Departure | Export Licence Holder | Actions taken |
8 July 2018 - China | Phoenix Exports Pty Ltd (Phoenix) | The mortality rate for this consignment was 1.51 per cent (33 out of 2192 cattle exported) exceeding the reportable level of 1 per cent for cattle voyages of more than 10 days.
This incident has been investigated by the department. The findings suggest heat stress was the main cause of the mortalities.
The department required an independent observer be onboard the vessel for this voyage. The observer reported the cattle to be in good condition for export. The department suspended Phoenix’s ability to export to China, while they reviewed their processes and implemented effective corrective actions to prevent recurrence. Phoenix implemented additional processes around sourcing, preparation and onboard management of cattle to China and their suspension was lifted in November 2018. The investigation for this incident has been finalised and is expected to be published on the department’s website by the end of July 2019. Since their suspension was lifted, Phoenix has undertaken one voyage with cattle to China with no reportable incidents. |
22 August 2018 – Vietnam | Frontier International Northern Pty Ltd (FIN) | The mortality rate for this consignment was 1.23 per cent (6 out of 487 buffalo exported) exceeding the reportable level of 1 per cent for buffalo voyages of more than 10 days.
The findings of the investigation indicated pneumonia was the main cause of mortalities.
The exporter amended their management plan for the export of buffalo by sea to include further processes in regard to preparation and onboard management. The investigation for this incident is finalised and published on the department’s website. The department required an independent observer and an Australian Accredited Veterinarian be onboard the next voyage carrying buffalo. Subsequently, the next voyage took place and the observer reported the buffalo to be in good condition for export. Since the incident, FIN has undertaken three voyages with buffalo to Vietnam with no reportable incidents. |
6 October 2018 – Philippines | South East Asian Livestock Services Pty Ltd (SEALS) | The mortality rate for this consignment was 0.93 per cent (13 out of 1404 cattle exported) exceeding the reportable level of 0.5 per cent for cattle voyages of less than 10 days. The findings of the investigation indicated that the cause of mortalities was multifactorial, with the main cause being pneumonia. The investigation for this incident is finalised and published on the department’s website. Since the incident, SEALS has undertaken two voyages with cattle to the Philippines with no reportable incidents. |
16 December 2018 – Indonesia | South East Asian Livestock Services Pty Ltd (SEALS) | The mortality rate for this consignment was 1.30 per cent (3 out of 230 buffalo exported) exceeding the reportable level of 1 per cent for buffalo voyages of more than 10 days. This incident has been investigated by the department. The findings suggest lung disease was the main cause of the mortalities. The investigation for this incident is finalised and published on the department’s website. Since the incident, SEALS has undertaken no further voyages with buffalo. |