What are Regional Assurance Managers (RAMs)?
Regional Assurance Managers (RAMs) work as part of a regionally based team to provide support to third-party AOs and their employers (their clients).
RAMs are responsible for establishing and maintaining effective and productive relationships with their clients and working with them to ensure that plant export policies are understood and adhered to.
Why do we have RAMs?
In 2011, we released the Authorised Officer (AO) model. The model delivers a national training, assessment and auditing framework for the export inspection of plants and plant products from Australia. It also provides flexibility for exporters and reduces regulatory burden.
Since it’s implementation we have appointed over 1,400 third-party AOs across Australia who now inspect over 95% of all plant and plant products bound for export.
In 2018, an independent review of the AO model recommended that a support network be set up for AOs and their employers. As a result, we established the Plant Export Regional Assurance Manager (RAM) network.
What do RAMs do?
RAMs support their clients through regular onsite visits and phone calls.
There is a RAM assigned to each state in Australia, so clients have access to a RAM who is local and understands their local industry.
Authorised officer new appointment visits
These are visits to newly appointed third-party AOs to help build a relationship with their RAM and help the AOs to understand their new role. They usually occur within the first month of an AO's appointment.
During these visits, the RAM will:
- remind the AO of the importance of their role
- provide the AO with contact details as required.
Supplementary appointment visits
These visits have been created for existing AOs who have been recently appointed in a new job function. These visits are typically completed within 3 months of appointment in the new job function.
During these visits, the RAM will:
- discuss the new job function
- discuss any issues that have arisen during inspection
- update the AO on any new requirements.
Authorised officer reappointment visits
These visits help maintain the existing working relationship between AOs and RAMs. They provide technical support to AOs before their biennial reappointment. These visits generally occur at least 1 month before the AO's reappointment.
During these visits, the RAM discusses updates to plant export policy. The RAM also confirms whether the AO:
- has kept up to date with relevant information
- is getting the support they need from the department and their employer
- understands how they fit within the plant exports chain.
Registered establishment assurance visits
These visits are to provide support to registered establishments (REs).These visits target REs that employ third-party AOs.
During these visits, the RAM will:
- discuss any upcoming policy or technical changes with the RE
- help identify potential operational risks
- discuss any issues with managers of the RE.
Export pathway visits
These are informal and often impromptu visits to a client already known to the department or an introductory visit to new entities within the plant and plant products export chain.
The visits tend to occur when a RAM is in the area, rather than a pre-organised visit.
The visits provide the opportunity to engage with industry more broadly, promote the AO model and provide support where required.
During these visits, the RAM will:
- discuss upcoming policy or technical changes with the export entity
- assist the export entity to develop relationships with AOs, REs and the department
- help identify potential operational risks
- discuss any issues with managers of the export entity.
Client contact calls
RAMs are available to take calls from their clients both during and outside of business hours. These calls are referred to as ‘client contact calls’ and can cover a range of issues RAM clients might be struggling with.
The following reports are produced to track these visits.
How do I get in touch with my local RAM?
Once you are appointed as an AO, your local RAM will introduce themselves to you and provide you with your initial support visit. However, you can contact your RAM directly for assistance at any time, or contact us in the following ways:
AO Hotline
As an AO, you will also have access to the Authorised Officer Hotline on 1800 851 305.
You can call the hotline at any time, if you need assistance with an inspection, your appointment or have a general plant export query.
Plant Export Training mailbox
As an AO, you will also have access to support via the Plant Export Training mailbox at PlantExportTraining@aff.gov.au
You can email this mailbox at any time, if you need assistance with an inspection, your appointment or have a general plant export query.
Quarterly Stats
The following reports outline the RAM quarterly stats, including visits, client contact calls and forums.
The following table shows a breakdown of all RAM activity over the January - March 2024 quarter.
January-March 2024 RAM activity | |||||||
SAV | NAV | RV | EPV | REAV | CCC’S | Forums | |
SA | 0 | 5 | 21 | 71 | 30 | 178 | 1 |
VIC | 4 | 11 | 30 | 131 | 26 | 310 | 0 |
QLD | 2 | 8 | 27 | 129 | 42 | 337 | 0 |
NSW | 1 | 29 | 14 | 55 | 30 | 208 | 1 |
WA | 21 | 10 | 24 | 67 | 19 | 194 | 3 |
TAS | 0 | 0 | 4 | 20 | 4 | 53 | 0 |
NT | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 17 | 0 |
TOTAL | 28 | 63 | 120 | 473 | 151 | 1297 | 5 |
The following table shows a breakdown of all RAM activity over the September - December 2023 quarter.
