human consumption. Submissions should include a scientific basis for any proposed changes to Australia's import conditions for dairy products for human consumption.
Submissions should be received by 12 March 2021 through the Have Your Say page at haveyoursay.agriculture.gov.au.
We will carefully consider all submissions in preparing a draft report, which will be released for comment.
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Dr Beth Cookson
Assistant Secretary
Animal Biosecurity
Email animal@aff.gov.au