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2.1 Introduction2.2 Objectives2.3 Environment and Heritage assessment report2.4 Commonwealth responsibilities2.4.1 Obligations and assessments2.4.2 Impact assessment2.4.3 National Forest Policy Statement strategy to protect old-growth and wilderness values2.5 Managing environmental and heritage…
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Weekly Australian Climate,Water and Agricultural UpdateKey issuesIn the week ending 19 June 2024, rainfall was isolated to the southern and western parts of the country.Across cropping regions, falls of between 5 and 50 millimetres were observed in South Australia, central New South Wales, eastern…
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A comparison between seasonal workers and working holiday makers
Authors: Shiji Zhao, Bill Binks, Heleen Kruger, Charley Xia and Nyree Stenekes
Seasonal workers come from 10 participating nations in the Asia-Pacific region
Source: LMAP, Cardno
Labour shortages can challenge the…
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IMPORTANT—you can lodge your sweet potatoes return online.The sweet potatoes levy and charge was first introduced 1 March 1996. Sweet potatoes that are produced in Australia and sold by the producer, used in the production of other goods or that are exported will attract a levy or charge.…
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Weekly Australian Climate,Water and Agricultural UpdateKey issuesIn the week ending 14 August 2024 a series of low-pressure troughs and a low-pressure system and cold front brought rainfall totals of up to 200 millimetres to eastern Australia and up to 50 millimetres in south-west Western Australia…
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On 1 July 2022, we became the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.We are updating our website to reflect our changed role. If you are looking for information about the environment and water portfolio, you will now find it on the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment…
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The following external agencies and organisations can provide information about forestry in Australia.[expand all]National agencies and organisationsAustralian Government AgenciesDepartment of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources GPO Box 2013CANBERRA ACT 2601Tel: 02 6213 6000Fax:…
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Australia has world-leading livestock traceability systems and an ongoing reform agenda ensuring these systems not only continue to meet but surpass future needs. This is key to preserving our biosecurity and enhancing export trade.In September 2022, (Commonwealth, State and Territory)…
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2021–22 to 2023–24Recent farm performanceAn estimated 21% of Australian farm businesses are classified as broadacre cropping farms (18,000 farms), of which 9,300 were specialist cropping farms and a further 8,700 produced a mix of cropping and livestock ( see Methodology).Farm incomes for cropping…
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Invasive species are a key threat to Australia’s biodiversity. They are damaging to Australia’s unique ecosystems, as well as to the agriculture sector. The highest-risk exotic invasive species have been identified and compiled into the Australia’s Exotic Environmental Pest List (EEPL). The…
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