September - December 2023 RAM activity | |||||||
SAV | NAV | RV | EPV | REAV | CCC’S | Forums | |
SA | 0 | 5 | 40 | 139 | 0 | 203 | 1 |
VIC | 9 | 9 | 25 | 116 | 2 | 321 | 0 |
QLD | 6 | 16 | 26 | 120 | 6 | 360 | 5 |
NSW | 3 | 13 | 30 | 60 | 7 | 218 | 2 |
WA | 11 | 17 | 31 | 61 | 10 | 164 | 0 |
TAS | 1 | 0 | 8 | 27 | 1 | 15 | 1 |
NT | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 28 | 0 |
TOTAL | 30 | 60 | 160 | 523 | 25 | 1140 | 9 |
The following table shows a breakdown of all RAM activity over the July - September 2023 quarter.
July - September 2023 RAM activity | |||||||
SAV | NAV | RV | EPV | REAV | CCC’S | Forums | |
SA | 1 | 13 | 20 | 148 | 8 | 203 | 1 |
VIC | 1 | 5 | 42 | 436 | 1 | 321 | 0 |
QLD | 0 | 1 | 18 | 131 | 25 | 360 | 1 |
NSW | 0 | 0 | 22 | 98 | 12 | 218 | 1 |
WA | 7 | 10 | 23 | 69 | 2 | 164 | 0 |
TAS | 0 | 1 | 4 | 18 | 0 | 15 | 0 |
NT | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 28 | 0 |
TOTAL | 9 | 30 | 129 | 600 | 47 | 1309 | 3 |
The following table shows a breakdown of all RAM activity over the April - June 2023 quarter.
This quarter RAM activity has remained consistent or increased. Export Pathway Visits have seen a significant 14% increase.
April - June 2023 RAM activity | |||||||
SAV | NAV | RV | EPV | REAV | CCC’S | Forums | |
SA | 5 | 4 | 8 | 105 | 1 | 184 | 0 |
VIC | 5 | 8 | 49 | 152 | 2 | 331 | 0 |
QLD | 0 | 6 | 39 | 142 | 15 | 400 | 0 |
NSW | 8 | 15 | 36 | 91 | 0 | 179 | 0 |
WA | 2 | 9 | 46 | 73 | 4 | 135 | 0 |
TAS | 1 | 0 | 1 | 15 | 0 | 30 | 0 |
NT | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 14 | 0 |
TOTAL | 21 | 42 | 179 | 578 | 22 | 1273 | 0 |
The following table shows a breakdown of all RAM activity over the January - March 2023 quarter.
This quarter saw a slight decrease in RAM visits and client calls due to the new year break period.
January - March 2023 RAM activity | |||||||
SAV | NAV | RV | EPV | REAV | CCC’S | Forums | |
SA | 0 | 3 | 22 | 68 | 2 | 136 | 0 |
VIC | 5 | 8 | 36 | 115 | 1 | 359 | 0 |
QLD | 3 | 8 | 26 | 133 | 4 | 382 | 1 |
NSW | 7 | 13 | 52 | 112 | 2 | 225 | 0 |
WA | 8 | 14 | 40 | 45 | 9 | 133 | 0 |
TAS | 0 | 0 | 3 | 25 | 5 | 36 | 1 |
NT | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 18 | 0 |
TOTAL | 23 | 46 | 179 | 498 | 30 | 1289 | 2 |
The following table shows a breakdown of all RAM activity over the October-December 2022 quarter.
This quarter saw a decrease in visits and calls due to reappointments occurring in the previous quarter and the lead up to the end of year break period. There was a significant increase in the number of forums held in this quarter following the positive response from industry in the previous quarter.
October - December 2022 RAM activity | |||||||
SAV | NAV | RV | EPV | REAV | CCC’S | Forums | |
SA | 3 | 6 | 19 | 104 | 1 | 170 | 1 |
VIC | 5 | 11 | 67 | 136 | 9 | 331 | 4 |
QLD | 4 | 7 | 27 | 141 | 6 | 410 | 2 |
NSW | 2 | 15 | 27 | 90 | 9 | 170 | 1 |
WA | 13 | 17 | 44 | 39 | 7 | 169 | 0 |
TAS | 0 | 2 | 5 | 8 | 1 | 17 | 0 |
NT | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 18 | 0 |
TOTAL | 27 | 58 | 189 | 518 | 33 | 1285 | 8 |
The following table shows a breakdown of all RAM activity over the July–September 2022 quarter.
