The Joint Interagency Taskforce: Exotic Animal Disease (EAD) Preparedness (the taskforce), conducted its work over four weeks and focused on activities that would utilise and build upon existing structures, expertise and plans, in a structured, efficient manner.
It undertook structured crisis appreciation and planning, a series of scenario-based discussions, one-on-one and group engagements, and desktop reviews of existing plans and reviews, to consider the level of preparedness of the system to respond to an EAD incursion.
Preventing a Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) and Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) incursion remains the priority for the Australian government.
The taskforce found that EAD response arrangements are comprehensive and well-understood by system participants. These response arrangements are regularly used, with success, in responding to biosecurity incidents.
Overall, the system is strong, in particular in prevention and mitigation, and the system is sound.
The taskforce has made 14 recommendations. The recommendations build upon the detailed, well-rehearsed animal health response plans already in place, suggesting actions where national leadership or additional focus would benefit the system’s ability to respond at speed and scale. Quarterly progress reports provide an update on implementation activity.
The taskforce also identified a number of matters that the Minister may wish to raise with State and Territory Agriculture Ministers that are not the responsibility of the Commonwealth.
Download the report
Joint Interagency Taskforce: EAD Preparedness Report (PDF - 8.2 MB)
Joint Interagency Taskforce: EAD Preparedness Report (DOCX - 8.6 MB)
Joint Interagency Taskforce: EAD Preparedness Report Findings (PDF - 223 KB)
Joint Interagency Taskforce: EAD Preparedness Report Findings (DOCX - 170 KB)
Joint Interagency Taskforce: EAD Preparedness Report Recommendations (PDF - 245 KB)
Joint Interagency Taskforce: EAD Preparedness Report Recommendations (DOCX - 217 KB)
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Quarterly progress reports
Joint Interagency Taskforce: EAD Preparedness - Quarterly Report June 2024 (PDF 362 KB)
Joint Interagency Taskforce: EAD Preparedness - Quarterly Report June 2024 (DOCX 280 KB)
Joint Interagency Taskforce: EAD Preparedness - Quarterly Report March 2024 (PDF 374 KB)
Joint Interagency Taskforce: EAD Preparedness - Quarterly Report March 2024 (DOCX 830 KB)
Joint Interagency Taskforce: EAD Preparedness - Quarterly Report December 2023 (PDF 338 KB)
Joint Interagency Taskforce: EAD Preparedness - Quarterly Report December 2023 (DOCX 791 KB)
Joint Interagency Taskforce: EAD Preparedness - Quarterly Report September 2023 (PDF 345 KB)
Joint Interagency Taskforce: EAD Preparedness - Quarterly Report September 2023 (DOCX 782 KB)
Joint Interagency Taskforce: EAD Preparedness - Quarterly Report June 2023 (PDF - 351 KB)
Joint Interagency Taskforce: EAD Preparedness - Quarterly Report June 2023 (DOCX - 771 KB)
Joint Interagency Taskforce: EAD Preparedness - Quarterly Report March 2023 (PDF - 346 KB)
Joint Interagency Taskforce: EAD Preparedness - Quarterly Report March 2023 (DOCX - 775 KB)
Joint Interagency Taskforce: EAD Preparedness - Quarterly Report December 2022 (PDF - 359 KB)
Joint Interagency Taskforce: EAD Preparedness - Quarterly Report December 2022 (DOCX - 773 KB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.