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Authors: Steve Hatfield-Dodds, Stefan Hajkowicz and Sandra Eady
Growth juggernaut: Three billion empowered consumers
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Fractal politics: Beware the dance of giants
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More from less: The permanent race for advantage
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Cascading planetary risks: Coming, ready…
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Treatments applied for biosecurity purposes are part of measures used in managing the risk of introduction of exotic pests and diseases. These treatments are only effective when conducted correctly.It is important that treatment providers in Australia (onshore) and other countries (offshore)…
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Opportunities for Australian agricultural producers
Authors: Jared Greenville, Heather McGilvray, and Kevin Burns
The challenge of reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a global one. As countries plan to meet this challenge, the emissions intensity of products will increasingly…
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Growing a Better Australia – A Billion Trees for Jobs and Growth PDF 3.1 MB
Please note: this Plan was published in 2018 by the then government.
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Australia has a proud…
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Indicator 3.1a: Scale and impact of agents and processes affecting forest health and vitality (2024)
This indicator identifies the scale and impact on forest health of a variety of processes and agents, both natural and human-induced. Through the regular collection of this information, significant changes to the health and vitality of forest ecosystems can be monitored and measured.This is the Key…
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Objectives of this research strategy
The objective of this research strategy is to guide the investments in climate change research for agriculture under Filling the Research Gap in order to:…
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The complete Executive summary from Australia's State of the Forests Report 2018 is available as an accessible PDF [8.3 MB], with the data available at Executive summary – Data.Australia’s State of the Forests Report 2018 is the fifth in a series of national five-yearly reports on Australia’s…
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Cooperation between the NSW Rural Fire Service and the Chinese State Forestry Administration to investigate forest fire management arrangements in fire prone…
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Cooperation between the NSW Rural Fire Service and the Chinese State Forestry Administration to investigate forest fire management arrangements in fire prone…
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