There was a notable increase in both visits and calls this quarter. The increases may have been attributed to less disruption from travel restrictions. RAMs experienced an increase in calls and visits, as expected, due to annual AO reappointments commencing in July. This quarter the RAMs conducted some industry forums with a positive response.
July - September 2022 RAM activity | |||||||
SAV | NAV | RV | EPV | REAV | CCC’S | Forums | |
SA | 4 | 3 | 24 | 74 | 6 | 221 | 0 |
VIC | 6 | 4 | 44 | 136 | 16 | 373 | 1 |
QLD | 5 | 4 | 19 | 123 | 12 | 438 | 1 |
NSW | 1 | 12 | 26 | 81 | 12 | 196 | 1 |
WA | 4 | 10 | 26 | 90 | 6 | 142 | 0 |
TAS | 0 | 4 | 7 | 13 | 2 | 33 | 0 |
NT | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 15 | 0 |
TOTAL | 20 | 37 | 146 | 517 | 54 | 1481 | 3 |
The following table shows a breakdown of all RAM activity over the April–June 2022 quarter.
Visits and calls remained quite consistent this quarter, with small decrease in activity for certain visit types due to RAM availability. There were significant increases in export pathway and registered establishment assurance visits with the lifting of travel restrictions. The RAMs are expecting an increase in calls and visits in the next quarter due to annual AO reappointments commencing in July.
April–June 2022 RAM activity | |||||||
SAV | NAV | RV | EPV | REAV | CCC’S | Forums | |
SA | 6 | 7 | 16 | 89 | 3 | 180 | 0 |
VIC | 2 | 5 | 16 | 101 | 14 | 304 | 0 |
QLD | 5 | 11 | 23 | 70 | 26 | 446 | 0 |
NSW | 8 | 14 | 24 | 102 | 20 | 172 | 0 |
WA | 2 | 5 | 19 | 46 | 6 | 75 | 0 |
TAS | 0 | 0 | 2 | 12 | 3 | 43 | 0 |
NT | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 27 | 0 |
TOTAL | 23 | 42 | 100 | 423 | 72 | 1247 | 0 |
The following table shows a breakdown of all RAM activity over the January-March 2022 quarter.
Visit numbers and calls generally remained consistent from the last quarter, with some small decreases due to low export activity coming out of the holiday periods. COVID-19 travel restrictions earlier in the year also played a part in the minor decrease.
Jan–Mar 2022 RAM Activity | |||||||
SAV | NAV | RV | EPV | REAV | CCC’S | Forums | |
SA | 6 | 17 | 20 | 75 | 7 | 242 | 0 |
VIC | 10 | 5 | 26 | 140 | 9 | 391 | 0 |
QLD | 1 | 1 | 5 | 145 | 3 | 414 | 1 |
NSW | 13 | 9 | 29 | 74 | 14 | 133 | 1 |
WA | 5 | 12 | 20 | 63 | 2 | 116 | 0 |
TAS | 0 | 2 | 4 | 16 | 2 | 24 | 0 |
NT | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 23 | 0 |
TOTAL | 35 | 46 | 104 | 513 | 37 | 1343 | 2 |
AO new appointment visits
(previously known as post-assessment visits)
These visits will help newly appointed industry AOs build a relationship with their RAM and understand the requirements of their role. Visits generally occur in the first 1 month of an industry AO’s appointment.
The number of people becoming appointed as AOs fell during this quarter and therefore, so did the number of new appointment visits.
State | AOs visited |
NSW | 9 |
QLD | 11 |
VIC | 5 |
WA | 15 |
SA | 9 |
NT | 1 |
TAS | 3 |
TOTAL | 53 |
AO reappointment visits
These visits help maintain a productive working relationship between industry AOs and their RAMs, and ensure AOs receive technical support as needed, prior to their biennial reappointment. These visits should occur no more than 1 month before the AO’s reappointment. During these visits, both parties:
- discuss updates to plant export policy
- confirm whether the industry AO has kept up to date with relevant information, is getting the support they need from the department and their employer and understands how they fit within the plant exports chain.
