20 October 2020
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Animal Biosecurity Advice 2020-A06 – Draft review of biosecurity risks associated with importing cooked duck meat from Thailand – second comment period PDF ![]() |
1 | 154 KB |
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The department has revised the draft review in response to stakeholder feedback. We invite you to comment on the second draft review by 20 November 2020.
The draft review is available on our website at agriculture.gov.au/biosecurity/risk-analysis.
You can submit comments to the Have Your Say page at haveyoursay.agriculture.gov.au.
On 17 July 2019 the department issued Biosecurity Advice 2019-A05 inviting comments on the draft review of biosecurity risks associated with importing cooked duck meat from Thailand.
Following stakeholder feedback, the department has revised the draft review, with changes including:
- A new risk review chapter on infectious bursal disease virus.
- Extension of the chapter on duck hepatitis A virus to include a full risk assessment.
Inclusion of the above changes did not alter the overall outcome of the review, with the proposed measures to apply to cooked duck meat imports from Thailand similar to those proposed in the first draft review.
However, given these large additions to the review the department has decided to provide a second comment period on the draft.
We invite comments on technical aspects of the proposed measures, particularly the new content included in the second draft report.
We will carefully consider all submissions before finalising this review.
To receive information and updates on biosecurity risk analyses subscribe to Biosecurity Risk Analysis Animal at subscribe.agriculture.gov.au/subscribe. Subscribers will receive biosecurity advice notices and other notifications about animal biosecurity policy.
Dr Beth Cookson
Assistant Secretary
Animal Biosecurity
Email animal@aff.gov.au