Cattle exported to Indonesia in November 2024
February 2025
Report 247: Independent Observer summary report on MV Greyman Express in November 2024 (PDF 552 KB)
Livestock: cattle
Vessel: MV Greyman Express
Loading date: November 2024
Vessel departure date: November 2024
Discharge location and dates: Indonesia, November 2024
Voyage length: 11 days
Independent Observer: Boarded at the port of loading and remained onboard until completion of discharge.
Voyage mortality rate: 0.027%. This is unlikely to be linked to any systemic failure by the exporter.
Notifiable mortality rate: 0.5%
This report summarises key observations of the implementation and effectiveness of exporter arrangements to ensure the health and welfare of livestock. The report has been approved by the observer who accompanied the voyage.
Exporter documentation
The observer reported no issues regarding exporter documentation.
Based on observations made during loading, the exporter arrangements relating to loading were appropriate and effective in managing livestock health and welfare.
The observer identified that:
- There were minor adjustments made to pen stocking on day 2 of the voyage. After reshuffling of livestock, the observer identified that all pens observed were consistent with the load plan and the Australian Standards for the Export of Livestock (ASEL) requirements. No adverse effects on animal welfare were observed as a result of this temporary overstocking.
Based on observations made during this voyage, the exporter arrangements relating to personnel were appropriate and effective in managing livestock health and welfare.
Daily routine
Based on observations made during this voyage, the exporter arrangements relating to daily routine were appropriate and effective in managing livestock health and welfare.
Feed and water
The observer identified that:
- The observer noted a faulty nose bowl in a pen on day 5, against ASEL standard 5.6.3. The observer notified the stockperson who, in turn, notified the Chief Officer. The issue was rectified within thirty minutes. As a result of early intervention, no adverse effects on animal health and welfare were observed. There were no further issues observed in relation to access to water for the remainder of the voyage.
In relation to roughage, the observer reported that:
- On days 1 and 2 of the voyage, cattle were not provided with roughage (chaff or hay) alongside pellets. The ASEL standard 5.3.7 requires that at least 1% of the required daily feed is chaff or hay. From day 3 until day 8, all cattle were provided roughage as chaff.
- Due to a delay of 2 days to secure berth at port, only cattle in the hospital pens were fed chaff from day 9 until discharge as there was no chaff remaining on board. No adverse effects on animal health were observed as a result of chaff not being fed on these days.
Based on observations made during this voyage, the exporter arrangements relating to ventilation were appropriate and effective in managing livestock health and welfare.
Pen conditions
Based on observations made during this voyage, the exporter arrangements relating to pen conditions were appropriate and effective in managing livestock health and welfare.
Health and welfare
Based on observations made during this voyage, the exporter arrangements for managing livestock health and welfare were appropriate.
Based on observations made during this voyage, the exporter arrangements relating to discharge were appropriate and effective in managing livestock health and welfare.