The numbers for this quarter are slightly lower than the previous quarter. Reappointment visit numbers fluctuate from month to month as Industry AOs become due for reappointment and therefore a reappointment visit.
State | AOs visited |
NSW | 33 |
QLD | 13 |
VIC | 33 |
WA | 26 |
SA | 20 |
NT | 0 |
TAS | 3 |
TOTAL | 128 |
RE assurance visits
These visits provided registered establishments (REs) with an experienced and accessible departmental presence, and are targeted at REs that employ industry AOs. During these visits, the RAM:
- discusses any upcoming policy or technical changes with the RE
- helps identify potential operational risks
- discusses any issues with managers of the RE.
Registered establishment assurance visit numbers have increased since the previous quarter. These visits continue to be conducted both face-to-face and virtually owing to COVID-19 restrictions in some states.
State | Visits |
NSW | 17 |
QLD | 17 |
VIC | 9 |
WA | 6 |
SA | 1 |
NT | 0 |
TAS | 0 |
Total | 50 |
Supplement Appointment visits
These visits have been created for existing AOs who are trained and assessed for additional job functions.
These visits are typically completed within 3 months of appointment in the additional job function/s.
The 3-month period allows an existing AO to complete a number of inspections with the added job function/s and would already be well known to the RAM.
During these visits, the RAM will:
- discuss the new job function
- discuss any issues that have arisen during inspection
- update the AO on messaging from programs or upcoming changes to PEMS.
Supplement appointment visit numbers have decreased since the previous quarter.
State | AOs visited |
NSW | 5 |
QLD | 1 |
VIC | 8 |
WA | 3 |
SA | 7 |
NT | 0 |
TAS | 1 |
Total | 25 |
Client contact calls
RAMs are available to take calls from their clients both during and outside of business hours. These calls are referred to as ‘client contact calls’ and can cover a range of issues RAM clients might be struggling with.
The numbers of client contact calls within given states will fluctuate with seasonal operations.
There was a slight decrease in calls this quarter compared to last quarter.
State | Calls received |
NSW | 118 |
QLD | 389 |
VIC | 242 |
WA | 142 |
SA | 257 |
NT | 16 |
TAS | 13 |
Total | 1177 |
AO new appointment visits
(previously known as post-assessment visits)
These visits will help newly appointed industry AOs build a relationship with their RAM and understand the requirements of their role. Visits generally occur in the first 1 month of an industry AO’s appointment.
The number of visits to all states increased in this quarter due to various factors including seasonal work and harvest volumes as well as employment increases.
State | AOs visited |
NSW | 15 |
QLD | 7 |
VIC | 23 |
WA | 18 |
SA | 5 |
NT | 1 |
TAS | 8 |
TOTAL | 77 |
AO reappointment visits
These visits help maintain a productive working relationship between industry AOs and their RAMs, and ensure AOs receive technical support as needed, prior to their biennial reappointment. These visits should occur no more than 1 month before the AO’s reappointment. During these visits, both parties:
- discuss updates to plant export policy
- confirm whether the industry AO has kept up to date with relevant information, is getting the support they need from the department and their employer and understands how they fit within the plant exports chain.
The numbers for this quarter are higher than the previous quarter. Reappointment visit numbers fluctuate from month to month as Industry AOs become due for reappointment and therefore a reappointment visit.
State | AOs visited |
NSW | 25 |
QLD | 25 |
VIC | 45 |
WA | 33 |
SA | 19 |
NT | 0 |
TAS | 8 |
TOTAL | 155 |
RE assurance visits
These visits provided registered establishments (REs) with an experience and accessible departmental presence, and are targeted at REs that employ industry AOs. During these visits, the RAM:
- discusses any upcoming policy or technical changes with the RE
- helps identify potential operational risks
- discusses any issues with managers of the RE.
Registered establishment assurance visit numbers have increased since the previous quarter. These visits continue to be conducted both face-to-face and virtually owing to COVID-19 restrictions in some states.
State | Visits |
NSW | 6 |
QLD | 19 |
VIC | 0 |
WA | 3 |
SA | 5 |
NT | 0 |
TAS | 0 |
TOTAL | 33 |
Supplement Appointment visits
These visits have been created for existing AOs who are trained and assessment for additional job functions.
These visits are typically completed within 3 months of appointment in the additional job function/s.
The 3-month period allows an existing AO to complete a number of inspections with the added job function/s and would already be well known to the RAM.
