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As a summary of the work undertaken by the Expert Panel, outcomes of Steps A and B for New South Wales have been listed in Table 17. The table has been constructed so as to show the sieving approach that…
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This indicator monitors the investment in, and adoption of, new or improved technologies in forest management and in forest-based industries. It also quantifies the level of research and development. Significant investment in research, development and new technologies result in continual…
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As a summary of the work undertaken by the Expert Panel, outcomes of Steps A and B for Queensland have been listed in Table 18. The table has been constructed so as to show the sieving approach that the…
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Bioenergy currently contributes just 0.5 per cent to Australia’s total electricity supply, with energy generation from wood related waste and residues occurring on a very small scale. Research projects in this category sought to promote the development and deployment of sustainable…
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This indicator outlines the support that the legal system gives to the sustainable management of forests. A legal system that ensures transparency and public participation in policy and decision-making processes supports the continuous improvements in sustainable forest management.Key information…
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This information provides the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (the department) requirements for itinerant vessels with timber components and vessels being imported into Australia. This information is provided to ensure that the risk of introducing an…
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Detect and Protect
An Australian biosecurity podcast
Episode 1
Guests: Jeff Smith and Colleen Eiser
In this episode we talk to Jeff and Colleen about the biosecurity detector dogs. Learn about how the dogs are selected and trained, some of the interesting items they have intercepted and…
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Publication detailsDepartment of Agriculture and Water Resources, August 2018DownloadDocumentPagesFile sizeNSW and ACT biosecurity roundtable summary Report - 30 August 2018, PDF233 MBIf you have difficulty accessing this file, please visit web accessibility.Online contentThe 2018 NSW and ACT…
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All biosecurity requirements must be met before Imported Food Inspection Scheme requirements apply.Check our Biosecurity Import Conditions system (BICON) for biosecurity import conditions.We classify imported food that presents a potential medium or high risk to public health as risk food. All risk…
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Businesses exporting products containing wood and wood fibre from Australia are not directly affected by Australia’s illegal logging laws.Some of the countries we export wood and wood fibre products to have laws to help stop the trade of illegally logged timber.Importers in these countries need to…
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