During these visits, the RAM will:
- discuss the new job function
- discuss any issues that have arisen during inspection
- update the AO on messaging from programs or upcoming changes to PEMS.
State | AOs visited |
NSW | 6 |
QLD | 2 |
VIC | 8 |
WA | 18 |
SA | 1 |
NT | 0 |
TAS | 1 |
TOTAL | 36 |
Client contact calls
RAMs are available to take calls from their clients both during and outside of business hours. These calls are referred to as ‘client contact calls’ and can cover a range of issues RAM clients might be struggling with.
The numbers of client contact calls within given states will fluctuate with seasonal operations.
There was a significant increase in calls this quarter, particularly in COVID 19 affected areas.
State | Calls received |
NSW | 224 |
QLD | 333 |
VIC | 268 |
WA | 162 |
SA | 361 |
NT | 0 |
TAS | 25 |
TOTAL | 1373 |
AO post-assessment visits
These visits help newly appointed industry AOs build a relationship with their RAM and understand the requirements of their role. Visits generally occur in the first 3 months of an industry AOs appointment.
The number of visits in QLD and SA dropped this quarter as less people became appointed in those states. Visit numbers rose in VIC and WA. The total visit numbers increased compared with the previous reporting period.
State | AOs visited |
NSW | 17 |
QLD | 6 |
VIC | 10 |
WA | 18 |
SA | 4 |
NT | 0 |
TAS | 1 |
TOTAL | 56 |
AO reappointment visits
These visits help maintain a productive working relationship between industry AOs and their RAMs, and ensure AOs receive technical support as needed, prior to their biennial reappointment. These visits should occur no more than 1 month before the AO’s reappointment. During these visits, both parties:
- discuss updates to plant export policy
- confirm whether the industry AO has kept up to date with relevant information, is getting the support they need from the department and their employer and understands how they fit within the plant exports chain.
The numbers for this quarter are higher than the previous quarter. Reappointment visit numbers will fluctuate from month to month as AOs become due for reappointment and therefore a reappointment visit.
State | AOs visited |
NSW | 29 |
QLD | 32 |
VIC | 47 |
WA | 31 |
SA | 20 |
NT | 0 |
TAS | 2 |
TOTAL | 161 |
RE assurance visits
These visits provided registered establishments (REs) with an experience and accessible departmental presence, and are targeted at REs that employ industry AOs. During these visits, the RAM:
- discusses any upcoming policy or technical changes with the RE
- helps identify potential operational risks
- discusses any issues with managers of the RE.
RE assurance visit numbers are slightly lower when compared to the previous quarter. These visits continue to be conducted both face-to-face and virtually owing to COVID-19 restrictions in some states.
State | Visits |
NSW | 35 |
QLD | 4 |
VIC | 14 |
WA | 1 |
SA | 12 |
NT | 0 |
TAS | 3 |
Total | 69 |
Client contact calls
RAMs are available to take calls from their clients both during and outside of business hours. These calls are referred to as ‘client contact calls’ and can cover a range of issues RAM clients might be struggling with.
The numbers of client contact calls received this quarter are higher than the previous quarter.
State | Visits |
NSW | 198 |
QLD | 421 |
VIC | 219 |
WA | 91 |
SA | 386 |
NT | 0 |
TAS | 22 |
Total | 1336 |
AO post-assessment visits
These visits help newly appointed industry AOs build a relationship with their RAM and understand the requirements of their role. Visits generally occur in the first 3 months of an industry AOs appointment.
The number of visits in WA and VIC dropped this quarter as less people became appointed in those states. Visit numbers rose in SA, QLD and NSW. The total visit numbers are consistent with the previous reporting period.
State | AOs visited |
NSW | 16 |
QLD | 12 |
VIC | 5 |
WA | 2 |
SA | 10 |
NT | 0 |
TAS | 1 |
TOTAL | 46 |
AO reappointment visits
These visits help maintain a productive working relationship between industry AOs and their RAMs, and ensure AOs receive technical support as needed, prior to their biennial reappointment. These visits should occur no more than 1 month before the AO’s reappointment. During these visits, both parties:
- discuss updates to plant export policy
- confirm whether the industry AO has kept up to date with relevant information, is getting the support they need from the department and their employer and understands how they fit within the plant exports chain.
The numbers for this quarter are lower than the previous quarter. Reappointment visit numbers fluctuate from month to month as Industry AOs become due for reappointment and therefore a reappointment visit. Historically, January has the lowest reappointment numbers.
State | AOs visited |
NSW | 11 |
QLD | 21 |
VIC | 26 |
WA | 34 |
SA | 24 |
NT | 0 |
TAS | 3 |
TOTAL | 129 |
RE assurance visits
These visits provided registered establishments (REs) with an experience and accessible departmental presence, and are targeted at REs that employ industry AOs. During these visits, the RAM:
- discusses any upcoming policy or technical changes with the RE
- helps identify potential operational risks
- discusses any issues with managers of the RE.
RE assurance visit numbers are higher again this quarter when compared to the previous two quarters. These visits continue to be conducted both face-to-face and virtually owing to COVID-19 restrictions in some states.
State | Visits |
NSW | 22 |
QLD | 12 |
VIC | 19 |
WA | 17 |
SA | 6 |
NT | 0 |
TAS | 0 |
Total | 76 |
Client contact calls
RAMs are available to take calls from their clients both during and outside of business hours. These calls are referred to as ‘client contact calls’ and can cover a range of issues RAM clients might be struggling with.
In the month of March alone, the 12 RAMs and their team leader took over 800 of these calls
State | Visits |
NSW | 45 |
QLD | 292 |
VIC | 102 |
WA | 93 |
SA | 293 |
NT | 0 |
TAS | 13 |
Total | 838 |
State | AOs visited |
NSW | 20 |
QLD | 16 |
VIC | 55 |
WA | 46 |
SA | 20 |
NT | 0 |
TAS | 8 |
TOTAL | 165 |
RE assurance visits
These visits provided registered establishments (Res) with an experience and accessible departmental presence, and are targeted at REs that employ industry AOs. During these visits, the RAM:
- discusses any upcoming policy or technical changes with the RE
- helps identify potential operational risks
- discusses any issues with managers of the RE.
Registered establishment assurance visit numbers are higher this quarter when compared to the previous quarter, COVID-19 travel restrictions are still making these visits very difficult to conduct over the phone. Many Res are not willing to spend an extended period of time on the phone, particularly with someone they are yet to meet face-to-face.
State | Visits |
NSW | 20 |
QLD | 21 |
VIC | 4 |
WA | 5 |
SA | 9 |
NT | 0 |
TAS | 0 |
Total | 59 |
AO post-assessment visits
These visits help newly appointed industry AOs build a relationship with their RAM and understand the requirements of their role. Visits generally occur in the first 3 months of an industry AOs appointment.
The number of people requesting assessment for AO job functions fell during this quarter and therefore, so did the number of post assessment visits required.
State | AOs visited |
NSW | 1 |
QLD | 2 |
VIC | 1 |
WA | 9 |
SA | 4 |
TAS | 0 |
TOTAL | 17 |
AO reappointment visits
These visits help maintain a productive working relationship between industry AOs and their RAMs, and ensure AOs receive technical support as needed, prior to their biennial reappointment. These visits should occur no more than 1 month before the AO’s reappointment. During these visits, both parties:
- discuss updates to plant export policy
- confirm whether the industry AO has kept up to date with relevant information, is getting the support they need from the department and their employer and understands how they fit within the plant exports chain.
The numbers for this quarter are higher than the previous quarter. Reappointment visit numbers will fluctuate from month to month as AOs become due for reappointment and therefore a reappointment visit.
State | AOs visited |
NSW | 31 |
QLD | 19 |
VIC | 46 |
WA | 20 |
SA | 25 |
NT | 0 |
TAS | 3 |
TOTAL | 144 |
RE assurance visits
These visits provided registered establishments (Res) with an experience and accessible departmental presence, and are targeted at REs that employ industry AOs. During these visits, the RAM:
- discusses any upcoming policy or technical changes with the RE
- helps identify potential operational risks
- discusses any issues with managers of the RE.
Registered establishment assurance visit numbers are higher this quarter when compared to the previous quarter, COVID-19 travel restrictions are still making these visits very difficult to conduct over the phone. Many Res are not willing to spend an extended period of time on the phone, particularly with someone they are yet to meet face-to-face.
State | Visits |
NSW | 13 |
QLD | 10 |
VIC | 5 |
WA | 4 |
SA | 7 |
NT | 6 |
TAS | 1 |
Total | 46 |
AO post-assessment visits
These visits help newly appointed industry AOs build a relationship with their RAM and understand the requirements of their role. Visits generally occur in the first 3 months of an industry AOs appointment.
The number of people requesting assessment for AO job functions fell during this quarter and therefore, so did the number of post assessment visits required
State | AOs visited |
NSW | 15 |
QLD | 7 |
VIC | 10 |
WA | 8 |
SA | 2 |
TAS | 1 |
TOTAL | 43 |
AO reappointment visits
These visits help maintain a productive working relationship between industry AOs and their RAMs, and ensure AOs receive technical support as needed, prior to their biennial reappointment. These visits should occur no more than 1 month before the AO’s reappointment. During these visits, both parties:
- discuss updates to plant export policy
- confirm whether the industry AO has kept up to date with relevant information, is getting the support they need from the department and their employer and understands how they fit within the plant exports chain.
Although the numbers for this quarter are lower than the previous quarter, this does not indicate a lesser result. Reappointment visit numbers will fluctuate from month to month as AOs become due for reappointment and therefore a reappointment visit.
State | AOs visited |
NSW | 50 |
QLD | 14 |
VIC | 21 |
WA | 18 |
SA | 11 |
NT | 2 |
TAS | 1 |
TOTAL | 117 |
RE assurance visits
These visits provided registered establishments (Res) with an experience and accessible departmental presence, and are targeted at REs that employ industry AOs. During these visits, the RAM:
- discusses any upcoming policy or technical changes with the RE
- helps identify potential operational risks
- discusses any issues with managers of the RE.
Registered establishment assurance visit numbers are lower this quarter when compared to the previous quarter. This is mainly due to COVID-19 travel restrictions as these visits are very difficult to conduct over the phone. Many REs have not been willing to spend an extended period of time on the phone, particularly with someone they are yet to meet face-to-face.
State | Visits | % with AOs |
NSW | 16 | 100% |
QLD | 16 | 100% |
VIC | 4 | 100% |
WA | 2 | 100% |
SA | 0 | N/A |
NT | 0 | N/A |
TAS | 0 | N/A |
AO post-assessment visits
The addition of 3 RAMs in January allowed us to complete 60% of the target post-assessment visits. This is an increase from the previous reporting period and includes any shortfall from the previous reporting period.
State | AOs visited |
NSW | 11 |
QLD | 11 |
VIC | 23 |
WA | 7 |
SA | 12 |
TAS | 7 |
TOTAL | 71 |
AO reappointment visits
On average, the RAMs were able to achieve just over 50% of the target reappointment visits, which is a slight decrease from the previous reporting period, but also includes the shortfall from that period. This quarter’s shortfall was not unexpected, owing to the RAMs implementing an additional two onsite visit types—export pathway and PEMS visits.
State | AOs visited |
NSW | 35 |
QLD | 21 |
VIC | 42 |
WA | 37 |
SA | 22 |
NT | 2 |
TAS | 3 |
TOTAL | 135 |
RE assurance visits
Of the 92 RE assurance visits undertaken, all were to REs that employ industry AOs.
State | Visits | % with AOs |
NSW | 23 | 100% |
QLD | 32 | 100% |
VIC | 11 | 100% |
WA | 13 | 100% |
SA | 6 | 100% |
NT | 2 | 100% |
TAS | 5 | 100% |
Authorised officer post-assessment visits
From July to December 2019, 3-6 RAMs achived 114 visits. As expected, the number of visits increased in this reporting period because 3 more RAMs were added to the network.
State | Actual visits |
NSW | 13 |
QLD | 13 |
VIC | 30 |
WA | 27 |
SA | 22 |
TAS | 9 |
TOTAL | 114 |
Authorised officer reappointment visits
The 3-6 RAMs achieved a total of 482 reappointment visits from July to December 2020. As expected, the number of visits increased in this reporting period because 3 more RAMs were added to the network.
State | Actual visits |
NSW | 78 |
QLD | 79 |
VIC | 134 |
WA | 109 |
SA | 69 |
TAS | 2 |
TOTAL | 482 |
Registered establishment assurance visits
Of the 149 RE assurance visits undertaken since July 2019, 94% were to REs that employ industry AOs.
State | Visits | % with REs |
NSW | 17 | 100% |
QLD | 14 | 100% |
VIC | 35 | 97% |
WA | 54 | 89% |
SA | 24 | 100% |
TAS | 5 | 60% |
Email rams@aff.gov.au